Survey Methodology
Comments by Jae Kwang Kim and Yonghyun KwonNote 1 on “Exchangeability assumption in propensity‑score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non‑probability samples”
- Release date: June 25, 2024
Pseudo weight construction for data integration can be understood in the two-phase sampling framework. Using the two-phase sampling framework, we discuss two approaches to the estimation of propensity scores and develop a new way to construct the propensity score function for data integration using the conditional maximum likelihood method. Results from a limited simulation study are also presented.
Key Words: Data integration; Propensity score function; Pseudo weight; Two-phase sampling.Table of contents
- Section 1. Introduction
- Section 2. Conditional PS model approach
- Section 3. Unconditional PS model approach
- Section 4. Simulation study
- Section 5. Concluding remark
- Acknowledgements
- References
How to cite
Kim, J.K., and Kwon, Y. (2024). Comments on “Exchangeability assumption in propensity-score based adjustment methods for population mean estimation using non-probability samples”. Survey Methodology, Statistique Canada, n° 12‑001‑X au catalogue, vol. 50, n° 1. Paper available at
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