Survey Methodology
A note on multiply robust predictive mean matching imputation with complex survey data
by Sixia Chen, David Haziza and Alexander StubblefieldNote 1
- Release date: June 24, 2021
Predictive mean matching is a commonly used imputation procedure for addressing the problem of item nonresponse in surveys. The customary approach relies upon the specification of a single outcome regression model. In this note, we propose a novel predictive mean matching procedure that allows the user to specify multiple outcome regression models. The resulting estimator is multiply robust in the sense that it remains consistent if one of the specified outcome regression models is correctly specified. The results from a simulation study suggest that the proposed method performs well in terms of bias and efficiency.
Key Words: Multiple robustness; Nearest-neigbour imputation; Survey data; Variance estimation.
Table of contents
- Section 1. Introduction
- Section 2. Basic setup
- Section 3. Proposed method
- Section 4. Simulation study
- Acknowledgements
- References
How to cite
Chen, S., Haziza, D. and Stubblefield, A. (2021). A note on multiply robust predictive mean matching imputation with complex survey data. Survey Methodology, Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001-X, Vol. 47, No. 1. Paper available at
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