Bernoulli bootstrap for stratified multistage sampling - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X20060029549


In this article, we propose a Bernoulli-type bootstrap method that can easily handle multi-stage stratified designs where sampling fractions are large, provided simple random sampling without replacement is used at each stage. The method provides a set of replicate weights which yield consistent variance estimates for both smooth and non-smooth estimators. The method's strength is in its simplicity. It can easily be extended to any number of stages without much complication. The main idea is to either keep or replace a sampling unit at each stage with preassigned probabilities, to construct the bootstrap sample. A limited simulation study is presented to evaluate performance and, as an illustration, we apply the method to the 1997 Japanese National Survey of Prices.

Issue Number: 2006002
Author(s): Funaoka, Fumio; Saigo, Hiroshi; Sitter, Randy R.; Toida, Tsutom

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFDecember 21, 2006