Survey Methodology
Statistical disclosure control and developments in formal privacy: In memoriam to Chris Skinner

by Natalie ShlomoNote 1

  • Release date: June 30, 2023


I provide an overview of the evolution of Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) research over the last decades and how it has evolved to handle the data revolution with more formal definitions of privacy. I emphasize the many contributions by Chris Skinner in the research areas of SDC. I review his seminal research, starting in the 1990’s with his work on the release of UK Census sample microdata. This led to a wide-range of research on measuring the risk of re-identification in survey microdata through probabilistic models. I also focus on other aspects of Chris’ research in SDC. Chris was the recipient of the 2019 Waksberg Award and sadly never got a chance to present hisWaksberg Lecture at the Statistics Canada International Methodology Symposium. This paper follows the outline that Chris had prepared in preparation for that lecture.

Key Words: Risk of re-identification; Data revolution; Privacy models; Differential privacy.

Table of contents

How to cite

Shlomo, N. (2023). Statistical disclosure control and developments in formal privacy: In memoriam to Chris Skinner. Survey Methodology, Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001-X, Vol. 49, No. 1. Paper available at


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