The use of administrative data for initial and subsequent profiles of economic entities - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X198900114571


Statistics Canada is currently rebuilding its central register of economic entities. The new register views each economic entity as a network of legal and operating entities whose characteristics allow for the delineation of statistical entities. This network view, the profile, is determined through the ‘profiling’ process which involves contact with the economic entity. In 1986 a list of all entities in-scope for a profiling contact was required so that profiles could be obtained to initialize the new register. Administrative data were used to build this list. In the future, administrative data will be a source of information on changes that may have happened to economic entities. They may thus be used as a source of direct update or as a signal that a review of the structure of an entity is required. The paper begins with the objectives of the profiling process. The procedures for constructing the frame for the initial profiling process using several administrative data sources are then presented. These procedures include the application of concepts, the detection of overlap between sources, and the evaluation of data quality. Next, the role of administrative data in providing information on changes to business entities and in requesting profiles to be verified is presented. Then the results of a simulation study done to assess this role are reviewed. Finally, the paper concludes with a series of questions on the methodology of using administrative data to maintain profiles.

Issue Number: 1989001
Author(s): Clark, Colleen; Lussier, Robert

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFJune 15, 1989

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