Police-reported crime in Canada, 2023

Release date: July 25, 2024
Infographic: Police-reported crime in Canada, 2023
Description: Police-reported crime in Canada, 2023

The volume and severity of crime, as measured by the Crime Severity Index (CSI),Note 1 increased for the third consecutive year, up 2% in 2023. Relatively large shifts in certain types of crime led to an increase in the Non-violent CSI, while the Violent CSI remained virtually unchanged. Annual changes in the crime rate, or the volume of crime, have been similar to the CSI over time.

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Crime Severity Index, Violent Crime Severity Index and Non-violent Crime Severity Index (appearing as column headers).
Year Crime Severity IndexTable 1 Note 1 Violent Crime Severity IndexTable 1 Note 1 Non-violent Crime Severity IndexTable 1 Note 1
2006 (Index base year) 100.0 100.0 100.0
2007 95.3 97.8 94.3
2008 90.6 95.1 88.9
2009 87.8 94.3 85.3
2010 82.9 89.2 80.5
2011 77.6 85.7 74.5
2012 75.5 82.0 73.0
2013 68.9 74.0 66.9
2014 66.9 70.7 65.4
2015 70.4 75.3 68.4
2016 72.0 76.9 70.1
2017 73.6 81.3 70.7
2018 75.6 83.5 72.6
2019 79.7 90.2 75.8
2020 73.9 88.0 68.7
2021 74.9 93.4 68.1
2022 78.8 99.1 71.3
2023 80.5 99.5 73.5

In 2023, the change in the CSI varied across the provinces and territories compared with 2022

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), CSI value, 2023 and Percentage change in CSI, 2022 to 2023 (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory CSI value, 2023 Percentage change in CSI, 2022 to 2023
Newfoundland and Labrador 86.3 +5%
Prince Edward Island 72.4 +17%
Nova Scotia 73.8 -1%
New Brunswick 86.1 -1%
Quebec 62.2 +3%
Ontario 60.9 +4%
Manitoba 145.5 -1%
Saskatchewan 160.2 +2%
Alberta 103.0 -2%
British Columbia 104.1 +4%
Yukon 218.8 +2%
Northwest Territories 473.7 +5%
Nunavut 429.1 +12%
Canada 80.5 +2%

The CSI should always be considered within a broader community context. See the infosheet Understanding and using the Crime Severity Index for more information.

Five largest increases and decreases in the CSI, by census metropolitan area

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Census metropolitan area (appearing as row headers), Percentage change in CSI, 2022 to 2023 (appearing as column headers).
Census metropolitan area Percentage change in CSI, 2022 to 2023
Top 5 increases
Chilliwack, B.C. +24%
Abbotsford-Mission, B.C. +23%
Drummondville, Que. +13%
Québec, Que. +12%
Toronto, Ont. +11%
Top 5 decreases
London, Ont. -14%
Red Deer, Alta. -11%
Greater Sudbury, Ont. -8%
Calgary, Alta. -8%
Guelph, Ont. -7%

Important shifts in certain violent and non-violent crimes impacted the CSI across Canada

Table 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4. The information is grouped by Type of offence (appearing as row headers), Rate (appearing as column headers).
Type of offence Rate
Violent offences
Homicide Rate -14%
Extortion Rate +35%
Robbery Rate +4%
Assault (level 2) Rate +7%
Non-violent offences
Child pornographyTable 4 Note 2 Rate +52%
Fraud Rate +12%
Shoplifting $5,000 or under Rate +18%
Motor vehicle theft Rate +5%
Breaking and entering Rate -5%

In 2023, there were 778 victims of homicide, 104 fewer than in 2022.

Gang-related homicides continued to account for about one-quarter (22%) of all homicides; 78% of these were committed with a firearm, most often a handgun.

The proportion of women who were killed by their spouse or intimate partner was approximately 5 times higher than the proportion of men (31% versus 6%).Note 3

4,777 hate crime incidents

  • The number of police-reported hate crimes rose 32%. Hate crimes targeting a religion or a sexual orientation accounted for most of the increase.

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, 2023.

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