Estimating the population and characteristics of health facilities and client populations using a linked multi-stage sample survey design - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X19970023615


This paper demonstrates the utility of a multi-stage survey design that obtains a total count of health facilities and of the potential client population in an area. The design has been used for a state-level survey conducted in mid-1995 in Uttar Pradesh, India. The design involves a multi-stage, areal cluster sample, wherein the primary sampling unit is either an urban block or rural village. All health service delivery points, either self-standing facilities or distribution agents, in or formally assigned to the primary sampling unit are mapped, listed, and selected. A systematic sample of households is selected, and all resident females meeting predetermined eligibility criteria are interviewed. Sample weights for facilities and individuals are applied. For facilities, the weights are adjusted for survey response levels. The survey estimate of the total number of government facilities compares well against the total published counts. Similarly the female client population estimated in the survey compares well with the total enumerated in the 1991 census.

Issue Number: 1997002
Author(s): Narayana, G.; Singh, K.K.; Suchindran, C.M.; Tsui, A.O.

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFDecember 15, 1997