A transformation method for finite population sampling calibrated with empirical likelihood - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X19960022980


In this paper, we study a confidence interval estimation method for a finite population average when some auxiliairy information is available. As demonstrated by Royall and Cumberland in a series of empirical studies, naive use of existing methods to construct confidence intervals for population averages may result in very poor conditional coverage probabilities, conditional on the sample mean of the covariate. When this happens, we propose to transform the data to improve the precision of the normal approximation. The transformed data are then used to make inference on the original population average, and the auxiliary information is incorporated into the inference directly, or by calibration with empirical likelihood. Our approach is design-based. We apply our approach to six real populations and find that when transformation is needed, our approach performs well compared to the usual regression method.

Issue Number: 1996002
Author(s): Chen, G.; Chen, Jiajian

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFDecember 16, 1996