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Census of Population
- Agriculture and food (710)
- Business and consumer services and culture (428)
- Business performance and ownership (1264)
- Children and youth (583)
- Construction (378)
- Crime and justice (269)
- Digital economy and society (326)
- Economic accounts (930)
- Education, training and learning (1003)
- Energy (132)
- Environment (365)
- Families, households and marital status (902)
- Government (287)
- Health (1095)
- Housing (647)
- Immigration and ethnocultural diversity (793)
- Income, pensions, spending and wealth (1020)
- Indigenous peoples (499)
- International trade (270)
- Labour (1761)
- Languages (775)
- Manufacturing (314)
- Older adults and population aging (78)
- Population and demography (1132)
- Prices and price indexes (510)
- Retail and wholesale (146)
- Science and technology (497)
- Society and community (528)
- Statistical methods (10)
- Transportation (533)
- Travel and tourism (146)
- Canada (6,101)
- Province or territory (4,830)
- Census metropolitan area (981)
- Geographical region of Canada (901)
- Census metropolitan area part (763)
- Census agglomeration (652)
- Census agglomeration part (486)
- Census division (360)
- Census subdivision (326)
- Census agricultural region (90)
- Census consolidated subdivision (90)
- Economic region (62)
- Census tract (46)
- Health region (20)
- Federal electoral district (19)
- Policing district/zone (18)
- Local health integration network (17)
- Forward sortation area (13)
- Dissemination area (13)
- Census metropolitan influenced zone (8)
- Peer group (7)
- Population centre (7)
- Drainage region (6)
- Designated place (5)
- Public health unit (5)
- Aggregate Dissemination Area (5)
- Population centre part (3)
- Major drainage area (1)
- Sub-drainage area (1)
- Climatic region (1)
- Glacier (1)
- Daily (9)
- Weekly (32)
- Monthly (1,020)
- Quarterly (703)
- Semi-annual (95)
- Annual (2,902)
- Every 2 years (439)
- Every 3 years (40)
- Every 4 years (132)
- Every 5 years (435)
- Every 10 years (17)
- Occasional (3,434)
Survey or statistical program
- Aboriginal Children's Survey (1)
- Absence from Work Survey (1)
- Access and Support to Education and Training Survey (2)
- Accounting Services Price Index (3)
- Activities of Canadian Majority-Owned Affiliates Abroad (6)
- Activities of Foreign Majority-Owned Affiliates in Canada (10)
- Adult Correctional Services (18)
- Adult Education and Training Survey (3)
- Agricultural Water Survey (16)
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Labour Statistics Program (7)
- Agriculture Taxation Data Program (46)
- Agriculture Value Added Account (2)
- Agri-Food and Fisheries Information Service (Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera) (1)
- Air Charter Statistics (5)
- Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-U.S.A. (11)
- Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Domestic Journeys (4)
- Air Quality Indicators (1)
- Aircraft Movement Statistics (53)
- Airport Activity Survey (5)
- Annual Cable Television Survey (13)
- Annual Capital and Repair Expenditures Survey: Actual, Preliminary Actual and Intentions (58)
- Annual Civil Aviation Survey (15)
- Annual College and Related Institutions Educational Staff Survey (1)
- Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories (98)
- Annual Demographic Estimates : Subprovincial Areas (56)
- Annual Electric Power Generating Stations Survey (5)
- Annual Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey (11)
- Annual End-Use of Natural Gas Survey (9)
- Annual Environmental Protection Expenditures Survey (26)
- Annual Greenhouse, Sod and Nursery Survey (21)
- Annual Head Office Survey (2)
- Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) (53)
- Annual Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey (9)
- Annual Migration Estimates by Census Division/Census Metropolitan Area (5)
- Annual Miller's Survey (8)
- Annual Mineral Production Survey (5)
- Annual Non-store Retail Survey (5)
- Annual Oil and Gas Extraction Survey (3)
- Annual Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey (15)
- Annual Production of Soft Drinks (3)
- Annual Retail Trade Survey (12)
- Annual Survey of Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption (17)
- Annual Survey of Forestry (2)
- Annual Survey of Internet Service Providers and Related Services (1)
- Annual Survey of Manufacturing and Logging Industries (10)
- Annual Survey of Research and Development in Canadian Industry (45)
- Annual Survey of Secondary Distributors of Refined Petroleum Products (2)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Accommodation Services (11)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Accounting Services (8)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Advertising and Related Services (8)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Amusement and Recreation (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Architectural Services (10)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services (1)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing (7)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Consulting Services (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Consumer Goods Rental (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Employment Services (10)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Engineering Services (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Food Services and Drinking Places (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Heritage Institutions (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Personal Services (3)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities (5)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Rental and Leasing and Property Management (5)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Repair and Maintenance Services (7)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Repair and Maintenance Services Excluding Automotive (1)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Software Development and Computer Services (16)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Specialized Design (10)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries (9)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Surveying and Mapping (8)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Translation and Interpretation Services (1)
- Annual Survey of Service Industries: Travel Arrangement Services (13)
- Annual Survey of Small For-Hire Carriers of Freight and Owner-Operators (5)
- Annual Survey of Telecommunications (6)
- Annual Survey of the Aquaculture Industry (2)
- Annual Survey on End-Use of Refined Petroleum Products (10)
- Annual Survey on Rail Transportation (18)
- Annual Trucking Survey (18)
- Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (7)
- Apartment Building Construction Price Index (6)
- Aquaculture, production and value, Annual (3)
- Architectural, Engineering and Related Services Price Index (5)
- Asphalt Roofing (5)
- Atlantic Agriculture Survey (6)
- Average Fair Market Value/Purchase Price for New Homes in Canada - Data from GST Administrative Records (3)
- Balance Sheet of the Agricultural Sector at December 31 (2)
- Band Governance Management System (5351) (1)
- Bank of Canada (85)
- Biannual Potato Area and Yield Survey (3)
- Biannual Survey of Suppliers of Business Financing (4)
- Biennial Drinking Water Plants Survey (11)
- Biennial Waste Management Survey (13)
- Biotechnology Use and Development Survey (3)
- Building Construction Price Index (23)
- Building Permits (27)
- Business Conditions Survey for the Manufacturing Industries (9)
- Business Conditions Survey for the Traveller Accommodation Industry (2)
- Business Innovation and Growth Support (3)
- Business Register (63)
- Canada's Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (1)
- Canada's Balance of International Payments (57)
- Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey (146)
- Canada's external trade classified by Broad Economic Categories (1)
- Canada's International Investment Position (48)
- Canada's International Transactions in Securities (43)
- Canada's International Transactions in Services (35)
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (59)
- Canada Revenue Agency (3)
- Canadian Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CADS) (1)
- Canadian Aquaculture Industry Survey (2)
- Canadian Cancer Registry (64)
- Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component (242)
- Canadian Community Health Survey - Healthy Aging (2)
- Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition (24)
- Canadian Coroner and Medical Examiner Database (2)
- Canadian Correctional Services Survey (2)
- Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey (CCAHS) (7)
- Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database (17)
- Canadian Financial Capability Survey (1)
- Canadian Foreign Post Indexes (5)
- Canadian Freight Analysis Framework (2)
- Canadian Government Finance Statistics (17)
- Canadian Health Measures Survey (40)
- Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth (9)
- Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (5)
- Canadian Housing Statistics Program (46)
- Canadian Housing Survey (33)
- Canadian Income Survey (35)
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) (74)
- Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries (4)
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) (109)
- Canadian Internet Use Survey (75)
- Canadian Legal Problems Survey (1)
- Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (4)
- Canadian Oral Health Survey (4)
- Canadian Perspectives Survey Series (CPSS) (6)
- Canadian Petroleum and Marketable Natural Gas Reserves (1)
- Canadian Pulp and Paper Association (2)
- Canadian Social Survey (47)
- Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (13)
- Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care (1)
- Canadian Survey on Business Conditions (528)
- Canadian Survey on Disability (89)
- Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC) (18)
- Canadian Survey on the Provision of Child Care Services (186)
- Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts - Natural Resource Asset Accounts (18)
- Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (29)
- Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Environmental Tax Account (1)
- Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts (27)
- Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (2)
- Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (1)
- Canadian Tourism Activity Tracker (2)
- Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association (1)
- Capacity Utilization Rates (4)
- Cement Survey (6)
- Census of Agriculture (193)
- Census of Agriculture: Environmental Geography Aggregations of Census Farm Units (4)
- Census of Population (3,373)
- Census of Trusteed Pension Funds (3)
- Census of Wildlife Pelt Production (2)
- Changes in Employment Survey (2)
- Chemical and Mineral Process Plant Price Indexes (1)
- Chemical and Petrochemical Process Plant Price Index (1)
- Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey (1)
- Civil Court Survey (7)
- Coal Mines Annual (1)
- Coastwise Shipping Survey (2)
- Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Price Index (8)
- Commercial Rents Services Price Index (10)
- Commercial Software Price Index (4)
- Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans Survey (7)
- Commercial Stocks of the Major Special Crops Survey (5)
- Community College Student Information System (4)
- Computer and peripherals price indexes (14)
- Confectionery (1)
- Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities (10)
- Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures (18)
- Construction Building Materials Price Index (2)
- Construction Type Plywood (4)
- Construction Union Wage Rate Index (15)
- Consulting Engineering Services Price Index (4)
- Consulting Services Price Index (4)
- Consumer Price Index (49)
- Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada (17)
- Corporation Financial Statistics (2)
- Corporation Taxation Statistics (3)
- Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act, Part 2 - Labour Unions (5)
- Corporations Returns Act (13)
- Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults and Youth (7)
- Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (16)
- Coupon Passenger Origin and Destination Report - Other Unit Toll Services (4)
- Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (4)
- Courts Resources, Expenditures and Personnel Survey (2)
- COVID-19 epidemiological reports (6)
- Covid 19 Restrictions indexes; Daily (1)
- Covid 19 Restrictions indexes; Monthly (1)
- Crop Condition Assessment Program (3)
- Crowdsourcing - Cannabis (8)
- Crude Oil and Natural Gas (22)
- Culture Services Trade (2)
- Culture Trade - Goods (1)
- Dangerous Goods Accident Information System - Transport Canada (14)
- Department of Finance (2)
- Direct Payments to Agriculture Producers (3)
- Direct Selling in Canada (1)
- Disposition of Shipments of Ingots and Rolled Steel Products (5)
- Distributions of household economic accounts for income, consumption and saving of Canadian households (9)
- Education Price Index (1)
- Egg Producers Survey (5)
- Electric Lamps (Light Sources) (1)
- Electric Power Capability and Load (1)
- Electric Power Selling Price Indexes for Non-residential Customers (7)
- Electric Utility Construction Price Index (4)
- Elementary/Secondary School Enrolment (1)
- Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (43)
- Employment and Social Development Canada (15)
- Employment and Social Development Canada, Homeless Shelters (1)
- Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (1)
- Employment Insurance Statistics - Monthly (44)
- Energy Research and Development Expenditures by Area of Technology (3)
- Energy Research and Development Expenditures - Petroleum Firms (1)
- Entrepreneurship Indicators Database (9)
- Environment Canada - Temperature and Precipitation (1)
- Estimates of Labour Income (11)
- Estimates of population, by marital status or legal marital Status, age and sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and territories (5)
- Estimates of the number of census families for July 1st, Canada, provinces and territories (5)
- Estimates of Total Population for Canada, the Provinces and the Territories (1)
- Ethnic Diversity Survey (12)
- Experimental New Condominium Apartment Price Index (7)
- Fabricated Structural Steel Price Indexes (1)
- Factory Shipments of High Pressure Decorative Laminate Sheet (1)
- Fare Basis Survey (8)
- Farm Business Cash Flows (2)
- Farm Cash Receipts (20)
- Farm Debt Outstanding (2)
- Farm Financial Survey (9)
- Farm Income in Kind, by Item (2)
- Farm Input Price Index (17)
- Farm Management Survey (47)
- Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation Charges (3)
- Farm Product Price Index (9)
- Farm Product Prices Survey (9)
- Federal Patents, Licences and Royalties Survey (1)
- Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel, Activities in the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences (20)
- Feed Grain Purchases Survey (2)
- Fertilizer Shipments Survey (9)
- Field Crop Reporting Series (20)
- Finances of Government Business Enterprises (9)
- Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises (8)
- Financial Flow Accounts (43)
- Financial Information of Colleges (15)
- Financial Information of Universities Survey (20)
- Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange (2)
- Financial Performance Data (25)
- Financial Survey of Canadian Water Carriers (1)
- Floor Tiles (1)
- Food Availability (per person) (7)
- Food Expenditure Survey (2)
- Footwear Statistics (5)
- Forage Seed Usage Survey (1)
- For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index (10)
- Freight Rail Services Price Index (4)
- Freshwater Quality Indicator (1)
- Frontier Counts (26)
- Fruits and Vegetables Survey (17)
- Fuel Consumption Survey (119)
- Functional Foods and Natural Health Products Survey (2)
- Fur Farm Report - Mink and Foxes (4)
- Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuels Sold (4)
- Gender Statistics (4)
- General Social Survey - Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology (2)
- General Social Survey: Canadians at Work and Home (11)
- General Social Survey - Caregiving and Care Receiving (20)
- General Social Survey - Family (12)
- General Social Survey - Giving, Volunteering and Participating (37)
- General Social Survey - Social Identity (24)
- General Social Survey - Victimization (19)
- Government Finance Statistics (1)
- Grain Used for Industrial Purposes Survey (3)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator (1)
- Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development (7)
- Gross Domestic Product by Industry - Annual (7)
- Gross Domestic Product by Industry - National (Monthly) (29)
- Gross Domestic Product by Industry - Provincial and Territorial (Annual) (16)
- Gypsum Products (2)
- Hardboard (1)
- Health Services Access Survey (42)
- Help Wanted Index Survey (4)
- Higher Education Research and Development Estimates (3)
- Highway Construction Price Indexes (1)
- Homeowner Repair and Renovation Survey (1)
- Homicide Survey (20)
- Honey Production, Value and Colonies (3)
- Hospital Morbidity Database (3)
- House of Commons Canada (1)
- Households and the Environment Survey (59)
- Human Resources Module of the Canadian Economy (5)
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Data Collection Series (19)
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers: Infection Prevention and Control (ICHCWIPC) (1)
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postsecondary students (ICPPS) (1)
- Income and Financial Data of Individuals, Preliminary T1 Family File (13)
- Indigenous Peoples Survey (121)
- Industrial Chemicals and Synthetic Resins (4)
- Industrial Product Price Index (89)
- Industrial Water Survey (41)
- Informatics Professional Services Price Indexes (14)
- Infrastructure Construction Price Index (1)
- Integrated Criminal Court Survey (34)
- Intercity and Rural Passenger Bus Survey (1)
- International Energy Production and Reserves (3)
- International Merchandise Trade Price Index (62)
- International Travel Survey: Electronic questionnaires and Air Exit Survey (6)
- Inventory Statement of Frozen Eggs, Poultry and Edible Dried Egg Products (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data) (5)
- Investment Banking Services Price Index (4)
- Investment in Building Construction (4)
- Investment in New Housing Construction (1)
- Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (28)
- Job Vacancy Statistics (4)
- Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (1)
- Labour Force Survey (341)
- Labour Market Activity Survey (2)
- Labour Productivity Measures - National (Quarterly) (3)
- Labour Productivity Measures - Provinces and Territories (Annual) (15)
- Land Cover Statistics from Natural Resources Canada (3)
- Leaf Tobacco Area, Production and Value (1)
- Legal Aid Survey (18)
- Lending Services Price Index (LSPI) (2)
- Linkable File Environment (25)
- Livestock Survey (53)
- Longitudinal Administrative Databank (9)
- Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (9)
- Longitudinal Immigration Database (71)
- Machinery and Equipment Price Index (21)
- Maple Products (3)
- Marine International Freight Origin and Destination Survey (2)
- Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (MHACS) (6)
- Milk Sold Off Farms and Cash Receipts from the Sale of Milk (5)
- Mineral Wool Including Fibrous Glass Insulation (4)
- Minority and Second Language Education, Elementary and Secondary Independent Schools (1)
- Monthly Business Openings and Closures (MBOC) (2)
- Monthly Civil Aviation Survey (5)
- Monthly Coal Supply and Disposition Survey (14)
- Monthly Coke Supply and Disposition Survey (12)
- Monthly Crushing Operations Survey (11)
- Monthly Dairy Factory Production and Stocks Survey (25)
- Monthly Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey (15)
- Monthly Energy Transportation and Storage Survey (4)
- Monthly Inventory Statement of Butter and Cheese (3)
- Monthly Miller's Survey (15)
- Monthly Mineral Production Survey (4)
- Monthly Natural Gas Distribution Survey (3)
- Monthly Natural Gas Storage Survey (1)
- Monthly Natural Gas Transmission Survey (15)
- Monthly New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey (4)
- Monthly Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey (18)
- Monthly Oil Pipeline Statement (14)
- Monthly Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey (4)
- Monthly Railway Carloadings Survey (5)
- Monthly Refined Petroleum Products (22)
- Monthly Renewable Fuel and Hydrogen Survey (MRFHS) (5)
- Monthly Retail Trade Survey (Department Store Organizations) (29)
- Monthly Survey of Food Services and Drinking Places (6)
- Monthly Survey of Large Retailers (2)
- Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (30)
- Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey (25)
- Municipal Wastewater Systems in Canada (MWSC) (5)
- Mushroom Growers' Survey (2)
- National Apprenticeship Survey (5)
- National Balance Sheet Accounts (109)
- National Cannabis Survey (1)
- National Child Care Survey (1)
- National Farm Survey (2)
- National Fire Information Database (NFID) (6)
- National Graduates Survey (45)
- National Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts (265)
- National Household Survey (213)
- National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (11)
- National Population Health Survey: Health Institutions Component, Longitudinal (2)
- National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Cross-sectional (38)
- National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Longitudinal (14)
- National Population Health Survey: North Component (30)
- National Private Vehicle Use Survey (1)
- National Tourism Indicators (22)
- National Travel Survey (2)
- Natural Resources Canada (6)
- Natural Resources Canada (Glaciers) (1)
- Net Farm Income (13)
- New Housing Price Index (13)
- New Lending Services Price Index (6)
- New Motor Vehicle Registration Survey (7)
- Nursing and Residential Care Facilities - Public (1)
- Nursing and Residential Care Facility Survey (NRCFS) (11)
- Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada (FJA) (1)
- Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (7)
- Official Canadian Government Travel Survey (1)
- Oils and Fats (3)
- Ontario Adult Literacy Survey (1)
- Ontario Material Deprivation Survey (1)
- Particleboard, Oriented Strandboard and Fibreboard (4)
- Passenger Air Services Price Index (2)
- Passenger Bus/Urban Transit Survey - Quarterly (2)
- Passenger Bus Statistics (1)
- Pension Plans in Canada (30)
- Periodical Publishing Survey (2)
- Personal Protective Equipment Survey (3)
- Police Administration Survey (9)
- Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories (6)
- Population projections on immigration and diversity for Canada and its regions (1)
- Postsecondary Student Information System (123)
- Precast Concrete Price Indexes (1)
- Preliminary Estimates of Population for Census Divisions and Census Metropolitan Areas (Regression method) (3)
- Private nursing and residential care facilities (14)
- Process Cheese (2)
- Processors Supplementary Report of Frozen Vegetables Intended for Re-manufacture (5)
- Producer Deliveries of Major Grains, Canada and selected provinces (1)
- Production and Disposition of Tobacco Products (3)
- Production and Sales of Phonograph Records and Pre-Recorded Tapes in Canada (1)
- Production of Poultry and Eggs (12)
- Production of Selected Biscuits (2)
- Production, Sales and Stocks of Major Appliances (3)
- Production, Shipments and Stocks on Hand of Sawmills in British Columbia (1)
- Productivity Measures and Related Variables - National and Provincial (Annual) (10)
- Programme for International Student Assessment (3)
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (22)
- Projections of the Indigenous populations and households in Canada (6)
- Prosecutorial Services in Canada (1)
- Provincial and Territorial Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts (76)
- Provincial Expenditures on Education in Reform and Correctional Institutions (9)
- Provincial Government Activities in the Natural Sciences (6)
- Public Health Agency of Canada (134)
- Public Sector Employment (7)
- Public Service Employee Survey (1)
- Pulpwood and Wood Residue (1)
- Quarterly Civil Aviation Survey (9)
- Quarterly Demographic Estimates (23)
- Quarterly Estimates of Trusteed Pension Funds (7)
- Quarterly Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey (7)
- Quarterly Industry Revenue Indices (1)
- Quarterly Stocks of Frozen and Chilled Meats Survey (16)
- Quarterly Survey of Capital Expenditures - Oil and Gas Activities (1)
- Quarterly Survey of Financial Institutions (33)
- Quarterly Survey of Financial Statements (16)
- Quarterly Survey of Telecommunications (1)
- Quarterly Trucking Survey (6)
- Radio and Television Broadcasting Survey (28)
- Radio Listening Databank (6)
- Rail Commodity Origin and Destination Statistics (6)
- Railway Operating Statistics Survey (1)
- Raw Materials Price Index (8)
- Real-Time Grain Movement by Rail (1)
- Registered Apprenticeship Information System (30)
- Resale Residential Property Price Index (RRPPI) (1)
- Research and Development of Canadian Private Non-Profit Organizations (20)
- Research and Development Personnel (2)
- Residential Construction Investment (1)
- Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) (4)
- Residential Property Values (5)
- Residential Telephone Service Survey (1)
- Retail Chains and Department Stores (1)
- Retail Commodity Survey (11)
- Retail Services Price Index (12)
- Retail Store Survey (Annual) (4)
- Retail Trade Survey (Monthly) (35)
- Rigid Insulating Board (1)
- Sales of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers (1)
- Satellite Account of Non-profit Institutions and Volunteering (15)
- Sawmills (17)
- School Leavers Survey (1)
- Scientific Activities of Provincial Research Organizations, Activities in Natural Sciences and Engineering (6)
- Scientific and Technological Activities of Provincial Governments (6)
- Screened traffic at Canadian airports (1)
- Secondary School Graduates Survey (1)
- Securities Statistics (11)
- Selected Financial Indexes (2)
- Shelter Cost Survey (1)
- Shipments of Solid Fuel Burning Heating Products (3)
- Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Overdose Cohort (7)
- Steel Pipe and Tubing (4)
- Steel Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron (7)
- Steel Wire and Specified Wire Products (5)
- Stock and Consumption of Fixed Non-residential Capital (16)
- Stock and Consumption of Fixed Residential Capital (6)
- Stock Exchange Statistics (2)
- Stocks of Frozen Fruit and Vegetables (5)
- Sugar - Situation (3)
- Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables (51)
- Survey of Advanced Technology (79)
- Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning (7)
- Survey of Colleges and Institutes (1)
- Survey of Consumer Finances (13)
- Survey of Consumer Finances (Small Sample) (1)
- Survey of Deposit-accepting Intermediaries: Chartered Banks, Trust Companies, Caisses Populaires and Credit Unions (1)
- Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use (42)
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (1)
- Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (75)
- Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Man-hours (1)
- Survey of Environmental Goods and Services (11)
- Survey of Family Expenditures (2)
- Survey of Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education (23)
- Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture (3)
- Survey of Financial Security (9)
- Survey of Financial Statistics of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools (12)
- Survey of Household Spending (38)
- Survey of Innovation (93)
- Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy (199)
- Survey of Intellectual Property Awareness and Use (6)
- Survey of Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector (2)
- Survey of Intellectual Property Management (17)
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (62)
- Survey of Livestock Slaughter (17)
- Survey of Maintenance Enforcement Programs (15)
- Survey of Neurological Conditions in Institutions in Canada (1)
- Survey of Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders (2)
- Survey of Older Workers (1)
- Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and Researchers (7)
- Survey of Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture (3)
- Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse (26)
- Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (3)
- Survey of Self-employment (1)
- Survey of Service Industries: Book Publishers (17)
- Survey of Service Industries: Film and Video Distribution (18)
- Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Post-production (10)
- Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Production (11)
- Survey of Service Industries: Motion Picture Theatres (14)
- Survey of Service Industries: Newspaper Publishers (12)
- Survey of Service Industries: Performing Arts (21)
- Survey of Service Industries: Periodical Publishers (16)
- Survey of Service Industries: Sound Recording and Music Publishing (19)
- Survey of the Construction Industry (1)
- Survey of the Couriers and Local Messengers Industry (10)
- Survey of the Taxi and Limousine Services Industry (1)
- Survey of Uniform Financial System - School Boards (19)
- Survey of Wage Rates for Hired Farm Labour (2)
- Survey on Accessibility in Federal Sector Organizations (SAFSO) (4)
- Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada (10)
- Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements - Children with Long-term Conditions and Disabilities (SELCCA - CLCD) (7)
- Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements (SELCCA) (20)
- Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (39)
- Survey on Health Care Workers' Experiences During the Pandemic (1)
- Survey on Home Health Care and Related Services (1)
- Survey on Local Food and Beneficial Management Practices (15)
- Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (1)
- Survey on Smoking in Canada (1)
- Survey on the Importance of Nature to Canadians (1)
- Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities (3)
- Tea and Coffee (2)
- Telecommunications Plant Price Index (2)
- Telecommunications services producer price indexes (4)
- Television Viewing Databank (6)
- The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (4)
- The Open Database of Educational Facilities (1)
- Therapeutic Abortion Survey (12)
- Time Use Survey (17)
- Trade/Vocational Enrolment Survey (1)
- Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods (18)
- Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods (17)
- Transport Canada in brief (16)
- Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (1)
- Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (34)
- Traveller Accommodation Services Price Index (5)
- Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey (5)
- Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs (22)
- Unemployment Insurance Statistics (Annual) (2)
- Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (52)
- United States Department of Agriculture (2)
- United States Statistics (21)
- University and College Academic Staff System - Full-time Staff (31)
- University Student Information System (2)
- Value of Farm Capital (4)
- Value of Inventory Change (4)
- Vehicle Registrations (5)
- Victim Services Survey (5)
- Visitor Travel Survey (5)
- Vital Statistics - Birth Database (86)
- Vital Statistics - Death Database (145)
- Vital Statistics - Divorce Database (26)
- Vital Statistics - Marriage Database (16)
- Vital Statistics - Stillbirth Database (17)
- Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector (11)
- Wastewater-based estimates of drug consumption (4)
- Weekly Aircraft Movements (1)
- Weekly Rail Performance Indicators, Transport Canada (4)
- Wholesale Services Price Index (15)
- Wholesale Trade Commodity Survey by Origin and Destination (1)
- Workplace and Employee Survey (1)
- Youth Court Survey (2)
- Youth Custody and Community Services (13)
- Youth in Transition Survey (1)
- Youth Smoking Survey (1)
- All (12,230)
- Tables (11,497)
- Profiles of a community or region (284)
- Thematic maps (71)
- Public use microdata (155)
- Data Visualization (228)
All (12,230)
All (12,230) (0 to 10 of 12,230 results)
- Table: 23-10-0251-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), selected provinces and...Description: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), selected provinces and regions, monthly.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 23-10-0307-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by Urban transit agency, selected Canadian Urban transit agencies, monthly.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 25-10-0075-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Crude oil and petroleum products opening and closing inventories, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, monthly, not...Description: Crude oil and petroleum products opening and closing inventories, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, monthly, not seasonally adjusted.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 25-10-0077-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Crude oil and petroleum products movements, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, moved from shipping region to receiving...Description: Crude oil and petroleum products movements, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, moved from shipping region to receiving region, monthly, not seasonally adjusted.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 34-10-0286-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The investment in residential and non-residential building construction represents the spending value of building construction by households, enterprises and governments for buildings.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0109-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 110 series, with data starting from 1946 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 110 series, with data starting from 1946 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Assets and liabilities (110 items: Total assets; Total; Canadian dollar assets; Total of foregoing assets; Total; foreign currency assets ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0112-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 75 series, with data starting from 1926 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 75 series, with data starting from 1926 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (75 items: Total; currency and deposits; Currency outside banks; coin; Currency outside banks; notes; Currency outside banks ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0116-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 66 series, with data starting from 1953 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 66 series, with data starting from 1953 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates (66 items: Chartered bank deposits; personal (excluding personal; chequable; demand); Currency outside banks and Canadian dollar chartered bank deposits; total; Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits; held by general public; Chartered bank deposits; demand (excluding private sector float) ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0139-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: DailyDescription: This table contains 39 series, with data for starting from 1991 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following...Description: This table contains 39 series, with data for starting from 1991 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); Financial market statistics (39 items: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-month (composite rates); Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 2-month (composite rates); Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 3-month (composite rates);Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 6-month (composite rates); ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- 10. Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, dailyTable: 10-10-0141-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: DailyDescription: This table contains 6 series, with data starting from 1999 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 6 series, with data starting from 1999 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Type of reserve (6 items: Total, Canada's official international reserves; Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars;Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States; Gold; ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
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Tables (11,497)
Tables (11,497) (0 to 10 of 11,497 results)
- Table: 23-10-0251-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), selected provinces and...Description: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), selected provinces and regions, monthly.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 23-10-0307-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by Urban transit agency, selected Canadian Urban transit agencies, monthly.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 25-10-0075-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Crude oil and petroleum products opening and closing inventories, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, monthly, not...Description: Crude oil and petroleum products opening and closing inventories, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, monthly, not seasonally adjusted.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 25-10-0077-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: MonthlyDescription: Crude oil and petroleum products movements, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, moved from shipping region to receiving...Description: Crude oil and petroleum products movements, by mode of transport including pipelines, marine vessels and associated terminals, by product type, moved from shipping region to receiving region, monthly, not seasonally adjusted.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 34-10-0286-01Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: MonthlyDescription: The investment in residential and non-residential building construction represents the spending value of building construction by households, enterprises and governments for buildings.Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0109-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 110 series, with data starting from 1946 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 110 series, with data starting from 1946 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Assets and liabilities (110 items: Total assets; Total; Canadian dollar assets; Total of foregoing assets; Total; foreign currency assets ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0112-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 75 series, with data starting from 1926 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 75 series, with data starting from 1926 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (75 items: Total; currency and deposits; Currency outside banks; coin; Currency outside banks; notes; Currency outside banks ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0116-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription: This table contains 66 series, with data starting from 1953 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 66 series, with data starting from 1953 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates (66 items: Chartered bank deposits; personal (excluding personal; chequable; demand); Currency outside banks and Canadian dollar chartered bank deposits; total; Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits; held by general public; Chartered bank deposits; demand (excluding private sector float) ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- Table: 10-10-0139-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: DailyDescription: This table contains 39 series, with data for starting from 1991 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following...Description: This table contains 39 series, with data for starting from 1991 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); Financial market statistics (39 items: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-month (composite rates); Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 2-month (composite rates); Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 3-month (composite rates);Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 6-month (composite rates); ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
- 10. Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, dailyTable: 10-10-0141-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: DailyDescription: This table contains 6 series, with data starting from 1999 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions...Description: This table contains 6 series, with data starting from 1999 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Type of reserve (6 items: Total, Canada's official international reserves; Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars;Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States; Gold; ...).Release date: 2025-01-20
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Profiles of a community or region (284)
Profiles of a community or region (284) (0 to 10 of 284 results)
- Profile of a community or region: 46-26-0002Description: The National Address Register (NAR) is a list of commercial and residential addresses in Canada that are extracted from Statistics Canada's Building Register and deemed non-confidential.Release date: 2024-12-20
- Profile of a community or region: 17-26-0002Description: The proximity measures model is a simple gravity model that quantifies the availability of an amenity/service within a determined distance from the user at the dissemination block (DB)...Description: The proximity measures model is a simple gravity model that quantifies the availability of an amenity/service within a determined distance from the user at the dissemination block (DB) level.Release date: 2023-06-27
- Profile of a community or region: 98-510-XDescription: This product presents information from the Census of Population focusing on the Indigenous population of various geographic areas. Data are available for the Indigenous population by...Description: This product presents information from the Census of Population focusing on the Indigenous population of various geographic areas. Data are available for the Indigenous population by age groups for selected socio-demographic characteristics.Release date: 2023-06-21
- Profile of a community or region: 17-26-0001Description:
Geographic proximity to service centres and population centres is an important determinant of socio-economic and health outcomes. Consequently, it is a relevant dimension in the...
Description:Geographic proximity to service centres and population centres is an important determinant of socio-economic and health outcomes. Consequently, it is a relevant dimension in the analysis and delivery of policies and programs.
To measure this dimension, Statistics Canada developed an Index of Remoteness of communities. For each populated community (census subdivision), the index is determined by its distance to all the population centres defined by Statistics Canada in a given travel radius, as well as their population size.
Release date: 2023-01-04 - Profile of a community or region: 98-316-X2021001Description: This profile presents information from the 2021 Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and...Description: This profile presents information from the 2021 Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census tracts. Data are from the 2021 Census of Population and are available according to the major releases of the 2021 Census release dates: February 9, 2022 – Population and dwelling counts; April 27, 2022 – Age, Sex at birth and gender, Type of dwelling; July 13, 2022 – Families, households and marital status, Canadian military experience, Income; August 17, 2022 – Language; September 21, 2022 – Indigenous peoples, Housing; October 26, 2022 – Immigration, place of birth, and citizenship, Ethnocultural and religious diversity, Mobility and migration; November 30, 2022 – Education, Labour, Language of work, Commuting, Instruction in the official minority language.Release date: 2022-12-15
- Profile of a community or region: 98-316-XDescription:
This product presents information from the Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census...
Description:This product presents information from the Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census tracts. Data are from the Census of Population and include characteristics for: population, age, sex, dwellings, families, marital status, language, income, education and labour as examples.
Release date: 2022-12-15 - Profile of a community or region: 32-26-0004Description: This tool provides a statistical profile of farm and farm operator variables from the Census of Agriculture for a specific geographic location—or community—selected by users within the...Description: This tool provides a statistical profile of farm and farm operator variables from the Census of Agriculture for a specific geographic location—or community—selected by users within the province/territory, census agriculture region (CAR), census division (CD) or census consolidated subdivision (CCS) levels of geography.Release date: 2022-06-15
- Profile of a community or region: 46-26-0001Description: The Open Database of Addresses (ODA) is a listing of address points across Canada. The database contains addresses and geo coordinates. The ODA is based on data from authoritative...Description: The Open Database of Addresses (ODA) is a listing of address points across Canada. The database contains addresses and geo coordinates. The ODA is based on data from authoritative sources that include among them provincial, territorial and municipal governments. The ODA is released as open data under the Open Government License - Canada and provided as a collection of compressed CSV files.Release date: 2021-04-29
- Profile of a community or region: 21-26-0001Description: The Open Database of Cultural and Art Facilities (ODCAF) is a listing of cultural and art facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified in to one of the following nine types: art...Description: The Open Database of Cultural and Art Facilities (ODCAF) is a listing of cultural and art facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified in to one of the following nine types: art or cultural centre, festival site, gallery, heritage or historic site, library or archive, museum, theatre/performance and concert hall, and miscellaneous.
The listing contains the names, addresses, and geo coordinates of facilities, as well as the facility type as assigned in the data source. The ODCAF is based on data from authoritative sources that include among them provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and professional associations.
The ODCAF is released as open data under the Open Government License - Canada and provided as a zipped comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Release date: 2020-10-02 - Profile of a community or region: 13-26-0001Description: The Open Database of Healthcare Facilities (ODHF) is a listing of healthcare facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified into one of three types: ambulatory health care...Description: The Open Database of Healthcare Facilities (ODHF) is a listing of healthcare facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified into one of three types: ambulatory health care services, hospitals, and nursing and residential care facilities. The listing contains the names, addresses, and geo coordinates of facilities, as well as the facility type as assigned in the data source.
The ODHF is based on data from authoritative sources that include among them all levels of government and public health and professional healthcare bodies. The ODHF is released as open data under the Open Government License - Canada and provided as a zipped comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Release date: 2020-08-07
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Thematic maps (71)
Thematic maps (71) (0 to 10 of 71 results)
- Thematic map: 22-205-XDescription: This interactive web mapping application produces timely, quantitative and objective information on crop and pasture conditions at the census agricultural region, census division...Description: This interactive web mapping application produces timely, quantitative and objective information on crop and pasture conditions at the census agricultural region, census division, census consolidated subdivision and township levels (counties in the United States). It includes colour images and maps, graphs and tables. It is updated on a weekly basis during the growing season and holds historical data since 1987 (1-km resolution version) or 2000 (250-metre resolution version).
This product uses low-resolution, digital satellite data to monitor the changing vegetation conditions over the whole agriculture area of Canada and the northern half of the United States.
Release date: 2024-06-14 - Thematic map: 92-173-XDescription: A thematic map focuses on the spatial variability of a specific distribution or theme (such as population density or average annual income) for standard geographic areas, whereas a...Description: A thematic map focuses on the spatial variability of a specific distribution or theme (such as population density or average annual income) for standard geographic areas, whereas a reference map focuses on the location and names of geographic features. Thematic maps normally include some location or reference information to help users familiarize themselves with the geographic area covered on the map.
A reference guide is available (92-143-G).
Release date: 2023-05-10 - Thematic map: 98-401-X2021018Description: This product presents information from the Census of Population for various levels of geography. Data are from the 2021 Census of Population and are available according to the major...Description: This product presents information from the Census of Population for various levels of geography. Data are from the 2021 Census of Population and are available according to the major releases of the 2021 Census release dates: February 9, 2022 – Population and dwelling counts; April 27, 2022 – Age, Sex at birth and gender, Type of dwelling; July 13, 2022 – Families, households and marital status, Canadian military experience, Income; August 17, 2022 – Language; September 21, 2022 – Indigenous peoples, Housing; October 26, 2022 – Immigration, place of birth, and citizenship, Ethnocultural and religious diversity, Mobility and migration; November 30, 2022 – Education, Labour, Language of work, Commuting, Instruction in the official minority language.Release date: 2023-02-08
- Thematic map: 95-634-X202100100001Description: These static thematic maps provide the spatial density distribution of specific Census of Agriculture data themes by census division (CD). The data portrayed in these maps may be...Description: These static thematic maps provide the spatial density distribution of specific Census of Agriculture data themes by census division (CD). The data portrayed in these maps may be qualitative (e.g., predominant farm types) or quantitative (e.g., livestock inventory variation between the last two censuses).
This product is provided in printable format.
Release date: 2022-12-23 - Thematic map: 95-634-XDescription: These static thematic maps provide the spatial density distribution of specific Census of Agriculture data themes by census division (CD). The data portrayed in these maps may be...Description: These static thematic maps provide the spatial density distribution of specific Census of Agriculture data themes by census division (CD). The data portrayed in these maps may be qualitative (e.g., predominant farm types) or quantitative (e.g., livestock inventory variation between the last two censuses).
This product is provided in printable format.
Release date: 2022-12-23 - Thematic map: 95-630-XDescription: These static reference maps provide the boundaries, codes and names for the geographic levels in Canada for which Census of Agriculture data are released: province or territory, census...Description: These static reference maps provide the boundaries, codes and names for the geographic levels in Canada for which Census of Agriculture data are released: province or territory, census agricultural region (CAR), census division (CD) and census consolidated subdivision (CCS).
This product is provided in printable format.
Release date: 2022-02-22 - 7. Accounting for ecosystem change, 2021 ArchivedThematic map: 38-20-00012021001Description: This product provides thematic maps associated with Human Activity and the Environment, 2021, covering various aspects of ecosystem accounts, including ecosystem extent and condition....Description: This product provides thematic maps associated with Human Activity and the Environment, 2021, covering various aspects of ecosystem accounts, including ecosystem extent and condition. The maps are based on the principles of ecosystem accounting and use multiple datasets from a variety of sources.Release date: 2022-01-25
- Thematic map: 16-201-XDescription:
Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth...
Description:Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.
Release date: 2022-01-25 - Thematic map: 38-20-0001Description:
This series presents environmental data and information using maps and graphics. It will include thematic maps linked to the report Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X)...
Description:This series presents environmental data and information using maps and graphics. It will include thematic maps linked to the report Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X), as well as maps and other graphic visual representations of information related to environmental accounts, environmental surveys and other research related to environmental statistics.
Release date: 2022-01-25 - Thematic map: 38-20-00012020001Description:
This product describes the similarities and differences between two sets of United Nations (UN) guidelines for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: the United Nations System of...
Description:This product describes the similarities and differences between two sets of United Nations (UN) guidelines for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Statistics Canada's Greenhouse Gas Account is compiled based on the SEEA guidelines, while the National GHG Inventory is prepared by Environment and Climate Change Canada in accordance with the UNFCCC.
Release date: 2020-07-15
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Public use microdata (155)
Public use microdata (155) (0 to 10 of 155 results)
- Public use microdata: 71M0001XDescription: This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on...Description: This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on the labour market activities of Canada's working age population. This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products.
Monthly files are available back to 2006 and can be directly downloaded. For reference periods prior to 2006, files are available by request through Statistics Canada's Electronic File Transfer (EFT) service and date back to 1976.
Release date: 2025-01-10 - Public use microdata: 13-25-0011Description: This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey (CCAHS). The CCAHS collected...Description: This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey (CCAHS). The CCAHS collected information on the presence of chronic conditions, self-reported COVID-19 status, testing history, risk for infection, health behaviours and vaccination status. COVID-19 antibody seroprevalence laboratory data, and select demographic information are also available. Survey data were collected between April 2022 and August 2022, with the vast majority of collection occurring in May, June and July 2022.Release date: 2024-11-14
- Public use microdata: 89F0002XDescription: The SPSD/M is a static microsimulation model designed to analyse financial interactions between governments and individuals in Canada. It can compute taxes paid to and cash transfers...Description: The SPSD/M is a static microsimulation model designed to analyse financial interactions between governments and individuals in Canada. It can compute taxes paid to and cash transfers received from government. It is comprised of a database, a series of tax/transfer algorithms and models, analytical software and user documentation.Release date: 2024-08-26
- Public use microdata: 89M0016XDescription: Governments and other stakeholders are increasingly interested in assessing the skills of their adult populations in order to monitor how well prepared they are for the challenges of...Description: Governments and other stakeholders are increasingly interested in assessing the skills of their adult populations in order to monitor how well prepared they are for the challenges of the modern knowledge-based society. Adults are expected to use information in complex ways and to maintain and enhance their literacy skills to adapt to ever changing technologies. Literacy is important not only for personal development, but also for positive educational, social, and economic outcomes. Adult literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills encompass a continuum of learning that enables individuals to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their communities and society as a whole. Canada has been participating in adult skills assessment surveys for several decades. The surveys are repeated every ten years, with the first in the series taking place in 1994. First there was the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), then the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (IALSS) in 2003 and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) cycles 1 and 2 in 2012 and 2022 respectively. Each of these surveys builds on the concepts of the previous surveys. Over the years, the framework has broadened the definition of literacy to adapt it to the information age, notably by including reading skills in digital environments.Release date: 2024-08-23
- Public use microdata: 81M0011XDescription: This survey was designed to collect details on topics such as: i) the extent to which graduates of postsecondary programs have been successful in obtaining employment since graduation;...Description: This survey was designed to collect details on topics such as: i) the extent to which graduates of postsecondary programs have been successful in obtaining employment since graduation; ii) the relationship between the graduates' program of study and the employment subsequently obtained; iii) the type of employment obtained and qualification requirements; iv) sources of funding for postsecondary education; and v) government-sponsored student loans and other sources of student debt. The survey results are directed towards policy makers, researchers, educators, employers and persons interested in public postsecondary education and graduates' transition from school to work.Release date: 2024-07-31
- Public use microdata: 89M0017XDescription: The public use microdata file from the 2010 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating is now available. This file contains information collected from nearly 15,000...Description: The public use microdata file from the 2010 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating is now available. This file contains information collected from nearly 15,000 respondents aged 15 and over residing in private households in the provinces.The public use microdata file provides provincial-level information about the ways in which Canadians donate money and in-kind gifts to charitable and nonprofit organizations; volunteer their time to these organizations; provide help directly to others. Socio-demographic, income and labour force data are also included on the file.Release date: 2024-07-24
- Public use microdata: 82M0021XDescription: The Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) for the Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (MHACS) provides information about the mental health status of Canadians, as well as their access to...Description: The Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) for the Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (MHACS) provides information about the mental health status of Canadians, as well as their access to and need for services and supports, whether formal or informal. This product includes many safeguards to prevent the identification of any one person or household. The 2022 MHACS is a repeat of the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey on Mental Health (CCHS-Mental Health). In contrast to the 2002 and 2012 iterations of the CCHS-Mental Health, which were administered in-person, the 2022 MHACS was administered by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Release date: 2024-06-26
- Public use microdata: 13-25-0010Description: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) provides data at the provincial level. Over the two-year period, data were collected from...Description: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) provides data at the provincial level. Over the two-year period, data were collected from approximately 42,000 respondents aged 65 or older, residing in households in all provinces. The file includes information on a wide range of topics, including oral health, care receiving, community service use, access to health care services, vaccines, smoking, alcohol consumption, general health, chronic health conditions and provides information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the population. Note: The Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) is a supplement to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Annual component.Release date: 2024-06-14
- Public use microdata: 82M0013XDescription: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) provides data for health regions and combinations of health regions across Canada. Over the two...Description: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) provides data for health regions and combinations of health regions across Canada. Over the two year period, data are based on interviews with approximately 130,000 respondents aged 12 or older, residing in households in all provinces and territories.
The files include information on a wide range of topics, including: physical activity, height and weight, smoking, exposure to second hand smoke, alcohol consumption, general health, chronic health conditions, injuries, and use of health care services. It also provides information on the socio-demographic, income and labour force characteristics of the population.
Release date: 2024-06-14 - Public use microdata: 66M0001XDescription: Records relate to the activities of Canadians travelling outside the country and visitors to Canada: Canadian residents; travellers; non-residents; expenditures; length of stay; type of...Description: Records relate to the activities of Canadians travelling outside the country and visitors to Canada: Canadian residents; travellers; non-residents; expenditures; length of stay; type of transportation; purpose of trip; accommodation used; places visited; expenditure by categories.
International travel data are collected in two flows: Canadian returning from abroad; visitors from the USA and from other countries to Canada.
Release date: 2024-04-18
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Data Visualization (228)
Data Visualization (228) (10 to 20 of 228 results)
- Data Visualization: 14-20-00012018001Description:
This interactive visualization application provides a comprehensive picture of the Canadian labour market using the most recent Labour Force Survey data available. The estimates are...
Description:This interactive visualization application provides a comprehensive picture of the Canadian labour market using the most recent Labour Force Survey data available. The estimates are seasonally adjusted and available by province, sex, age group and industry. Historical estimates, going back 5 years, are also included for monthly employment changes and unemployment rates. The interactive application allows users to quickly and easily explore and personalize the information presented. Combine multiple provinces, sexes and age groups to create your own labour market domains of interest.
Release date: 2025-01-10 - Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017001Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province and by census metropolitan area. This dynamic application allows users to...Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province and by census metropolitan area. This dynamic application allows users to view geographical rankings for each labour market indicator and to create quick and easy reports with interactive maps and charts that can be easily copied into other programs. All provincial and CMA estimates used in this application are seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving averages. Labour Force Survey data at the provincial level published each month in The Daily are seasonally adjusted monthly estimates.Release date: 2025-01-10
- 13. Labour Market Indicators, by province, territory and economic region, unadjusted for seasonalityData Visualization: 71-607-X2017002Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province, territory and economic region (ER). This dynamic application allows users...Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province, territory and economic region (ER). This dynamic application allows users to view a snapshot of key labour market indicators, observe geographical rankings for each indicator using an interactive map and table, and easily copy data into other programs. The provincial and ER estimates used in this application from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are three-month moving averages, unadjusted for seasonality. The provincial, territorial and ER estimates used in this application from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) are quarterly data, unadjusted for seasonality. Historical estimates are available in this application, with data going back 10 years for the LFS and from the first quarter of 2016 for JVWS.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021005Description: Building permits: Interactive Dashboard can be used to visualize monthly data or trend analysis of the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities as well as monthly changes on...Description: Building permits: Interactive Dashboard can be used to visualize monthly data or trend analysis of the value of permits issued by Canadian municipalities as well as monthly changes on residential units created. The user can view those data by selecting reference period, geography, type of building structure and value type for seasonal adjustment.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023020Description: The "Frontier Counts: Interactive Dashboard" provides access to data on the number of border crossings in an interactive and customizable format. The counts include only those...Description: The "Frontier Counts: Interactive Dashboard" provides access to data on the number of border crossings in an interactive and customizable format. The counts include only those travelling for tourism-related purposes. The dashboard includes four visualizations: leading indicator of air arrivals, leading indicator of land arrivals, returning Canadians, and visitors to Canada.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024025Description: This dashboard displays small area estimates of unemployment rate, employment rate and employment for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and a complementary geography of...Description: This dashboard displays small area estimates of unemployment rate, employment rate and employment for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and a complementary geography of small communities and rural areas called self-contained labour areas. The dashboard allows users to visually explore the estimates using an interactive map as well as time series charts and tables. Data are unadjusted for seasonality and updated monthly.Release date: 2025-01-10
- Data Visualization: 14-20-0001Description:
The Canadian Labour Market Observatory consists of interactive data visualization applications showcasing the vast amount of publicly available labour market information. The fully...
Description:The Canadian Labour Market Observatory consists of interactive data visualization applications showcasing the vast amount of publicly available labour market information. The fully interactive applications allow Canadians to quickly and easily personalize the information in a way that is relevant to them and their interests.
Release date: 2025-01-10 - Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024004Description: This dashboard presents data that are relevant for monitoring mortality in Canada. The interactive visualization within the dashboard features insights on weekly death trends from the...Description: This dashboard presents data that are relevant for monitoring mortality in Canada. The interactive visualization within the dashboard features insights on weekly death trends from the Canadian Vital Statistics - Death (CVSD) database.Release date: 2025-01-09
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024028Description: This dashboard allows users to examine the latest data for selected oral health indicators in Canada: visits to an oral health professional, dental insurance coverage, oral health...Description: This dashboard allows users to examine the latest data for selected oral health indicators in Canada: visits to an oral health professional, dental insurance coverage, oral health characteristics (self-reported), oral health characteristics (measured), oral health care risk factors.Release date: 2025-01-09
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024005Description: This interactive dashboard provides access to current and historical average price data for selected food products in a dynamic and customizable format. The price data is available for...Description: This interactive dashboard provides access to current and historical average price data for selected food products in a dynamic and customizable format. The price data is available for Canada and the provinces. Prices are based on transaction data from Canadian retailers, and are presented in Canadian current dollars. This web-based application is updated monthly, as soon as the data for the latest reference month is released in The Daily.Release date: 2025-01-08
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The Sort by feature provides three options:
- By date – sorts results by product release date starting with the most recent.
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Sort help
How are the results ordered?
The Sort by feature provides four options:
- By date – sorts results by product release date starting with the most recent.
- By most popular – gives priority to results that are most frequently selected by users, followed by the most recent.
- By relevance is only needed or beneficial when you use the search box and submit a search query. Results are ordered by a combination of where the search term appears in the content, e.g., if it appears in the title, it likely means the product is more relevant to your search; how up to date or new the content in the product is; how popular the product is; and other factors.
- By title – sorts results alphabetically.