Survey Methodology

Journals and periodicals: 12-001-X

Description: The journal publishes articles dealing with various aspects of statistical development relevant to a statistical agency, such as design issues in the context of practical constraints, use of different data sources and collection techniques, total survey error, survey evaluation, research in survey methodology, time series analysis, seasonal adjustment, demographic studies, data integration, estimation and data analysis methods, and general survey systems development. The emphasis is placed on the development and evaluation of specific methodologies as applied to data collection or the data themselves.
Frequency: Semi-annual
Available formats: HTML, PDF, Paper (discontinued)
TitlesRelease dateMore Information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 50, no. 1June 25, 2024
Authors’ response to comments on “Handling non-probability samples through inverse probability weighting with an application to Statistics Canada’s crowdsourcing data”: Some new developments on likelihood approaches to estimation of participation probabilities for non-probability samplesJune 25, 2024More information
Comments by Changbao Wu on “Handling non-probability samples through inverse probability weighting with an application to Statistics Canada’s crowdsourcing data”June 25, 2024More information
Comments by Julie Gershunskaya and Vladislav Beresovsky on “Handling non-probability samples through inverse probability weighting with an application to Statistics Canada’s crowdsourcing data”June 25, 2024More information
Handling non-probability samples through inverse probability weighting with an application to Statistics Canada’s crowdsourcing dataJune 25, 2024More information
Author’s response to comments on “Exchangeability assumption in propensity-score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non-probability samples”June 25, 2024More information
Comments by Takumi Saegusa on “Exchangeability assumption in propensity-score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non-probability samples”: Causal inference, non-probability sample, and finite populationJune 25, 2024More information
Comments by Jae Kwang Kim and Yonghyun Kwon on “Exchangeability assumption in propensity-score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non-probability samples”June 25, 2024More information
Exchangeability assumption in propensity-score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non-probability samplesJune 25, 2024More information
Authors’ response to comments on “Exploring the assumption that commercial online nonprobability survey respondents are answering in good faith”June 25, 2024More information
Comments by Aditi Sen on “Exploring the assumption that commercial online nonprobability survey respondents are answering in good faith”June 25, 2024More information
Comments by Michael R. Elliott on “Exploring the assumption that commercial online nonprobability survey respondents are answering in good faith”June 25, 2024More information
Comments by J. Michael Brick on “Exploring the assumption that commercial online nonprobability survey respondents are answering in good faith”June 25, 2024More information
Exploring the assumption that commercial online nonprobability survey respondents are answering in good faithJune 25, 2024More information
Preface to the special issue for papers presented at the 29th Morris Hansen Lecture on the use of nonprobability samplesJune 25, 2024More information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 49, no. 2January 3, 2024
Model-based stratification of payment populations in Medicare integrity investigationsJanuary 3, 2024More information
A method for estimating the effect of classification errors on statistics for two domainsJanuary 3, 2024More information
Small area prediction of general small area parameters for unit-level count dataJanuary 3, 2024More information
Bayesian small area models under inequality constraints with benchmarking and double shrinkageJanuary 3, 2024More information
Dealing with undercoverage for non-probability survey samplesJanuary 3, 2024More information
Sample designs and estimators for multimode surveys with face-to-face data collectionJanuary 3, 2024More information
Design-based conformal predictionJanuary 3, 2024More information
Constructing all determinantal sampling designsJanuary 3, 2024More information
QR prediction for statistical data integrationJanuary 3, 2024More information
Targetted double control of burden in multiple surveysJanuary 3, 2024More information
Statistical methods for sampling cross-classified populations under constraintsJanuary 3, 2024More information
Comments by Carl-Erik Särndal on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statistics”January 3, 2024More information
Comments by Camelia Goga and Anne Ruiz-Gazen on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statistics”: Jean-Claude Deville: Mathematics lover, high-flying researcher, and visionaryJanuary 3, 2024More information
Comments by Françoise Dupont on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statistics”January 3, 2024More information
Comments by Marc Christine on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statistics”January 3, 2024More information
Comments by Guillaume Chauvet on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statistics”January 3, 2024More information
Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and official statisticsJanuary 3, 2024More information
The missing information principle ‒ A paradigm for analysis of messy sample survey dataJanuary 3, 2024More information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 49, no. 1June 30, 2023
One-sided testing of population domain means in surveysJune 30, 2023More information
Survey data integration for regression analysis using model calibrationJune 30, 2023More information
Combining data from surveys and related sourcesJune 30, 2023More information
Official Statistics based on the Dutch Health Survey during the Covid-19 PandemicJune 30, 2023More information
Comments by Jae Kwang Kim and HaiYing Wang on “Statistical disclosure control and developments in formal privacy: In memoriam to Chris Skinner”: A note on weight smoothing in survey samplingJune 30, 2023More information
Comments by J.N.K. Rao on “Statistical disclosure control and developments in formal privacy: In memoriam to Chris Skinner”June 30, 2023More information
Statistical disclosure control and developments in formal privacy: In memoriam to Chris SkinnerJune 30, 2023More information
Tribute to Chris Skinner, a colleague and friendJune 30, 2023More information
Sampling with adaptive drawing probabilitiesJune 30, 2023More information
Modelling time change in survey response rates: A Bayesian approach with an application to the Dutch Health SurveyJune 30, 2023More information
An extension of the weight share method when using a continuous sampling frameJune 30, 2023More information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 48, no. 2December 15, 2022
Bayes, buttressed by design-based ideas, is the best overarching paradigm for sample survey inferenceDecember 15, 2022More information
Statistical inference with non-probability survey samplesDecember 15, 2022More information
Comments by Michael A. Bailey on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples” – Non-probability samples: An assessment and way forwardDecember 15, 2022More information
Comments by Michael R. Elliott on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples”December 15, 2022More information
Comments by Sharon L. Lohr on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples”December 15, 2022More information
Comments by Xiao-Li Meng on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples” – Miniaturizing data defect correlation: A versatile strategy for handling non-probability samplesDecember 15, 2022More information
Comments by Zhonglei Wang and Jae Kwang Kim on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples”December 15, 2022More information
Author’s response to comments on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples”December 15, 2022More information
Are deep learning models superior for missing data imputation in surveys? Evidence from an empirical comparisonDecember 15, 2022More information
Multilevel time series modelling of antenatal care coverage in Bangladesh at disaggregated administrative levelsDecember 15, 2022More information
Optimal linear estimation in two-phase samplingDecember 15, 2022More information
Bayesian spatial models for estimating means of sampled and non-sampled small areasDecember 15, 2022More information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 48, no. 1June 21, 2022
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristicsJune 21, 2022More information
Bayesian inference for a variance component model using pairwise composite likelihood with survey dataJune 21, 2022More information
Relative performance of methods based on model-assisted survey regression estimation: A simulation studyJune 21, 2022More information
Bayesian inference for multinomial data from small areas incorporating uncertainty about order restrictionJune 21, 2022More information
The anchoring method: Estimation of interviewer effects in the absence of interpenetrated sample assignmentJune 21, 2022More information
Non-response follow-up for business surveysJune 21, 2022More information
Maximum entropy classification for record linkageJune 21, 2022More information
Using Multiple Imputation of Latent Classes to construct population census tables with data from multiple sourcesJune 21, 2022More information
A generalization of inverse probability weightingJune 21, 2022More information
A simulated annealing algorithm for joint stratification and sample allocationJune 21, 2022More information
Survey Methodology, Vol. 47, no. 2January 6, 2022
Two local diagnostics to evaluate the efficiency of the empirical best predictor under the Fay-Herriot modelJanuary 6, 2022More information
Estimating the false negatives due to blocking in record linkageJanuary 6, 2022More information
An alternative jackknife variance estimator when calibrating weights to adjust for unit nonresponse in a complex surveyJanuary 6, 2022More information
Assessing the coverage of confidence intervals under nonresponse. A case study on income mean and quantiles in some municipalities from the 2015 Mexican Intercensal SurveyJanuary 6, 2022More information
With-replacement bootstrap variance estimation for household surveys Principles, examples and implementationJanuary 6, 2022More information
Replication variance estimation after sample-based calibrationJanuary 6, 2022More information
Small area estimation using Fay-Herriot area level model with sampling variance smoothing and modelingJanuary 6, 2022More information
Multiple-frame surveys for a multiple-data-source worldJanuary 6, 2022More information
Survey Methodology, June 2021, Vol. 47, no. 1June 24, 2021
Bayesian predictive inference of small area proportions under selection biasJune 24, 2021More information
A method to find an efficient and robust sampling strategy under model uncertaintyJune 24, 2021More information
Sample empirical likelihood approach under complex survey design with scrambled responsesJune 24, 2021More information
Integration of data from probability surveys and big found data for finite population inference using mass imputationJune 24, 2021More information
Bayesian pooling for analyzing categorical data from small areasJune 24, 2021More information
Science and survey managementJune 24, 2021More information
Small area benchmarked estimation under the basic unit level model when the sampling rates are non-negligibleJune 24, 2021More information
Estimation of domain discontinuities using Hierarchical Bayesian Fay-Herriot modelsJune 24, 2021More information
A note on multiply robust predictive mean matching imputation with complex survey dataJune 24, 2021More information
Survey Methodology, December 2020, Vol. 46, no. 2December 15, 2020
Probability-proportional-to-size ranked-set sampling from stratified populationsDecember 15, 2020More information
Estimation and inference of domain means subject to qualitative constraintsDecember 15, 2020More information
Bayesian hierarchical weighting adjustment and survey inferenceDecember 15, 2020More information
Firth’s penalized likelihood for proportional hazards regressions for complex surveysDecember 15, 2020More information
Semi-automated classification for multi-label open-ended questionsDecember 15, 2020More information
Survey Methodology, June 2020, Vol. 46, no. 1June 30, 2020
Are probability surveys bound to disappear for the production of official statistics?June 30, 2020More information
Local polynomial estimation for a small area mean under informative samplingJune 30, 2020More information
Model-assisted sample design is minimax for model-based predictionJune 30, 2020More information
Small area estimation methods under cut-off samplingJune 30, 2020More information
Considering interviewer and design effects when planning sample sizesJune 30, 2020More information
A new double hot-deck imputation method for missing values under boundary conditionsJune 30, 2020More information
Survey Methodology, December 2019, Vol. 45, no. 3December 17, 2019
Robust variance estimators for generalized regression estimators in cluster samplesDecember 17, 2019More information
A note on propensity score weighting method using paradata in survey samplingDecember 17, 2019More information
On a new estimator for the variance of the ratio estimator with small sample correctionsDecember 17, 2019More information
Cost optimal sampling for the integrated observation of different populationsDecember 17, 2019More information
Estimation of level and change for unemployment using structural time series modelsDecember 17, 2019More information
"Optimal" calibration weights under unit nonresponse in survey samplingDecember 17, 2019More information
A grouping genetic algorithm for joint stratification and sample allocation designsDecember 17, 2019More information
A method to correct for frame membership error in dual frame estimatorsDecember 17, 2019More information
Suggestion of confidence interval methods for the Cronbach alpha in application to complex survey dataDecember 17, 2019More information
On combining independent probability samples - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Bayesian benchmarking of the Fay-Herriot model using random deletion - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Survey Methodology, June 2019, Vol. 45, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019
Semiparametric quantile regression imputation for a complex survey with application to the Conservation Effects Assessment Project - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
A bivariate hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating cropland cash rental rates at the county level - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Multiple imputation of missing values in household data with structural zeros - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
An optimisation algorithm applied to the one-dimensional stratification problem - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
An alternative way of estimating a cumulative logistic model with complex survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
An assessment of accuracy improvement by adaptive survey design - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Estimation of response propensities and indicators of representative response using population-level information - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Conditional calibration and the sage statistician - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2019More information
Survey Methodology, 2019, Vol. 45, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019
Bayesian small area demography - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Empirical likelihood inference for missing survey data under unequal probability sampling - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
My chancy life as a Statistician - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Weighted censored quantile regression - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Measurement error in small area estimation: Functional versus structural versus naïve models - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Small area estimation of survey weighted counts under aggregated level spatial model - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Improved Horvitz-Thompson estimator in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Small area quantile estimation via spline regression and empirical likelihood - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Development of a small area estimation system at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDMay 7, 2019More information
Survey Methodology, December 2018, Vol. 44, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018
Variance estimation under monotone non-response for a panel survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Coordination of spatially balanced samples - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Using balanced sampling in creel surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Sample-based estimation of mean electricity consumption curves for small domains - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Small area estimation for unemployment using latent Markov models - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
How to decompose the non-response variance: A total survey error approach - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Measuring uncertainty associated with model-based small area estimators - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Optimizing a mixed allocation - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Criteria for choosing between calibration weighting and survey weighting - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Comparison of the conditional bias and Kokic and Bell methods for Poisson and stratified sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2018More information
Survey Methodology, June 2018, Vol. 44, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018
Model based inference using ranked set samples - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Linearization versus bootstrap for variance estimation of the change between Gini indexes - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Growth Rates Preservation (GRP) temporal benchmarking: Drawbacks and alternative solutions - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Investigating alternative estimators for the prevalence of serious mental illness based on a two-phase sample - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Strategies for subsampling nonrespondents for economic programs - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Robust Bayesian small area estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Model-assisted calibration of non-probability sample survey data using adaptive LASSO - ARCHIVEDJune 21, 2018More information
Survey Methodology, December 2017, Vol. 43, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017
Social media as a data source for official statistics; the Dutch Consumer Confidence Index - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
A note on Wilson coverage intervals for proportions estimated from complex samples - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Decomposition of gender wage inequalities through calibration: Application to the Swiss structure of earnings survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Sample survey theory and methods: Past, present, and future directions - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Comments on the Rao and Fuller (2017) paper by Danny Pfeffermann - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Comments on the Rao and Fuller (2017) paper by Graham Kalton - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Comments on the Rao and Fuller (2017) paper by Sharon L. Lohr - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Comments on the Rao and Fuller (2017) paper by Chris Skinner - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2017More information
Survey Methodology, June 2017, Vol. 43, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017
Sample allocation for efficient model-based small area estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
A layered perturbation method for the protection of tabular outputs - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
State space time series modelling of the Dutch Labour Force Survey: Model selection and mean squared errors estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
A mixed latent class Markov approach for estimating labour market mobility with multiple indicators and retrospective interrogation - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
Bayesian predictive inference of a proportion under a two-fold small area model with heterogeneous correlations - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
Variance estimation in multi-phase calibration - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
The promise and challenge of pushing respondents to the Web in mixed-mode surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2017More information
Survey Methodology, December 2016, Vol. 42, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016
Unequal probability inverse sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
A few remarks on a small example by Jean-Claude Deville regarding non-ignorable non-response - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
A note on the concept of invariance in two-phase sampling designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
Reducing the response imbalance: Is the accuracy of the survey estimates improved? - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
Statistical inference based on judgment post-stratified samples in finite population - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
A cautionary note on Clark Winsorization - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
Tests for evaluating nonresponse bias in surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
Adaptive rectangular sampling: An easy, incomplete, neighbourhood-free adaptive cluster sampling design - ARCHIVEDDecember 20, 2016More information
Survey Methodology, June 2016, Vol. 42, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016
A generalized Fellegi-Holt paradigm for automatic error localization - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Statistical matching using fractional imputation - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Comparison of unit level and area level small area estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
A comparison between nonparametric estimators for finite population distribution functions - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Comparison of some positive variance estimators for the Fay-Herriot small area model - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
A note on regression estimation with unknown population size - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Register-based sampling for household panels - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
A short note on quantile and expectile estimation in unequal probability samples - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Nonresponse adjustments with misspecified models in stratified designs - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2016More information
Survey Methodology, December 2015, Vol. 41, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015
Domain sample allocation within primary sampling units in designing domain-level equal probability selection methods - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Model-assisted optimal allocation for planned domains using composite estimation - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Dealing with small sample sizes, rotation group bias and discontinuities in a rotating panel design - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
A design effect measure for calibration weighting in single-stage samples - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Optimum allocation for a dual-frame telephone survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Combining link-tracing sampling and cluster sampling to estimate the size of a hidden population in presence of heterogeneous link-probabilities - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Model-based small area estimation under informative sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Integer programming formulations applied to optimal allocation in stratified sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Adaptive survey designs to minimize survey mode effects – a case study on the Dutch Labor Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 17, 2015More information
Survey Methodology, June 2015, Vol. 41, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015
Generalized framework for defining the optimal inclusion probabilities of one-stage sampling designs for multivariate and multi-domain surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Small area estimation combining information from several sources - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Measuring temporary employment. Do survey or register data tell the truth? - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Modified regression estimator for repeated business surveys with changing survey frames - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Small area estimation under a Fay-Herriot model with preliminary testing for the presence of random area effects - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
The relevance of follow ups in data collection for the Quality Assurance system of the Portuguese Population and Housing Census - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
One step or two? Calibration weighting from a complete list frame with nonresponse - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Dealing with non-ignorable nonresponse in survey sampling: A latent modeling approach - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
An efficient estimation method for matrix survey sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Exploring recursion for optimal estimators under cascade rotation - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Optimal adjustments for inconsistency in imputed data - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
A method of determining the winsorization threshold, with an application to domain estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Observed best prediction via nested-error regression with potentially misspecified mean and variance - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2015More information
Survey Methodology, December 2014, Vol. 40, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014
Combining information from multiple complex surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Estimation methods on multiple sampling frames in two-stage sample designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Fractional hot deck imputation for robust inference under item nonresponse in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for comparing interviewer variance components in two groups of survey interviewers - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Chi-squared tests in dual frame surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
On aligned composite estimates from overlapping samples for growth rates and totals - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Potential gains from using unit level cost information in a model-assisted framework - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
The estimation of gross flows in complex surveys with random nonresponse - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Bagging non-differentiable estimators in complex surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Optimal solutions in controlled selection problems with two-way stratification - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
From multiple modes for surveys to multiple data sources for estimates - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2014More information
Survey Methodology, June 2014, Vol. 40, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014
Bayes linear estimation for finite population with emphasis on categorical data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Variance Estimation Using Linearization for Poverty and Social Exclusion Indicators - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
The influence of sampling method and interviewers on sample realization in the European Social Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Bayesian multiple imputation for large-scale categorical data with structural zeros - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
A nonparametric method to generate synthetic populations to adjust for complex sampling design features - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Theoretical and empirical properties of model assisted decision-based regression estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Using successive difference replication for estimating variances - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Hierarchical Bayes Modeling of Survey-Weighted Small Area Proportions - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2014More information
Survey Methodology, December 2013, Vol. 39, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014
Estimation and replicate variance estimation of deciles for complex survey data from positively skewed populations - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
An appraisal-based generalized regression estimator of house price change - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Design-based analysis of factorial designs embedded in probability samples - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Pseudo-likelihood-based Bayesian information criterion for variable selection in survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Three controversies in the history of survey sampling - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Joint determination of optimal stratification and sample allocation using genetic algorithm - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Does the first impression count? Examining the effect of the welcome screen design on the response rate - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
A weighted composite likelihood approach to inference for two-level models from survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Comparison of different sample designs and construction of confidence bands to estimate the mean of functional data: An illustration on electricity consumption - ARCHIVEDJanuary 15, 2014More information
Survey Methodology, June 2013, Vol. 39, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2013
Objective stepwise Bayes weights in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Optimizing quality of response through adaptive survey designs - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Automatic editing with hard and soft edits - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Sparse and efficient replication variance estimation for complex surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Estimation of the variance of cross-sectional indicators for the SILC survey in Switzerland - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Combining cohorts in longitudinal surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Indirect sampling applied to skewed populations - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
On the performance of self benchmarked small area estimators under the Fay-Herriot area level model - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Conservative variance estimation for sampling designs with zero pairwise inclusion probabilities - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2013More information
Survey Methodology, December 2012, Vol. 38, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012
Survey Quality - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Data collection: Experiences and lessons learned by asking sensitive questions in a remote coca growing region in Peru - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Imputation for nonmonotone nonresponse in the survey of industrial research and development - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Some theory for propensity-score-adjustment estimators in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Assessing the accuracy of response propensity models in longitudinal studies - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Confidence interval estimation of small area parameters shrinking both means and variances - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Condition indexes and variance decompositions for diagnosing collinearity in linear model analysis of survey data - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Bayesian inference for finite population quantiles from unequal probability samples - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Multiple imputation with census data - ARCHIVEDDecember 19, 2012More information
Survey Methodology, June 2012, Vol. 38, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012
A statistical approach to detect interviewer falsification of survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
The application of graph theory to the development and testing of survey instruments - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
On sample allocation for efficient domain estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Calibration alternatives to poststratification for doubly classified data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
On variances of changes estimated from rotating panels and dynamic strata - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Variance inflation factors in the analysis of complex survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Estimating agreement coefficients from sample survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Combining synthetic data with subsampling to create public use microdata files for large scale surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
A hierarchical Bayesian nonresponse model for two-way categorical data from small areas with uncertainty about ignorability - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Why one should incorporate the design weights when adjusting for unit nonresponse using response homogeneity groups - ARCHIVEDJune 27, 2012More information
Survey Methodology, December 2011, Vol. 37, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011
Modelling of complex survey data: Why model? Why is it a problem? How can we approach it? - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
A Bayesian analysis of small area probabilities under a constraint - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
On bias-robust mean squared error estimation for pseudo-linear small area estimators - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Variance estimation under composite imputation: The methodology behind SEVANI - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Alternative demographic sample designs being explored at the U.S. Census Bureau - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Adaptive network and spatial sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Alternative survey sample designs: Sampling with multiple overlapping frames - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Ten years of balanced sampling with the cube method: An appraisal - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Innovations in survey sampling design: Discussion of three contributions presented at the U.S. Census Bureau - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2011More information
Survey Methodology, June 2011, Vol. 37, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011
Nonsampling errors in dual frame telephone surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Maximum likelihood estimation for contingency tables and logistic regression with incorrectly linked data - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Hierarchical Bayes small area estimation under a spatial model with application to health survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Small area estimation under transformation to linearity - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
The construction of stratified designs in R with the package stratification - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Replication variance estimation under two-phase sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Cost efficiency of repeated cluster surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
On the efficiency of randomized probability proportional to size sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
The use of estimating equations to perform a calibration on complex parameters - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2011More information
Survey Methodology, December 2010, Vol. 36, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010
The organisation of statistical methodology and methodological research in national statistical offices - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Design for estimation: Identifying auxiliary vectors to reduce nonresponse bias - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Calibration estimation using exponential tilting in sample surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Comparison of survey regression techniques in the context of small area estimation of poverty - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Small area estimation of the number of firms' recruits by using multivariate models for count data - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Linearization variance estimation for generalized raking estimators in the presence of nonresponse - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Linearization variance estimators for model parameters from complex survey data - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Statistical foundations of cell-phone surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Collecting data for poverty and vulnerability assessment in remote areas in Sub-Saharan Africa - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Respondent differences and length of data collection in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
An interesting property of the entropy of some sampling designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2010More information
Survey Methodology, June 2010, Vol. 36, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010
Evaluating within household selection rules under a multi-stage design - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Fence method for nonparametric small area estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
The multidimensional integral business survey response model - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
The effect of nonresponse adjustments on variance estimation - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Some contributions to jackknifing two-phase sampling estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Gross flow estimation in dual frame surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
A comparison of sample set restriction procedures - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Bayesian penalized spline model-based inference for finite population proportion in unequal probability sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
A comparison of variance estimators for poststratification to estimated control totals - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Examining survey participation and response quality: The significance of topic salience and incentives - ARCHIVEDJune 29, 2010More information
Survey Methodology, December 2009, Vol. 35, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009
Methods for oversampling rare subpopulations in social surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
A standardization of randomized response strategies - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Treatments for link nonresponse in indirect sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Nonparametric propensity weighting for survey nonresponse through local polynomial regression - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Estimation of the monthly unemployment rate through structural time series modelling in a rotating panel design - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Estimates for small area compositions subjected to informative missing data - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Small area population prediction via hierarchical models - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Variance estimation in the presence of nonrespondents and certainty strata - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Rescaled bootstrap for stratified multistage sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Use of within-primary-sample-unit variances to assess the stability of a standard design-based variance estimator - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Semiparametric regression model for complex survey data - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
In this issue (Vol. 35, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2009More information
Survey Methodology, June 2009, Vol. 35, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009
A new face on two-phase sampling with calibration estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Survey weighted hat matrix and leverages - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
A practical bootstrap method for testing hypotheses from survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Bayesian methods for an incomplete two-way contingency table with application to the Ohio (Buckeye State) Polls - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Hierarchical and empirical Bayes small domain estimation of the proportion of persons without health insurance for minority subpopulations - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
A nonparametric test for residual seasonality - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
On the definition and interpretation of interviewer variability for a complex sampling design - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Indicators for the representativeness of survey response - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Stratified balanced sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
In this issue (Vol. 35, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJune 22, 2009More information
Survey Methodology, December 2008, Vol. 34, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008
International surveys: Motives and methodologies - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Using behavior coding to evaluate the effectiveness of dependent interviewing - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Imputation for nonmonotone last-value-dependent nonrespondents in longitudinal surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Adaptive calibration for prediction of finite population totals - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Variance estimation of changes in repeated surveys and its application to the Swiss survey of value added - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Primary sampling unit (PSU) masking and variance estimation in complex surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
A tree-based approach to forming strata in multipurpose business surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Determining the optimum strata boundary points using dynamic programming - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Multi-objective optimisation for optimum allocation in multivariate stratified sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
A balanced sampling approach for multi-way stratification designs for small area estimation - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Small area estimation under a two-part random effects model with application to estimation of literacy in developing countries - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
In this issue (Vol. 34, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDDecember 23, 2008More information
Survey Methodology, June 2008, Vol. 34, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008
A Bayesian allocation of undecided voters - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Respondent incentives in a multi-mode panel survey: Cumulative effects on nonresponse and bias - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Generalized regression estimators of a finite population total using the Box-Cox technique - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
A noninformative Bayesian approach to finite population sampling using auxiliary variables - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Small area estimation under a two-level model - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Simulation-based randomized systematic PPS sampling under substitution of units - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
An integrated modeling approach to unemployment rate estimation for sub-provincial areas of Canada - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Optimal sample allocation for design-consistent regression in a cancer services survey when design variables are known for aggregates - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
The BACON-EEM algorithm for multivariate outlier detection in incomplete survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Balancing sample design goals for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Small area estimation under a restriction - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
In this issue (Vol. 34, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Survey Methodology, December 2007, Vol. 33, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008
The calibration approach in survey theory and practice - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Weighting for two-phase surveyed data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Weighting in rotating samples: The SILC survey in France - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Cell collapsing in poststratification - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
A single frame multiplicity estimator for multiple frame surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Variance estimation for a ratio in the presence of imputed data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Efficient bootstrap for business surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Bayesian estimation in small areas when the sampling design strata differ from the study domains - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Small area estimation of average household income based on unit level models for panel data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Estimation of the coverage of the 2000 census of population in Switzerland: Methods and results - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Use of a web-based convenience sample to supplement a probability sample - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
In this issue (Vol. 33, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDJanuary 3, 2008More information
Survey Methodology, June 2007, Vol. 33, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007
Variance estimation in the analysis of clustered longitudinal survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Modelling durations of multiple spells from longitudinal survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Bayesian weight trimming for generalized linear regression models - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Semiparametric model-assisted estimation for natural resource surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Ex post weighting of price data to estimate depreciation rates - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Person-level and household-level regression estimation in household surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Mean - Adjusted bootstrap for two - Phase sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
On standard errors of model-based small-area estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Handling survey nonresponse in cluster sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
On an optimal controlled nearest proportional to size sampling scheme - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
In this issue (Vol. 33, no.1) - ARCHIVEDJune 28, 2007More information
Survey Methodology, December 2006, Vol. 32, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006
Population-based case control studies - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Using calibration weighting to adjust for nonresponse and coverage errors - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
The importance of modeling the sampling design in multiple imputation for missing data - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Bernoulli bootstrap for stratified multistage sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Geometric versus optimization approach to stratification: A comparison of efficiency - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Indirect sampling: The foundations of the generalized weight share method - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Extension of the indirect sampling method and its application to tourism - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Combining link-tracing sampling and cluster sampling to estimate the size of hidden populations: A bayesian-assisted approach - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
On sample survey designs for consumer price indexes - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
An evaluation of matrix sampling methods using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
In this issue (Vol. 32, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDDecember 21, 2006More information
Survey Methodology, June 2006, Vol. 32, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006
On calibration estimation for quantiles - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Design effects for multiple design samples - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
A nonresponse model approach to inference under imputation for missing survey data - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
A cost-effective strategy for provincial unemployment estimation: A small area approach - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Sample size calculation for small-area estimation - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Using missing data methods to correct for measurement error in a distribution function - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
The 2006 reverse record check sample allocation - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Targeted random walk designs - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Small area estimation using area level models and estimated sampling variances - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
A model for estimating and imputing nonrespondent census households under sampling for nonresponse follow-up - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
In this issue (Vol. 32, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJuly 20, 2006More information
Survey Methodology, December 2005, Vol. 31, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006
Interplay between sample survey theory and practice: An appraisal - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Hot deck imputation for the response model - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Variance estimation with hot deck imputation: A simulation study of three methods - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Does weighting for nonresponse increase the variance of survey means? - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Modeling and estimation methods for household size in the presence of nonignorable nonresponse applied to the Norwegian Consumer Expenditure Survey - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Bayesian analysis of nonignorable missing categorical data: An application to bone mineral density and family income - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
On the use of data collection process information for the treatment of unit nonresponse through weight adjustment - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
On the correlation structure of sample units - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Algorithms and R codes for the pseudo empirical likelihood method in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Variance-covariance functions for domain means of ordinal survey items - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Spatio-temporal models in small area estimation - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
In this issue (Vol. 31, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDFebruary 17, 2006More information
Survey Methodology, June 2005, Vol. 31, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005
The effect of record linkage errors on risk estimates in cohort mortality studies - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Analysis of experiments embedded in complex sampling designs - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
A case study in record linkage - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Domain estimators for the item count technique - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Editing systematic unity measure errors through mixture modelling - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Using matched substitutes to improve imputations for geographically linked databases - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Hierarchical Bayesian nonignorable nonresponse regression models for small areas: An application to the NHANES data - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Towards nonnegative regression weights for survey samples - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
An optimal calibration distance leading to the optimal regression estimator - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Approximations to b* in the prediction of design effects due to clustering - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
A note on the C_P statistic under the nested error regression model - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
In this issue (Vol. 31, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJuly 21, 2005More information
Survey Methodology, December 2004, Vol. 30, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005
An analysis of classification error for the revised Current Population Survey Employment questions - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
A new algorithm for the construction of stratum boundaries in skewed populations - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Application of quality control in ICR data capture: 2001 Canadian Census of Agriculture - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Design effects for the weighted mean and total estimators under complex survey sampling - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Robust generalized regression estimation - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Penalized spline nonparametric mixed models for inference about a finite population mean from two-stage samples - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Simultaneous use of multiple imputation for missing data and disclosure limitation - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Feeding back information on ineligibility from sample surveys to the frame - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
A finite population estimation study with Bayesian neural networks - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
In this issue (Vol. 30, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDFebruary 3, 2005More information
Survey Methodology, June 2004, Vol. 30, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004
Understanding the question - Answer process - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Linearization variance estimators for survey data - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Weighting sample data subject to independent controls - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Properties of the weighting cell estimator under a nonparametric response mechanism - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Variance estimation with Hot Deck imputation using a model - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Domain estimation using linear regression - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Prediction of finite population totals based on the sample distribution - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Weighted estimation in multilevel ordinal and binary models in the presence of informative sampling designs - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Longitudinal analysis of Labour Force Survey data - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Contact and cooperation in the Belgian Fertility and Family Survey - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
In this issue (Vol. 30, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJuly 14, 2004More information
Survey Methodology, December 2003, Vol. 29, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004
Handling missing data in the 2000 Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation Survey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
The high entropy variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Estimation with link: Tracing sampling designs: A Bayesian approach - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Coverage error in population censuses: The case of Turkey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
A hierarchical model for the analysis of local census undercount in Italy - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
The accuracy and coverage evaluation: Theory and design - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Estimation of a measure of disclosure risk for survey microdata under unequal probability sampling - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Inference for partially synthetic, public use microdata sets - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Undoing complex survey data structures : Some theory and applications of inverse sampling - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
In this issue (Vol. 29, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDJanuary 27, 2004More information
Survey Methodology, June 2003, Vol. 29, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003
Methodological issues in the development and use of statistical indicators for International comparisons - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
A noninformative Bayesian approach to small area estimation - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Model-based unemployment rate estimation for the Canadian Labour Force Survey: A hierarchical Bayes approach - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
The effect of model choice in estimation for domains, including small domains - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Adjustment of unemployment estimates based on small area estimation in Korea - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Conditional and unconditional analysis of some small area estimators in complex sampling - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Solving the error localization problem by means of vertex generation - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Inference for population means under unweighted imputation for missing survey data - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Minimum risk, fixed cost sampling designs for independent Poisson processes - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Note on calibration in stratified and double sampling - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Evaluating the fundamentals of a small domain estimator - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
In this issue (Vol. 29, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 2003More information
Survey Methodology, December 2002, Vol. 28, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003
Strategies and approaches for small area statistics - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
The importance of a quality culture - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Model explicit item imputation for demographic categories - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
A hierarchical Bayesian nonignorable nonresponse model for multinomial data from small areas - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Assessing the bias associated with alternative contact strategies in telephone time-use surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Design effects of sampling frames in establishments surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
A generalization of the Lavallée and Hidiroglou algorithm for stratification in business Surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Multi-way stratification by linear programming made practical - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
On the use of generalized inverse matrices in sampling theory - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
In this issue (Vol. 28, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Bias reduction in standard errors for linear regression with multi-stage samples - ARCHIVEDJanuary 29, 2003More information
Survey Methodology, June 2002, Vol. 28, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002
Leslie Kish's impact on survey statistics - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Regression estimation for survey samples - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Still rolling: Leslie Kish's rolling samples and the American Community Survey - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Redesign of the French Census of Population - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Benchmarking parameter estimates in logit models of binary choice and semiparametric survival models - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Improved ratio estimation in telephone surveys adjusting for noncoverage - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Unbiased estimation by calibration on distribution in simple sampling designs without replacement - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Variance estimation for the Current Employment Survey - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Implementing Rao-Shao type variance estimation with replicate weights - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Variance estimation for the general regression estimator - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
New paradigms (models) for probability sampling - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
In this issue (Vol. 28, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Survey Methodology, December 2001, Vol. 27, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002
Using propensity scores to control coverage bias in telephone surveys - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
The effect of intensity of effort to reach survey respondents: A Toronto smoking survey - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Double sampling - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Estimation using the generalised weight share method: The case of record linkage - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Cross-sectional estimation in multiple-panel household surveys - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Producing small area estimates from national surveys: Methods for minimizing use of indirect estimators - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
A repeated half-sample bootstrap and balanced repeated replications for randomly imputed data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Local polynomial regression in complex surveys - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Modelling compositional time series from repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
In this issue (Vol. 27, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2002More information
Survey Methodology, June 2001, Vol. 27, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001
Telesurvey methodologies for household surveys: A review and some thoughts for the future - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Regression composite estimation for the Canadian Labour Force Survey with a rotating panel design - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
A regression composite estimator with application to the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Comparison of alternative Labour Force Survey estimators - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Regression composite estimation for the Canadian Labour Force Survey: Evaluation and implementation - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Variance estimation after imputation - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
A multivariate technique for multiply imputing missing values using a sequence of regression models - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
A better understanding of weight transformation through a measure of change - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Sampling and weighting a survey of homeless persons: A French example - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
In this issue (Vol. 27, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDAugust 22, 2001More information
Survey Methodology, December 2000, Vol. 26, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001
In this issue (Vol. 26, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Leslie Kish - A life of giving - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Population size and total estimation when sampling from incomplete list frames with heterogeneous inclusion probabilities - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
An estimation method for nonignorable nonresponse - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
An approximate design effect for unequal weighting when measurements may correlate with selection probabilities - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
On the validity of Markov latent class analysis for estimating classification error in labor force data - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Estimation and replicate variance estimation of median sales prices of sold houses - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
The impact of different rotation patterns on the sampling variance of seasonally adjusted and trend estimates - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Hierarchical Bayes estimation of small area means using multi-level models - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Double sampling for ratio and regression estimation with sub-sampling the non-respondents - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Modeling interviewer effects in panel surveys: An application - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Screen designs and question order in a CAI instrument: Results from a usability field experiment - ARCHIVEDFebruary 28, 2001More information
Survey Methodology, June 2000, Vol. 26, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000
In this issue (Vol. 26, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Developments in survey research in the past 25 years - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Survey sampling theory over the twentieth century and its relation to computing technology - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
The past is prologue - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Estimation of census adjustment factors - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Census coverage error: A demographic evaluation - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Multilevel modelling of complex survey longitudinal data with time varying random effects - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
A conditional mean squared error of small area estimators - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Cold deck and ratio imputation - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Model-based estimation with link-tracing sampling designs - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Calibration and restricted weights - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
A cautionary note on adjusting weights for nonresponse - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Local unconditional best linear unbiased estimators: Applications to survey sampling - ARCHIVEDAugust 30, 2000More information
Survey Methodology, December 1999, Vol. 25, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000
In this issue (Vol. 25, no. 2) - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Survey methodology: The first 25 years - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Statistical services: Preparing for the future - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Cumulating/Combining Population Surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Managing data quality in a statistical agency - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Administrative records and census taking - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
A new look at confidence intervals in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Some recent advances in model-based small area estimation - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Population based establishment sample surveys: The Horvitz-Thompson Estimator - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators: Linearization and residual techniques - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Cosmetic calibration with unequal probability sampling - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
The use of auxiliary information in design-based estimation for domains - ARCHIVEDMarch 1, 2000More information
Survey Methodology, June 1999, Vol. 25, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999
In this issue (Vol. 25, no. 1) - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Poisson mixture sampling: A family of designs for coordinated selection using permanent random numbers - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Toward variances for X-11 seasonal adjustments - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Item selection in the Consumer Price Index: Cut-off versus probability sampling - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Robust calibration estimators - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Estimation in surveys using conditional inclusion probabilities: Complex design - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
On robust small area estimation using a simple random effects model - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Small area estimation using multilevel models - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Composite estimation of drug prevalences for sub-state areas - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Some issues in the estimation of income dynamics - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Utilising longitudinally linked data from the British Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
A model based justification of Kish's formula for design effects for weighting and clustering - ARCHIVEDOctober 8, 1999More information
Survey Methodology, December 1998, Vol. 24, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999
Longitudinal surveys: Why are these surveys different from all other surveys? - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Data and modelling strategies in estimating labour force gross flows affected by classification errors - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Estimating labour force gross flows from surveys subject to household-level nonignorable nonresponse - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Longitudinal analysis of Swiss Labour Force Survey data by multivariate logistic regression - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Price index surveys as quasi-longitudinal studies - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Treatment of nonresponse in cycle two of the National Population Health Survey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Estimates of the errors in classification in the Labour Force Survey and their effect on the reported unemployment rate - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Use of statistical matching techniques in calibration estimation - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Sampling on two occasions: Estimation of population total - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Confidence intervals for proportions with small expected number of positive counts estimated from survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 14, 1999More information
Survey Methodology, June 1998, Vol. 24, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998
Sampling and estimation from multiple list frames - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Use of auxiliary information for two-phase sampling - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Estimation in sample surveys using frames with a many-to-many structure - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Optimal recursive estimation for repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Estimation of variance of general regression estimator: Higher level calibration approach - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Logistic generalized regression estimators - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Confidence intervals for domain parameters when the domain sample size is random - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
On regression estimation of finite population means - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Combining multiple frames to estimate population size and totals - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Temporary mobility and reporting of usual residence - ARCHIVEDJuly 31, 1998More information
Survey Methodology, December 1997, Vol. 23, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998
Regression analysis of data files that are computer matched - Part II - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Computer-assisted interviewing in a decentralised environment: The case of household surveys at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Estimating the population and characteristics of health facilities and client populations using a linked multi-stage sample survey design - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Postratification into many categories using hierarchical logistic regression - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Empirical Bayes estimation of small area proportions based on ordinal outcome variables - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Sampling and maintenance of a stratified panel of fixed size - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
An adaptive procedure for the robust estimation of the rate of change of investment - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
A synthetic, robust and efficient method of making small area population estimates in France - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Can the jackknife be used with a two-phase sample? - ARCHIVEDMarch 12, 1998More information
Survey Methodology, June 1997, Vol. 23, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997
A computer algebra for sample survey theory - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Inverse sampling design algorithms - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Variable selection for regression estimation in finite populations - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Diagnostics for formation of nonresponse adjustment cells, with an application to income nonresponse in the U.S Consumer Expenditure Survey - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Variance estimation for measures of income inequality and polarization - An empirical study - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Instrumental variable estimation of gross flows in the presence of measurement error - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
A modified random groups standard error estimator - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Geographic-based oversampling in demographic surveys of the United States - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
A simple derivation of the linearization of the regression estimator - ARCHIVEDAugust 18, 1997More information
Survey Methodology, December 1996, Vol. 22, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997
Understanding calibration estimators in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Variance estimation for calibration estimators: A comparison of jackknifing versus Taylor linearization - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
An application of restricted regression estimation in a household survey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
A transformation method for finite population sampling calibrated with empirical likelihood - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
The application of McNemar tests to the current population survey's split panel study - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Stability measures for variance component estimators under a stratified multistage design - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Asymptotic variance for sequential sampling without replacement with unequal probabilities - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Applications of spatial smoothing to survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Using data on interruptions in telephone service as coverage adjustments - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Optimal sample redesign under GREG in skewed populations with application - ARCHIVEDJanuary 30, 1997More information
Survey Methodology, June 1996, Vol. 22, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996
A view on statistical disclosure control for microdata - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
A moving stratification algorithm - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
A new method to reduce unwanted ripples and revisions in trend-cycle estimates from X-11-ARIMA - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Applying the Lavallée and Hidiroglou method to obtain stratification boundaries for the Census Bureau’s Annual Capital Expenditures Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Multiple sample estimation of population and census undercount in the presence of matching errors - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
A comparison of some weighting adjustment methods for panel nonresponse - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Small area estimation under an inverse Gaussian model - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Jackknife linearization variance estimators under stratified multi-stage sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Linearization methods for single phase and two-phase samples: A cookbook approach - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Making unit-level inferences from aggregated data - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1996More information
Survey Methodology, December 1995, Vol. 21, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995
Statistical process control of sampling frames - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
An assessment of the use of hand-held computers during demographic surveys in developing countries - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
Consistency of census and vital registration data on older Americans: 1970-1990 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
How prenotice letters, stamped return envelopes and reminder postcards affect mailback response rates for census questionnaires - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
A reduced-size transportation algorithm for maximizing the overlap between surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
Estimating some measures of income inequality from survey data: An application of the estimating equations approach - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
Alternative adjustments where there are several levels of auxiliary information - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
Design effects for correlated (P_i - P_j) - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
On Searls’ winsorized mean for skewed populations - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
The effect of interviewer variance on domain comparisons - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1995More information
Survey Methodology, June 1995, Vol. 21, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995
Visitor sample surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Outlier robust Horvitz-Thompson estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Median estimation using auxiliary information - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Markov chain designs for one-per-stratum sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Between-state heterogeneity of undercount rates and surrogate variables in the 1990 U.S. census - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Modelling net undercoverage in the 1991 Canadian census - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Weighting schemes for household panel surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Cross-sectional weighting of longitudinal surveys of individuals and households using the weight share method - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
On efficiency of using distinct respondents in a randomized response survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Estimation of correlation in randomized response - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Stanley Warner’s contributions to statistically balanced information technology - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1995More information
Survey Methodology, December 1994, Vol. 20, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994
Competitors to genuine \pi ps sample designs: A comparison - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Nonparametric estimation of response probabilities in sampling theory - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Empirical comparison of small area estimation methods for the Italian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Matrix masking methods for disclosure limitation in microdata - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
A hypothesis test of linear regression coefficients with survey data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Dual system estimation of census undercount in the presence of matching error - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Bias corrections for survey estimates from data with ratio imputed values for confounded nonresponse - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Questionnaire design for business surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Use of capture-recapture techniques to estimate population size and population totals when a complete frame is unavailable - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Two-stage area frame sampling on square segments for farm surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Generalized regression estimation for a two-phase sample of tax records - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1994More information
Survey Methodology, June 1994, Vol. 20, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994
Estimating the rate of rural homelessness: A study of nonurban Ohio - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Regression weighting in the presence of nonresponse with application to the 1987-1988 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Multi-way stratification by linear programming - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling over two occasions - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Estimation in overlapping clusters with unknown population size - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Jackknife variance estimation of imputed survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Time series EBLUPS for small areas using survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Small domain estimation for unequal probability survey designs - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Issues and strategies for small area data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1994More information
Survey Methodology, December 1993, Vol. 19, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993
Panel surveys: Adding the fourth dimension - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
An alternative view of forest sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Sampling from imperfect frames with unknown amount of duplication - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Conditional properties of post-stratified estimators under normal theory - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Optimum two-stage sample design for ratio estimators: Application to quality control - 1990 French census - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Maximum likelihood estimation of constant multiplicative bias benchmarking model with application - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Robust joint modelling of labour force series of small areas - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Model-based estimation of record linkage error rates - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Estimation of measurement bias using a model prediction approach - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1993More information
Survey Methodology, June 1993, Vol. 19, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993
Poisson-Poisson and binomial-Poisson sampling in forestry - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Stratified telephone survey designs - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Double sampling for stratification - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
A framework for measuring and reducing nonresponse in surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Statistical matching: Use of auxiliary information as an alternative to the conditional independence assumption - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Regression analysis of data files that are computer matched - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
The discrimination power of dependency structures in record linkage - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Evaluation of sources of variation in record linkage through a factorial experiment - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Evaluation of error rates in large scale computerized record linkage studies - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1993More information
Survey Methodology, December 1992, Vol. 18, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992
A multivariate procedure towards composite estimation of consumer expenditure for the U.S. consumer price index numbers - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
The role of the interviewer in survey participation - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
A sample allocation method for two-phase survey designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Methods for estimating the precision of survey estimates when imputation has been used - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Maximum likelihood estimation from complex sample surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
An estimating function approach to finite population estimation - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Some recent work on resampling methods for complex surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Robust model-based methods for analytic surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Robustness and optimal design under prediction models for finite populations - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1992More information
Survey Methodology, June 1992, Vol. 18, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992
Single stage cluster sampling in prevalence-incidence surveys: Some issues suggested by the Shanghai Survey of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
A variation of the housing unit method for estimating the population of small, rural areas: A case study of the local expert procedure - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
Bibliography on capture-recapture modelling with application to census undercount adjustment - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
The creation of a residential address register for coverage improvement in the 1991 Canadian census - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
A comparison of some estimators of a set of population totals - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
Hierarchical and empirical Bayes methods for adjustment of census undercount: The 1988 Missouri dress rehearsal data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation in empirical Bayes smoothing of census undercount - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
Should we have adjusted the U.S. census of 1980? - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1992More information
Survey Methodology, December 1991, Vol. 17, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991
Canada’s General Social Survey: Five years of experience - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
County estimates of wheat production - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
A sampling and estimation methodology for sub-annual business surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
Sampling flows of mobile human populations - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
A theory of quota surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
An exact test for the presence of stable seasonality with applications - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
RDD panel attrition in two local area surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
Combining estimates from surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
Variance estimation in dual registration under population heterogeneity - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1991More information
Survey Methodology, June 1991, Vol. 17, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991
The evaluation of errors in national accounts data: Provisional and revised estimates - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Estimating a system of linear equations with survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Sample rotation and estimation in the Survey of Employment, Payroll and Hours - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Marginal and approximate conditional likelihoods for sampling on successive occasions - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Research and testing of telephone survey methods at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
The Blaise system for integrated survey processing - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Avoiding sequential sampling with random digit dialing - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Assessing measurement errors in a touchtone recognition survey - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Enhancing data quality through the use of mixed mode collection - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1991More information
Survey Methodology, December 1990, Vol. 16, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990
Symmetry in flows among reported victimization classifications with nonresponse - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
First wave effects in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Estimation of panel correlations for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Forgot the sampling scheme at the estimation stage? - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Benchmarking of economic time series - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Spatial-temporal modelling of spatially aggregate birth data - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
A method for the analysis of seasonal ARIMA models - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Robust small area estimation combining time series and cross-sectional data - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
The time series approach to estimation for repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Sample maintenance based on Peano keys - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Analysis of repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1990More information
Survey Methodology, June 1990, Vol. 16, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990
Comments by Morris H. Hansen on papers in the Special section – History and emerging issues in censuses and surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Variance formulae for composite estimators in rotation designs - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
An example of the use of randomization tests in testing the Census questionnaire - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Use of cluster analysis for collapsing imputation classes - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Does the method matter on sensitive survey topics? - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Sample design of the 1988 National Farm Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Estimation using double sampling and dual stratification - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Variance estimation when a first phase area sample is restratified - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Some developments of sampling techniques and their use in official Statistics in Sweden - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Rolling samples and Censuses - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Contributions to statistical methodology from the U.S. Federal Government - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
A historical perspective on the institutional bases for survey research in the United States - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
History and development of the theoretical foundations of survey based estimation and analysis - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1990More information
Survey Methodology, December 1989, Vol. 15, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989
Confidence intervals for postcensal population estimates: A case study for local areas - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
The use of administrative records for estimating population in Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Updating size measures in a probabilities proportional to size without replacement (PPSWOR) design - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Small area estimates of proportions via empirical Bayes techniques - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Randomized response sampling from dichotomous populations with continuous randomization - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Logistic regression under complex survey designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Simultaneous confidence intervals for proportions under cluster sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Analysis of sample survey data involving categorical response variables: Methods and software - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1989More information
Survey Methodology, June 1989, Vol. 15, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989
The use of administrative data for initial and subsequent profiles of economic entities - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Using administrative record data to evaluate the quality of survey estimates - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Automated quality assurance processing of administrative record files - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Methods for adjusting for lack of independence in an application of the Fellegi-Sunter model of record linkage - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
European experience of using administrative data for censuses of population: The policy issues that must be addressed - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Quality assurance sampling for evaluating health parameters in developing countries - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
The role of demographic factors in the analysis of survey versus diary purchase reporting accuracy - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Sample allocation in multivariate surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Modelling and estimation for repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Estimation of livestock inventories using several area- and multiple-frame estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Robust small domain estimation using random effects modeling - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1989More information
Survey Methodology, December 1988, Vol. 14, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988
A bibliography on randomized response: 1965-1987 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
A brief note on SQL - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Postal address analysis - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Quality control processing system for survey operations - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
ACTR a generalized automated coding system - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
QUID, a general automatic coding method - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Representing local area adjustments by reweighting of households - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Total error in the dual system estimator: The 1986 Census of Central Los Angeles County - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
The sources of census undercount: Findings from the 1986 Los Angeles test census - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Imputation strategies for missing values in post-enumeration surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
When are census counts improved by adjustment? - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Adjusting the 1986 Australian Census count for under-enumeration - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
A demographic approach to the evaluation of the 1986 Census and the estimates of Canada’s population - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Evaluation of reverse record check estimates of undercoverage in the Canadian Census of Population - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1988More information
Survey Methodology, June 1988, Vol. 14, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988
Modeling matching error and its effect on estimates of census coverage error - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Measuring accuracy in a post-enumeration survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Handling missing data in coverage estimation, with application to the 1986 Test of Adjustment Related Operations - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
The 1986 test of adjustment related operations in Central Los Angeles County - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Personal computer variance software for complex surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Research issues in the Survey of Income and Program Participation - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
On the stratification of skewed populations - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Multipurpose sample designs - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Errors in foreign trade statistics - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1988More information
Survey Methodology, December 1987, Vol. 13, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987
Nonparametric methods for estimating individual response probabilities - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
Estimates based on randomly rounded data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
Variance estimation for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
The “AGEVEN” record: A tool for the collection of retrospective data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
An alternative method of controlling Current Population Survey estimates to population counts - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
A class of methods for using person controls in household weighting - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
An integrated method for weighting persons and families - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
Modified raking ratio estimation - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
Comparison of the Horvitz-Thompson strategy with the Hansen-Hurwitz strategy - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1987More information
Survey Methodology, June 1987, Vol. 13, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987
Telephone sample designs for the U.S. Black Household Population - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Comparing telephone and face-to-face interviewing in the United Kingdom - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Issues in the use of administrative records for statistical purposes - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Statistical properties of crop production estimators - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Current issues on seasonal adjustment - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
On efficient estimation of unemployment rates from Labour Force Survey Data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
A sampling procedure with inclusion probabilities proportional to size - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Sample design for the health and activity limitation survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Comparison of estimators of population total in two-stage successive sampling using auxiliary information - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1987More information
Survey Methodology, December 1986, Vol. 12, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986
Estimating a monthly index based on trimestrial data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Regression analysis using survey data with endogenous design - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
A cluster analysis of activities of daily living from the Canadian Health and Disability Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Additive versus multiplicative seasonal adjustment when there are fast changes in the trend-cycle - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Nonresponse adjustment procedures at the U.S. Bureau of the Census - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Hot deck imputation procedure applied to a double sampling design - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Comparison of weighting and imputation methods for estimating unsampled data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
A regression approach to estimation in the presence of nonresponse - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Ratio estimation with subsampling the nonrespondents - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1986More information
Survey Methodology, June 1986, Vol. 12, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986
The treatment of missing survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
On the definitions of response rates - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Some optimality results in the presence of nonresponse - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Basic ideas of multiple imputation for nonresponse - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Imputation options in a generalized edit and imputation system - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
The maximum likelihood method for non-response in sample surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Statistical editing and imputation for periodic business surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Practical criteria for definition of weighting classes - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
A study of the effects of imputation groups in the nearest neighbour imputation method for the National Farm Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1986More information
Survey Methodology, December 1985, Vol. 11, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985
Stratification in the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Sampling microfilmed manuscript census returns - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Estimation of total for two characters in multiple frame surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Seasonal adjustment of labour force series during recession and non-recession periods - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Relational patterns between total unemployment and unemployment insurance beneficiaries in Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Basic principles of questionnaire design - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
An overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the selected administrative data files - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Use of administrative data files for migration estimates: A case study of driver’s licence file in Ontario - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
The development of Alberta Health Care records and their application to small-area population estimates - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
The use of Hydro accounts in the British Columbia regression based population estimation model - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Estimating the age/sex distribution of small area populations - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Estimating population by age and sex for census divisions and census metropolitan areas - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Experience with small area population estimates - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
The Relationship Between Statisticians and Statisticians - ARCHIVEDDecember 16, 1985More information
Survey Methodology, June 1985, Vol. 11, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985
Some aspects of nonresponse adjustments - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
Conditional inference in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
Cost-variance optimization for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
Performance of ARIMA models in time series - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
An empirical study of some regression estimators for small domains - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
1981 Census of Agriculture data processing methodology - ARCHIVEDJune 14, 1985More information
Survey Methodology, December 1984, Vol. 10, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984
Post ‘81 censal redesign of the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
Analysis of categorical data from surveys with complex designs: Some Canadian experiences - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
Estimating economic cycles in semi-annual series - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
The use of matching in the evaluation of non-sampling errors in the 1981 Canadian Census of Agriculture - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
Unbiased estimation of domain parameters in sampling without replacement - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
A methodology for surveying disabled persons using a supplement to the Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1984More information
Survey Methodology, June 1984, Vol. 10, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984
On analytical statistics from complex samples - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
An introduction to linear models and generalized linear models: Concepts and methods - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Adjusting sub-annual series to yearly benchmarks - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Examining expenditures on energy - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Logistic regression analysis of Labour Force Survey data - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Application of linear and log-linear models to data from complex samples - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Least squares and related analyses for complex survey designs - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1984More information
Survey Methodology, December 1983, Vol. 9, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1983
Cost models for optimum allocation in multi-stage sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1983More information
Evaluation of composite estimation for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1983More information
The Passenger Car Fuel Consumption Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1983More information
The regression estimates or population for sub-provincial areas in Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1983More information
Survey Methodology, June 1983, Vol. 9, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983
The redesign of a survey to measure commodity origin and destination movements by the for-hire trucking industry in Canada - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
The methodology of the Canadian Air Scheduled International Passenger Origin and Destination estimation system - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
Some aspects of quality of cancer mortality and incidence statistics - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
Estimating monthly gross flows in labour force participation - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
Redesign of the Niagara tender fruit objective yield survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
A timely and accurate potato acreage estimate from Landsat: Results of a demonstration - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
Sampling on two occasions with probabilities proportional to size without replacement (PPSWOR) - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1983More information
Survey Methodology, June 1982, Vol. 8, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982
The role of the questionnaire in survey design - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982More information
Evaluation of small area estimation techniques for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982More information
Characteristics of respondent and non-respondent households in the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982More information
Rotation group bias in the Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982More information
Computerization of complex survey estimates - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1982More information
Survey Methodology, December 1981, Vol. 7, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981
Notes on inference based on data from complex sample designs - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981More information
The nonresponse problem - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981More information
On the variances of asymptotically normal estimators from complex surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981More information
An overview of Canadian health statistics: Past, present and future - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981More information
Models for estimation of sampling errors - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1981More information
Survey Methodology, June 1981, Vol. 7, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981
For-hire trucking survey: Survey Design - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981More information
Survey maintenance - Philosophy and practice - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981More information
Imputation in surveys: Coping with reality - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981More information
Construction of working probabilities and joint selection probabilities for Fellegi’s PPS sampling scheme - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981More information
Redesigning continuous surveys in a changing environment - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1981More information
Survey Methodology, December 1980, Vol. 6, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980
The Department of Supply and Services contracting process - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Model-based market research in the 1980’s - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Government uses of survey research in the eighties - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Commissioning research - The business relationship - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
An overview of federal government survey research as reported to Statistics Canada's review and consultation staff, 1974-1980 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Implications of population change - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Comments on the needs of the user in the private sector - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Developments in data collection: Cost versus quality - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
The measurement and magnitude of nonresponse in U.S. consumer telephone surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Causes of incomplete data, adjustments and effects - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Present and future social needs and the mechanisms required to monitor them - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Alternative socio-economic data collection methods in the 1980’s: The concept of a synthetic data base - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Serving the needs of the user - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Comparison groups and survey research - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Commissioning research - The business relationship - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Serving the needs of the user - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1980More information
Survey Methodology, June 1980, Vol. 6, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1980
Non-textbook problems in the revision of a business based employment survey - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1980More information
Reverse record check: Tracing people in Canada - ARCHIVEDJune 16, 1980More information
Comparison of some ratio type estimators for large scale household surveys - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1980More information
Sample design of the Monthly Restaurants, Caterers and Taverns Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1980More information
1979 Farm Expenditure Survey design and estimation procedures - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1980More information
Survey Methodology, December 1979, Vol. 5, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1979
Sampling with unequal probabilities and without replacement - A rejective method - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1979More information
Test of multiple frame sampling techniques for agricultural surveys: New Brunswick, 1978 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1979More information
Canadian victimization surveys: A report on pretests in Edmonton and Hamilton - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1979More information
A personal view of hot deck imputation procedures - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1979More information
Data, statistics, information - Some issues of the Canadian Social Statistics Scene - ARCHIVEDDecember 14, 1979More information
Survey Methodology, June 1979, Vol. 5, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979
Management of information: Future trends - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
Non-response in the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
An empirical investigation of an improved method of measuring correlated response variance - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
Selecting a sample of size n with PPSWOR from a finite population - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
On the inclusion of large units in simple random sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
Unbiased estimation of proportions under sequential sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1979More information
Survey Methodology, December 1978, Vol. 4, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978
The application of a systematic method of automatic edit and imputation to the 1976 Canadian Census of Population and Housing - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
Large scale imputation of survey data - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
Some methods for updating sample survey frames and their effects on estimation - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
Alternative estimators in PPS sampling - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
Non-response and imputation - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
The evolution of a national statistical agency - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1978More information
Survey Methodology, June 1978, Vol. 4, no. 1 - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978
The effect of a two-stage sample design on tests of independence - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
Approximate tests of independence and goodness of fit based on stratified multi-stage samples - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
A survey design system for the measurement of truck cargo flows in Peru - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
A comparison of correlated response variance estimates obtained in the 1961, 1971 and 1976 Censuses - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
A study of refusal rates to the physical measures component of the Canada Health Survey - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
An estimate of the efficiency of raking ratio estimators under simple random sampling - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
The utilization of administrative records for statistical purposes - ARCHIVEDJune 15, 1978More information
Survey Methodology, December 1977, Vol. 3, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1977
Some factors affecting non-response - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1977More information
Survey Methodology, December 1975, Vol. 1, no. 2 - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1975
Measurement of response errors in Censuses and sample surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1975More information
Controlled random rounding - ARCHIVEDDecember 15, 1975More information

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