Survey Methodology
Sample empirical likelihood approach under complex survey design with scrambled responses

by Sixia Chen, Yichuan Zhao and Yuke WangNote 1

  • Release date: June 24, 2021


One effective way to conduct statistical disclosure control is to use scrambled responses. Scrambled responses can be generated by using a controlled random device. In this paper, we propose using the sample empirical likelihood approach to conduct statistical inference under complex survey design with scrambled responses. Specifically, we propose using a Wilk-type confidence interval for statistical inference. Our proposed method can be used as a general tool for inference with confidential public use survey data files. Asymptotic properties are derived, and the limited simulation study verifies the validity of theory. We further apply the proposed method to some real applications.

Key Words:   Empirical likelihood; Scrambled responses; Statistical disclosure control; Survey data.

Table of contents

How to cite

Chen, S., Zhao, Y. and Wang, Y. (2021). Sample empirical likelihood approach under complex survey design with scrambled responses. Survey Methodology, Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001-X, Vol. 47, No. 1. Paper available at


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