Evaluation of sources of variation in record linkage through a factorial experiment - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X199300114478


Record linkage refers to the use of an algorithmic technique for identifying pairs of records in separate data files that correspond to the same individual. This paper discusses a framework for evaluating sources of variation in record linkage based on viewing the procedure as a “black box” that takes input data and produces output (a set of declared matched pairs) that has certain properties. We illustrate the idea with a factorial experiment using census/post-enumeration survey data to assess the influence of a variety of factors thought to affect the accuracy of the procedure. The evaluation of record linkage becomes a standard statistical problem using this experimental framework. The investigation provides answers to several research questions, and it is argued that taking an experimental approach similar to that offered here is essential if progress is to be made in understanding the factors that contribute to the error properties of record-linkage procedures.

Issue Number: 1993001
Author(s): Belin, Thomas R.

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFJune 15, 1993

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