Survey Methodology
Estimation and inference of domain means subject to qualitative constraints

by Cristian Oliva-Aviles, Mary C. Meyer and Jean D. OpsomerNote 1

  • Release date: December 15, 2020


In many large-scale surveys, estimates are produced for numerous small domains defined by cross-classifications of demographic, geographic and other variables. Even though the overall sample size of such surveys might be very large, samples sizes for domains are sometimes too small for reliable estimation. We propose an improved estimation approach that is applicable when “natural” or qualitative relationships (such as orderings or other inequality constraints) can be formulated for the domain means at the population level. We stay within a design-based inferential framework but impose constraints representing these relationships on the sample-based estimates. The resulting constrained domain estimator is shown to be design consistent and asymptotically normally distributed as long as the constraints are asymptotically satisfied at the population level. The estimator and its associated variance estimator are readily implemented in practice. The applicability of the method is illustrated on data from the 2015 U.S. National Survey of College Graduates.

Key Words:      Design-based estimation; Monotone estimation; National Survey of College Graduates.

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How to cite

Oliva-Aviles, C., Meyer, M.C. and Opsomer, J.D. (2020). Estimation and inference of domain means subject to qualitative constraints. Survey Methodology, Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001-X, Vol. 46, No. 2. Paper available at


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