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Survey or statistical program

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All (10,012)

All (10,012) (9,960 to 9,970 of 10,012 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154933

    An aspect of surveys not always given adequate consideration is maintenance.

    The scope and importance of survey maintenance are discussed and a case is made for a more scientific methodological approach. Practical applications to various stages of surveys are illustrated by examples from the Canadian Labour Force Survey.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154934

    In surveys a response may be incomplete or some items may be inconsistent or, as in the case of two-phase sampling, items may be unavailable. In these cases it may be expedient to impute values for the missing items. While imputation is not a particularly good solution to any specific estimation problem, it does permit the production of arbitrary estimates in a consistent way.

    The survey statistician may have to cope with a mixture of numerical and categorical items, subject to a variety of constraints. He should evaluate his technique, especially with respect to bias. He should make sure that imputed items are clearly identified and summary reports produced.

    A variety of imputation techniques in current use is described and discussed, with particular reference to the practical problems involved.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154935

    A FORTRAN Subroutine to obtain the “working probabilities” for Fellegi’s (1963) method of unequal probability sampling is given. The solution is obtained by an iterative procedure where the starting values for the (k+l)th draw “working probabilities” are the solutions for the kth draw “working probabilities” and the iterative procedure is terminated when a prespecified accuracy is achieved. The limitation is that the Subroutine can only be used to obtain up to and including the 5th draw “working probabilities”. It was observed that the convergence occurs very fast in double precision. Therefore all real variables have been declared as double precision. The joint selection probabilities \Pi_{ij}’s i.e. the probability that both the ith and jth units are in the sample are obtained by summing the probabilities of selecting those samples that contain both the ith and jth units. The joint selection probabilities are required for the variance estimation of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of population total of the characteristic of interest.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154836

    Survey organizations undertake periodic redesigns of continuous surveys. Reasons for such redesigns related to changes in information needs to be satisfied by the survey and changes in public awareness and attitudes towards surveys are discussed in the context of the redesign of the Canadian Labour Force Survey following the 1981 Census. In particular, the importance of close dialogue between users of the survey data and design statisticians at the early stages of the redesign process in order to establish survey objectives is stressed.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254936

    The Department of Supply and Services’ role and procedures are outlined as they relate to those using the services of the Department of Supply and Services and those receiving contracts.

    There are two basic principles which cover all the policies and procedures. These are: i) the equality of opportunity to compete for Government contracts must be afforded to all qualified suppliers; and ii) that fair value for the taxpayers’ dollar must be obtained.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254937

    This paper discusses some of the changes in market research we should expect in the next decade. Currently, studies are issue oriented: they provide answers to specific questions or marketing issues. The next decade will see research projects with a broader scope: to understand how markets work and why consumers behave as they do. Measurements will be more complex, and multivariate analysis techniques will be used extensively to identify the subtle relationships within the data. Marketing models will be the conceptual framework for these more complex studies. Market analysis identifying consumer responsiveness segments provides a case example of what might be expected from model-based market research studies.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254938

    This paper identifies the stages in the life-cycle of government policies and programs. For each stage, examples are given of how survey research is presently used and likely trends over the next decade are identified.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254939

    This document describes the process of commissioning market research at Imperial Oil Limited. It outlines the management processes that precede commissioning and defines the expectations of a typical buyer of research work. It also examines the need to have a satisfactory business relationship between the buyer and the seller, and it provides a list of the attributes most often considered by a company seeking a supplier for a particular research project.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254940

    This paper provides a summary description of some of the characteristics of the proposals for new surveys submitted to Statistics Canada for review and consultation by other federal government departments. It describes which departments have been involved, gives details of the types of studies proposed and methodologies used, and deals briefly with some of the problems which the review process has uncovered.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254941

    This paper examines the effects of fertility, mortality and migration on the age profile of the Canadian population, particularly the effect of fluctuating fertility patterns which have occurred since the second World War. The author analyses the impact on social services and the economy as the shifting requirements of the “Baby Boom” cohorts move through their life cycle.

    Release date: 1980-12-15
Stats in brief (2,674)

Stats in brief (2,674) (0 to 10 of 2,674 results)

Articles and reports (7,016)

Articles and reports (7,016) (60 to 70 of 7,016 results)

  • Articles and reports: 18-001-X2024003
    Description: This study compares the Government of Canada’s direct and indirect measures to support R&D, as captured by business innovation and growth support (BIGS) programs and the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program. BIGS and SR&ED are two central instruments that the Canadian government uses to stimulate R&D expenditures in the business sector.
    Release date: 2024-05-17

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400500001
    Description: Over the last several years, recreational screen time has been increasing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, recreational screen time rose among Canadian youth and adults, and those who increased screen time had poorer self-reported mental health. Using data from the 2017, 2018, and 2021 Canadian Community Health Survey, the objective of this study was to compare recreational screen time behaviours before (2018) and during (2021) the pandemic, looking at patterns by sociodemographic subgroups of the Canadian population.
    Release date: 2024-05-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400500002
    Description: The availability of measures to operationalize allostatic load—the cumulative toll on the body of responding to stressor demands—in population health surveys may differ across years or surveys, hampering analyses on the entire sampled population. In this study, the impacts of variable selection and calculation method were evaluated to generate an allostatic load index applicable across all cycles of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). CHMS data were used to compare individual and population-level changes in scores for allostatic load indexes in which other commonly used measures were substituted for waist-to-hip ratio. Associations between the various constructs and indicators of socioeconomic position were then assessed to evaluate whether relationships were maintained across indexes.
    Release date: 2024-05-15

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2024003
    Description: This series of regional maps shows the number of school-aged children eligible to primary and secondary instruction in English in Quebec by census subdivision, and the proportion of these children who attend or have attended an English-language school in Canada. All the information provided comes from the 2021 Census of Population and the 2022 Open Database of Educational Facilities.
    Release date: 2024-05-14

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202400100003
    Description: While many Canadians prefer to live in low-density housing, the supply of these units is linked to urban sprawl and attendant environmental and economic implications. This article examines recent trends of new housing supply and areas of urban sprawl in select Canadian cities. It also analyzes the characteristics of homeowners who live in neighbourhoods which have recently experienced urban sprawl.
    Release date: 2024-05-08

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2024004
    Description: This study used Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) administrative data within the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform to compare enrolment and persistence in postsecondary education (PSE) among high school graduates in British Columbia with and without special needs across five cohorts from 2010/2011 to 2014/2015 before and after controlling for several sociodemographic characteristics and academic achievement.
    Release date: 2024-05-08

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2024005
    Description: This analysis compares the investment efforts of official language minority (OLM) owned businesses depending on whether they are located in a rural or urban area. The study is based on a model that uses a seemingly unrelated regression equation (SURE) system estimator to simultaneously assess the impact of determinants that explain the investment of businesses in rural and urban areas and to statistically test the differences between the two areas.
    Release date: 2024-05-02

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202400100002
    Description: This article examines the association between parents' housing wealth and the values of houses owned by their adult children. It also documents parent and child co-ownership arrangements. The article follows a previous article that examined the role that parents' property ownership played in the likelihood of homeownership for children born in the 1990s. These articles use residential property and ownership information from the Canadian Housing Statistics Program for the 2021 reference year for all provinces and territories, except Quebec and Saskatchewan.
    Release date: 2024-05-01

  • Articles and reports: 41-20-00022024002
    Description: This article uses 12 months of data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and LFS supplement for 2022, and the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home to explore several quality of employment indicators based on Statistics Canada's Statistical Framework on Quality of Employment among the core working age First Nations people living off reserve and Métis (18 to 64 years), in the 10 provinces.
    Release date: 2024-04-30

  • Articles and reports: 41-20-0002
    Description: This thematic series groups different statistical products related to Indigenous peoples. It features analytical documents of varying scopes, such as population profiles, reference materials, data products (including tables and factsheets), among other document types.
    Release date: 2024-04-30
Journals and periodicals (322)

Journals and periodicals (322) (90 to 100 of 322 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 61-205-X

    This publication presents capital and repair expenditures on construction and on machinery and equipment for divisions and industries at the Canada level and by division at the provincial level. The report also provides the split between private and public investment. The tabulations focus on capital spending intentions for the coming year, preliminary estimates of actual investment for the current year and the actual investment for the previous year. The investment data are gathered from about 25,000 establishments and establishment groups in Canadian businesses, institutions and governments.

    Release date: 2014-02-28

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-555-X

    The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), an initiative of OECD, provides internationally comparable measures of three skills that are essential to processing information: literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving in technology-rich environments (referred to as PS-TRE). Canada is one of 24 countries and sub-national regions participating in this initiative. This study aims to provide a picture of the competencies of the Canadian population aged 16 to 65 in all three skill domains.

    Release date: 2013-10-18

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-637-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Aboriginal Peoples Survey is a national survey of Aboriginal peoples (First Nations people living off-reserve, Métis and Inuit) living in urban, rural and northern locations throughout Canada. The survey provides valuable data on the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal children and youth (6-14 years) and Aboriginal people (15 years and over). It was conducted previously in 1991 and in 2001. The survey was designed and implemented in partnership with national Aboriginal organizations. The purpose of the Aboriginal Peoples Survey was to provide data on the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal people in Canada. More specifically, its purpose was to identify the needs of Aboriginal people and focus on issues such as health, language, employment, income, schooling, housing, and mobility. More detailed information about the survey is available in the APS 2006 Concepts and Methods Guide.

    Release date: 2013-03-27

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-526-X

    Statistics Canada periodically conducts the Household and the Environment Survey to measure household actions that have, or are perceived to have, positive or negative impacts on the environment. The survey provides baseline information to use in measuring progress towards sound environmental practices at the household level. The subjects examined include consumption and conservation of energy, consumption and conservation of water, indoor environment, use of pesticides and fertilizers, outdoor air quality and consumer decisions.

    Release date: 2013-03-18

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-402-X
    Geography: Canada

    Presented in almanac style, the 2012 Canada Year Book contains more than 500 pages of tables, charts and succinct analytical articles on every major area of Statistics Canada's expertise. The Canada Year Book is the premier reference on the social and economic life of Canada and its citizens.

    Release date: 2012-12-24

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-651-X

    This article presents employment and unemployment rates, and some information regarding salaries and industrial sectors of employees, for official-language minorities. These data are based on the Labour Force Survey and enable comparisons between official-language minority and majority according to their situation in the labour market for provinces or groups of provinces.

    Release date: 2012-11-01

  • Journals and periodicals: 88-001-X

    This series, which consists of about six issues per year, presents a variety of science and technology statistics. Each issue concerns a different topic, for example: research and development expenditures and personnel in business enterprises, science and technology expenditures and personnel in the federal government or provincial governments; and estimates of higher education expenditures on research and development.

    Release date: 2012-09-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 67-001-X

    This publication presents Canada's transactions with non-residents on a quarterly basis. These transactions are grouped under two main accounts: the current account which includes goods, services, investment income and current transfers; and the capital and financial account which includes information on a country's investing and financing activities. The transactions are further broken down by major geographical region: United States, United Kingdom, other countries of the European Union, Japan, other countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and all other countries. The data are presented quarterly and annually for the six most recent years.

    Each publication includes several pages of data analysis accompanied by graphics, definitions, CANSIM data bank numbers, data quality measures and a list of occasional articles and research papers. The first quarter issue includes revisions to quarterly and annual data for the most recent four years. Statistics are derived from surveys, administrative data and other sources.

    Release date: 2012-09-04

  • Journals and periodicals: 75-001-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This publication brings together and analyzes a wide range of labour and income data. Topics include youth in the labour market, pensions and retirement, work arrangements, education and training, and trends in family income. One section highlights new products, surveys, research projects and conferences. Another section uses charts and text to describe a variety of subjects related to labour and income. Each winter print issue contains an index of all published articles.

    To find the latest updates on labour market and household issues such as gambling, minimum wage, retirement and unionization, please visit: Topics of interest on labour and income.

    Release date: 2012-08-22

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-008-X
    Geography: Canada

    This publication discusses the social, economic, and demographic changes affecting the lives of Canadians.

    Free downloadable PDF and HTML files: Published every six weeks Printed issue: Published every six months (twice per year)

    Release date: 2012-07-30
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