How to decompose the non-response variance: A total survey error approach - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 12-001-X201800254957


When a linear imputation method is used to correct non-response based on certain assumptions, total variance can be assigned to non-responding units. Linear imputation is not as limited as it seems, given that the most common methods – ratio, donor, mean and auxiliary value imputation – are all linear imputation methods. We will discuss the inference framework and the unit-level decomposition of variance due to non-response. Simulation results will also be presented. This decomposition can be used to prioritize non-response follow-up or manual corrections, or simply to guide data analysis.

Issue Number: 2018002
Author(s): Bosa, Keven; Godbout, Serge; Mills, Fraser; Picard, Frédéric

Main Product: Survey Methodology

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 20, 2018
PDFDecember 20, 2018