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  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100214325

    The author briefly reviews the factors determining the production of health statistics in Canada, with particular attention to the different sources of data and to the long-standing co-operation among the many agencies involved in the gathering of health-related information.

    Release date: 1981-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100214326

    This paper presents results of an empirical study on fitting log-linear models to data on estimates of characteristics and their coefficients of variation (CV) from the Canadian Labour Force Survey. The characteristics were classified into groups on the basis of design effects and models were fitted to data on estimates of characteristic totals and their CVs over twelve month period. The models can be used in situations where estimates of CV are needed for new characteristics, and for providing more precise estimates of reliability of estimates based on past data. The problem of evaluation of fit of the models is considered.

    Release date: 1981-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154932

    The methodology of the For-hire Trucking Survey is discussed in this paper. This survey provides good examples of administrative and operational constraints faced by survey statisticians and field data collection teams.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154933

    An aspect of surveys not always given adequate consideration is maintenance.

    The scope and importance of survey maintenance are discussed and a case is made for a more scientific methodological approach. Practical applications to various stages of surveys are illustrated by examples from the Canadian Labour Force Survey.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154934

    In surveys a response may be incomplete or some items may be inconsistent or, as in the case of two-phase sampling, items may be unavailable. In these cases it may be expedient to impute values for the missing items. While imputation is not a particularly good solution to any specific estimation problem, it does permit the production of arbitrary estimates in a consistent way.

    The survey statistician may have to cope with a mixture of numerical and categorical items, subject to a variety of constraints. He should evaluate his technique, especially with respect to bias. He should make sure that imputed items are clearly identified and summary reports produced.

    A variety of imputation techniques in current use is described and discussed, with particular reference to the practical problems involved.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154935

    A FORTRAN Subroutine to obtain the “working probabilities” for Fellegi’s (1963) method of unequal probability sampling is given. The solution is obtained by an iterative procedure where the starting values for the (k+l)th draw “working probabilities” are the solutions for the kth draw “working probabilities” and the iterative procedure is terminated when a prespecified accuracy is achieved. The limitation is that the Subroutine can only be used to obtain up to and including the 5th draw “working probabilities”. It was observed that the convergence occurs very fast in double precision. Therefore all real variables have been declared as double precision. The joint selection probabilities \Pi_{ij}’s i.e. the probability that both the ith and jth units are in the sample are obtained by summing the probabilities of selecting those samples that contain both the ith and jth units. The joint selection probabilities are required for the variance estimation of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of population total of the characteristic of interest.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198100154836

    Survey organizations undertake periodic redesigns of continuous surveys. Reasons for such redesigns related to changes in information needs to be satisfied by the survey and changes in public awareness and attitudes towards surveys are discussed in the context of the redesign of the Canadian Labour Force Survey following the 1981 Census. In particular, the importance of close dialogue between users of the survey data and design statisticians at the early stages of the redesign process in order to establish survey objectives is stressed.

    Release date: 1981-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254936

    The Department of Supply and Services’ role and procedures are outlined as they relate to those using the services of the Department of Supply and Services and those receiving contracts.

    There are two basic principles which cover all the policies and procedures. These are: i) the equality of opportunity to compete for Government contracts must be afforded to all qualified suppliers; and ii) that fair value for the taxpayers’ dollar must be obtained.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254937

    This paper discusses some of the changes in market research we should expect in the next decade. Currently, studies are issue oriented: they provide answers to specific questions or marketing issues. The next decade will see research projects with a broader scope: to understand how markets work and why consumers behave as they do. Measurements will be more complex, and multivariate analysis techniques will be used extensively to identify the subtle relationships within the data. Marketing models will be the conceptual framework for these more complex studies. Market analysis identifying consumer responsiveness segments provides a case example of what might be expected from model-based market research studies.

    Release date: 1980-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198000254938

    This paper identifies the stages in the life-cycle of government policies and programs. For each stage, examples are given of how survey research is presently used and likely trends over the next decade are identified.

    Release date: 1980-12-15
Stats in brief (2,665)

Stats in brief (2,665) (50 to 60 of 2,665 results)

Articles and reports (7,007)

Articles and reports (7,007) (5,680 to 5,690 of 7,007 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000140
    Geography: Canada

    The correlation of occupational gender composition and wages is the basis of pay equity/comparable worth legislation. A number of previous studies have examined this correlation in US data, identifying some of the determinants of low wages in "female jobs", as well as important limitations of public policy in this area. There is little evidence, however, from other jurisdictions. This omission is particularly disturbing in the case of Canada, which now has some of the most extensive pay equity legislation in the world. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive picture, circa the late 1980's, of the occupational gender segregation in Canada and its consequences for wages. We also draw explicit comparisons of our findings to evidence for the United States. We find that the link between female wages and gender composition is much stronger in the United States than in Canada, where it is generally small and not statistically significant. The relatively more advantageous position of women in female jobs in Canada is found to be linked to higher unionization rates and the industry-wage effects of "public goods" sectors.

    Release date: 2000-09-05

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000142
    Geography: Canada

    This paper addresses the topic of inter-provincial migration in terms of the basic question: "who moves?" Panel logit models of the probability of moving from one year to the next are estimated using samples derived from the Longitudinal Administrative Database covering the period 1982-95. Explanatory variables include "environmental" factors, personal characteristics, labour market attributes, and a series of year variables. Separate models are estimated for eight age-sex groups.

    The major findings include that: i) migration rates have been inversely related to the size of the province, presumably capturing economic conditions, labour market scale effects, and pure geographical distance, while language has also played an important role; ii) residents of smaller cities, towns, and especially rural areas have been less likely to move than individuals in larger cities; iii) age, marriage, and the presence of children have been negatively related to mobility, for both men and women; iv) migration has been positively related to the provincial unemployment rate, the individuals' receipt of unemployment insurance (except Entry Men), having no market income (except for Entry Men and Entry Women), and the receipt of social assistance (especially for men); v) beyond the zero earnings point, migration has been positively related to earnings levels for prime aged men, but not for others, and these effects are generally small (holding other factors constant); vi) there were no dramatic shifts in migration rates over time, but men's rates dropped off a bit in the 1990s while women's rates (except for the Entry group) generally held steadier or rose slightly, indicating a divergence in trends along gender lines.

    Release date: 2000-09-05

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000152
    Geography: Canada

    There has been for some time substantial concern regarding the loss of young people in rural communities. There is a sense that most rural communities offer few opportunities for their younger people, requiring them to leave for urban communities, most likely not to return. While there is a considerable body of research on interprovincial migration, relatively little is currently known about migration patterns in rural and urban areas in Canada.

    According to our analysis, in virtually all provinces young people 15 to 19 years of age are leaving rural areas in greater proportions than urban areas - in part to pursue post-secondary education. While there are more complex migration patterns affecting the 20-29 age group, the net result of all migration is that the Atlantic provinces - as well as Manitoba and Saskatchewan - are net losers of their rural population aged 15-29. The problem is particularly acute in Newfoundland. In the Atlantic provinces, rural areas which fare worse than the national average - in terms of net gains of youth population - do so not because they have a higher than average percentage of leavers but rather because they are unable to attract a sufficiently high proportion of individuals into their communities.

    Of all individuals who move out of their rural community, at most 25% return to this community ten years later. The implication of this result is clear: one cannot count on return migration as a means of preserving the population size of a given cohort. Rather, rural areas must rely on inflows from other (urban) areas to achieve this goal. Some rural communities achieve this; that is, they register positive net in-migration of persons aged 25-29 or older, even though they incur a net loss of younger people.

    Individuals who move out of rural areas generally experience higher earnings growth than their counterparts who stay. However, it remains an open question in which direction the causality works: is the higher earnings growth the result of the migration process itself or does it reflect the possibility that people with higher earnings growth potential are more likely to become movers?

    Release date: 2000-09-05

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045143
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores regional differences among students who drop out of Canadian universities and community colleges.

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045144
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores the effects of increasing costs on university attendance and the subsequent labour market outcomes of graduates.

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045145
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the characteristics of young people who responded to the 1991 School Leavers Survey (SLS), but who subsequently failed to respond to the 1995 School Leavers Follow-up Survey (SLF).

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 62F0026M2000004

    The Survey of Household Spending (SHS), which replaced the periodic Family Expenditure Survey (FAMEX) in 1997, is an annual survey that collects detailed expenditure information from households for a given calendar year. Due to the heavy response burden placed on respondents of this survey, it was decided for the 1997 survey to perform a test of incentive effect on response rates. Two incentives were used: a one-year subscription to the Statistics Canada publication Canadian Social Trends and a telephone calling card. The response rate data was analysed using Fisher's exact test and some non-parametric methods. After controlling for a discovered interviewer assignment effect, it was found that there was some evidence of a telephone card effect in the western and eastern most regions of Canada, while there was no evidence of any effect for the magazine. These findings were somewhat corroborated by a separate study testing effects of incentives on respondent relations. All these results will be discussed in this paper.

    Release date: 2000-08-31

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2000004

    This paper describes the methodology for the longitudinal and cross-sectional weights produced by the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID). It also presents problems the survey has encountered and proposed solutions.

    Release date: 2000-08-31

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200000110774

    In this Issue is a column where the Editor biefly presents each paper of the current issue of Survey Methodology. As well, it sometimes contain informations on structure or management changes in the journal.

    Release date: 2000-08-30

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20000015173

    In recognition of Survey Methodology's silver anniversary, this paper reviews the major advances in survey research that have taken place in the past 25 years. It provides a gneneral overview of developments in: the survey research profession; survey methodology - questionnaire design, data collection methods, handling missing data, survey sampling, and total survey error; and survey applications - panel surveys, international surveys, and secondary analysis. It also attempts to forecast some future developments in these areas.

    Release date: 2000-08-30
Journals and periodicals (323)

Journals and periodicals (323) (290 to 300 of 323 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 33-250-X
    Geography: Canada

    In 1997, the rubber products industries (Major Group 15) increased the value of its shipments by 7.7% from the previous year. According to the Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (MSM), shipments grew an additional 6.6% in 1998. This strength is largely due to low inflation, low interest rates, increased exports and increased demand for automobiles.

    This document presents an overview of rubber products manufacturing in Canada and highlights key factors which have contributed to its improved performance over the last few years. Most of the data presented are based on the 1997 Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM).

    Release date: 1999-09-01

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-587-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report presents results from the Survey of 1995 Graduates Who Moved to the United States. Both the survey and this report were conducted in partnership between Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and Statistics Canada. The survey covered post-secondary graduates from the class of '95 who moved to the U.S. between graduation and the summer of 1997. These graduates were surveyed to obtain information on their characteristics, reasons for relocating to the U.S., education and work experiences, and plans for the future.

    This report is also available on HRDC's web site at: Additional reports on the experience of post-secondary graduates are also available on the same web site.

    Release date: 1999-08-27

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-547-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This document is an examination of the present use of two case management tools in the Canadian civil courts: time limits and formal notification requirements. Time limits refer to the established time periods outlined for the conclusion of critical steps in the litigation process. These address individual case movement in the court system. Formal notification requirements relate to an obligation by the parties to notify the court when an action has terminated. These requirements serve to inform overall case disposition irrespective of any target disposition dates that may be in effect.

    The current study examines the situation in Canadian provinces and territories with respect to the existence and observance of time limits and formal notification requirements. This examination is timely because a number of jurisdictions are presently engaged in building or modifying automated case management systems. As well, many jurisdictions are re-examining case management in an attempt to increase the speed of case processing and lessen backlog in the courts.

    Release date: 1999-08-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-549-X
    Geography: Province or territory, Economic region

    This publication presents data from four special studies conducted in Canadian civil courts by Statistics Canada's Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.

    Release date: 1999-08-20

  • Table: 11-516-X

    The second edition of Historical statistics of Canada was jointly produced by the Social Science Federation of Canada and Statistics Canada in 1983. This volume contains about 1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s. The tables are arranged in sections with an introduction explaining the content of each section, the principal sources of data for each table, and general explanatory notes regarding the statistics. In most cases, there is sufficient description of the individual series to enable the reader to use them without consulting the numerous basic sources referenced in the publication.

    The electronic version of this historical publication is accessible on the Internet site of Statistics Canada as a free downloadable document: text as HTML pages and all tables as individual spreadsheets in a comma delimited format (CSV) (which allows online viewing or downloading).

    Release date: 1999-07-29

  • Journals and periodicals: 73F0008X
    Geography: Canada

    The Employment Insurance Coverage Survey was conducted during 4 months of 1998 to provide information on the ceverage of the jobless and part-time worker population by Employment Insurance. It is a survey of individuals sampled from Labour Force Survey participants; these were interviewed by telephone. The report attempts to answer the following questions: How many unemployed persons has insurable employment? How many have access to the benefits provided by EI? How many are eligible for benefits? Those not covered or not receiving benefits are identified. Finally, what are the alternative sources of revenue of the unemployed? This report analyses the main findings from the survey for Canada. It compares outcomes to the previous years' results. It also presents some beneficiary/unemployed ratio data to put the results in a historical context.

    Release date: 1999-07-12

  • Journals and periodicals: 61F0057M
    Geography: Canada

    The results of special business surveys conducted on a cost-recovery basis on behalf of clients outside Statistics Canada are published in this series, one issue per survey. The first issue presents the results of the 1995 Survey of Practices in Support of Quality Services in the Federal Public Service.

    Release date: 1999-06-21

  • Journals and periodicals: 33-251-X

    The leather and allied products major group includes four industries, the most important of which is the footwear industry. These industries have experienced problems causing a steady shrinkage, which began in the 1960s and continued up to 1996. In 1997, shipments of manufactured goods increased by 6% compared to a 4% drop the previous year. This paper, based mainly on the results of the 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM), examines some of the factors affecting these industries and compares their performance with that of the manufacturing sector overall.

    Release date: 1999-06-11

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-546-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    The Youth Custody and Community Services (YCCS) Survey is a micro-data survey, conducted annually since 1992. The YCCS survey collects data from jurisdictional operational systems via electronic interfaces. Data are forwarded to the Centre, processed, and returned to jurisdictions as aggregate data tables for verification and sign-off. The survey collects a wide array of information on young offender admissions to custody and community services (e.g., custody type, crime committed, sentence length, age, gender, Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal). The YCCS annual report is the primary vehicle for disseminating young offender information on prison populations and the use of community sanctions. To date, there have been four releases (Initiative only) of the YCCS annual report. Jurisdictional coverage varied from report to report since YCCS interfaces were phased-in over several years.

    Interface projects have been completed, and data are being collected from Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, and Yukon. In addition, the interface project for Nova Scotia is nearing completion. Together, these jurisdictions represent 47% of the national coverage of youth corrections. While the development of an electronic interface is presently not feasible in some jurisdictions, Ontario and Quebec are able to provide some of the aggregate data required to populate the tables contained in the annual report. With the addition of Ontario and Quebec in 1998-99, only data from Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories would be missing from the annual report.

    Further, in preparation for the proposed release of YCCS data, and as part of Statistics Canada's ongoing survey review process, the YCCS survey is currently undergoing a detailed methodological review, with particular attention to data quality issues and output.

    The inclusion of aggregate data from Ontario and Quebec will increase the coverage of the YCCS significantly. Also, the methodological review of the YCCS will assess the reliability of the data elements covered in the annual report. Since the survey has been in operation since 1992 and since the YCCS is the primary source of young offender information on prison populations and the use of community sanctions.

    Release date: 1999-06-07

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-534-R

    This report, revised in May 1999, describes the Electronic Publications Pilot (EPP) which was conducted to gather knowledge on how library staff and their clients are adjusting to the Internet. The pilot was conducted from September 1996 to September 1997 as a joint initiative of Statistics Canada and the Depository Services Program (DSP), in partnership with the depository library community. The objective of the pilot was to assess the impact of replacing print publications with electronic equivalents via the Internet in DSP libraries. This objective was based on an assumption that the electronic medium will complement print rather than replace it entirely and that departments will continue to produce some print publications in the future. The major conclusions of the pilot cover resources and training, web site feedback, selection of publications for conversion to electronic format, web site access and security, publication functionality and access and archiving.

    Release date: 1999-06-02
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