A theory of quota surveys - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X199100214504


Simple or marginal quota surveys are analyzed using two methods: (1) behaviour modelling (superpopulation model) and prediction estimation, and (2) sample modelling (simple restricted random sampling) and estimation derived from the sample distribution. In both cases the limitations of the theory used to establish the variance formulas and estimates when measuring totals are described. An extension of the quota method (non-proportional quotas) is also briefly described and analyzed. In some cases, this may provide a very significant improvement in survey precision. The advantages of the quota method are compared with those of random sampling. The latter remains indispensable in the case of large scale surveys within the framework of Official Statistics.

Issue Number: 1991002
Author(s): Deville, Jean-Claude

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFDecember 16, 1991

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