Strategies and approaches for small area statistics - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X20020026418


National statistical offices are often called upon to produce statistics for small geographic areas, in addition to their primary responsibility for measuring the condition of the country as a whole and its major subdivisions. This task presents challenges that are different from those faced in statistical programs aiming primarily at national or provincial statistics. This paper examines these challenges and identifies strategies and approaches for the development of programs of small area statistics. The important foundation of a census of population, as well as the primary role of a consistent geographic infrastructure, are emphasized. Potential sources and methods for the production of small area data in the social, economic and environmental fields are examined. Some organizational and dissemination issues are also discussed.

Issue Number: 2002002
Author(s): Brackstone, Gordon J.

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFJanuary 29, 2003