Key indicators
Selected geographical area: Canada
2,655-0.3%(annual change)
480,090-0.4%(monthly change)
More labour indicators
Selected geographical area: Canada
2.6%(12-month change)
1,000,505-49.2%(period-to-period change)
811,430-26.2%(period-to-period change)
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Canada
(2016 Census of Population)49.8% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Canada
(2016 Census of Population)5.9% -
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- Limit subject index to Labour force characteristics
- Limit subject index to Labour market overview
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All (3,771)
All (3,771) (0 to 10 of 3,771 results)
- Journals and periodicals: 11F0019MGeography: CanadaDescription: The Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series provides for the circulation of research conducted by Analytical Studies and Modelling Branch staff and collaborators. The Series is...Release date: 2025-03-13
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021018Description: A data visualization tool to help understand trends and patterns in Canadian apprenticeship longitudinal indicatorsRelease date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0194-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Cross-sectional income data are reported in 2018 constant dollars as two measures, including and excluding those with self-employment income. Data are available for selected trades, by...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0195-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Longitudinal income data are reported in 2018 constant dollars as two measures, including and excluding those with self-employment income. Data are available for selected trades, by sex...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0204-01Geography: Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Mobility indicators are available for the following trade groups: selected 15 Red Seal trades, other Red Seal trades, all Red Seal trades, non-Red Seal trades and all trades. The size...Release date: 2025-03-12
- 6. Net mobility indicators of newly certified journeypersons, one and three years after certificationTable: 37-10-0205-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Mobility indicators are available for selected trades and trade groups, by mode of certification and type of measurement. These indicators include journeypersons who did not move from...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Journals and periodicals: 75-006-XGeography: CanadaDescription: This publication brings together and analyzes a wide range of data sources in order to provide information on various aspects of Canadian society, including labour, income, education...Release date: 2025-03-10
- Data Visualization: 14-20-00012018001Description: This interactive visualization application provides a comprehensive picture of the Canadian labour market using the most recent Labour Force Survey data available. The estimates are...Release date: 2025-03-07
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250663587Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-03-07
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017001Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province and by census metropolitan area. This dynamic application allows users to...Release date: 2025-03-07
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Data (1,816)
Data (1,816) (0 to 10 of 1,816 results)
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021018Description: A data visualization tool to help understand trends and patterns in Canadian apprenticeship longitudinal indicatorsRelease date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0194-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Cross-sectional income data are reported in 2018 constant dollars as two measures, including and excluding those with self-employment income. Data are available for selected trades, by...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0195-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Longitudinal income data are reported in 2018 constant dollars as two measures, including and excluding those with self-employment income. Data are available for selected trades, by sex...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Table: 37-10-0204-01Geography: Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Mobility indicators are available for the following trade groups: selected 15 Red Seal trades, other Red Seal trades, all Red Seal trades, non-Red Seal trades and all trades. The size...Release date: 2025-03-12
- 5. Net mobility indicators of newly certified journeypersons, one and three years after certificationTable: 37-10-0205-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Mobility indicators are available for selected trades and trade groups, by mode of certification and type of measurement. These indicators include journeypersons who did not move from...Release date: 2025-03-12
- Data Visualization: 14-20-00012018001Description: This interactive visualization application provides a comprehensive picture of the Canadian labour market using the most recent Labour Force Survey data available. The estimates are...Release date: 2025-03-07
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017001Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province and by census metropolitan area. This dynamic application allows users to...Release date: 2025-03-07
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017002Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province, territory and economic region (ER). This dynamic application allows users...Release date: 2025-03-07
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023001Description: This interactive dashboard allows users to examine financial and employment variables for enterprises aggregated at the industry and industry aggregation level, as well as at the...Release date: 2025-03-07
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024025Description: This dashboard displays small area estimates of unemployment rate, employment rate and employment for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and a complementary geography of...Release date: 2025-03-07
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Analysis (1,732)
Analysis (1,732) (0 to 10 of 1,732 results)
- Journals and periodicals: 11F0019MGeography: CanadaDescription: The Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series provides for the circulation of research conducted by Analytical Studies and Modelling Branch staff and collaborators. The Series is...Release date: 2025-03-13
- Journals and periodicals: 75-006-XGeography: CanadaDescription: This publication brings together and analyzes a wide range of data sources in order to provide information on various aspects of Canadian society, including labour, income, education...Release date: 2025-03-10
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250663587Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-03-07
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250643313Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-03-05
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250583555Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-02-27
- Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202500200002Description: Canada has one of the highest shares of immigrants among developed countries. In 2021, immigrants made up nearly one-quarter (23.0%) of the population—the largest proportion among G7...Release date: 2025-02-26
- Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202500200003Description: This study uses the 2021 Census of Population to answer the following questions: To what extent do immigrants contribute to the labour supply of data scientists in Canada? How do...Release date: 2025-02-26
- Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202500200004Description: Technology is constantly evolving, and this can change the tasks that employees perform in the workplace. Recent and substantial developments in automation and artificial intelligence...Release date: 2025-02-26
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202505722588Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-02-26
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20250513537Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-02-20
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Reference (203)
Reference (203) (0 to 10 of 203 results)
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031X2025001Description: This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates in January 2025. Some of these modifications include the adjustment of all LFS estimates to...Release date: 2025-01-24
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031XDescription: This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates.Release date: 2025-01-24
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 37-20-0001Description: These reference guides are intended for users of the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP). The guide provides an overview of the Postsecondary Student Information...Release date: 2024-12-11
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 73-506-GDescription: The Guide to Employment Insurance Statistics (EIS) summarizes the survey methodology and data source and includes a dictionary of concepts and definitions used by the program.Release date: 2024-07-18
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-514-G2024001Description: The Guide to the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions, and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection, processing, and data...Release date: 2024-06-18
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-514-GDescription: The Guide to the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions, and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection, processing, and data...Release date: 2024-06-18
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 72-203-GDescription: The Guide to the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection and processing...Release date: 2024-03-28
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021030Description: This video is designed to give you a basic understanding of the commuting concepts. It will help you understand the definition of commuting, the target population of commuting questions...Release date: 2023-10-04
- 9. Guide to the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2023 ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-514-G2023001Description: The Guide to the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions, and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection, processing, and data...Release date: 2023-05-25
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021029Description: This video is designed to give you a basic understanding of the Labour questions and concepts. It introduces the three subtopics of data that are collected from the 14 questions on...Release date: 2023-03-29
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