Two local diagnostics to evaluate the efficiency of the empirical best predictor under the Fay-Herriot model

Articles and reports: 12-001-X202100200001


The Fay-Herriot model is often used to produce small area estimates. These estimates are generally more efficient than standard direct estimates. In order to evaluate the efficiency gains obtained by small area estimation methods, model mean square error estimates are usually produced. However, these estimates do not reflect all the peculiarities of a given domain (or area) because model mean square errors integrate out the local effects. An alternative is to estimate the design mean square error of small area estimators, which is often more attractive from a user point of view. However, it is known that design mean square error estimates can be very unstable, especially for domains with few sampled units. In this paper, we propose two local diagnostics that aim to choose between the empirical best predictor and the direct estimator for a particular domain. We first find an interval for the local effect such that the best predictor is more efficient under the design than the direct estimator. Then, we consider two different approaches to assess whether it is plausible that the local effect falls in this interval. We evaluate our diagnostics using a simulation study. Our preliminary results indicate that our diagnostics are effective for choosing between the empirical best predictor and the direct estimator.

Issue Number: 2021002
Author(s): Lesage, Éric; Beaumont, Jean-François; Bocci, Cynthia

Main Product: Survey Methodology

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HTMLJanuary 6, 2022
PDFJanuary 6, 2022

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