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All (1,239) (0 to 10 of 1,239 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021017
    Description: The need for alternative data sources is of growing importance for both supplementing Statistics Canada's data holdings and for nowcasting economic activity. In response to this need, Statistics Canada initiated the development of a Real-time Local Business Conditions Index (RT-LBCI). The index brings together data from a few different sources, including Google's Places API (containing data on temporary and permanent businesses closures), TomTom Real-time traffic API (road traffic data), as well as information from Statistics Canada data holdings (monthly retail and wholesale, Business Register, etc.). The project aims to compute a near real-time index of economic activity in Canadian major cities.
    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 10-10-0145-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: This table contains 38 series, with data starting from 1957 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Rates (38 items: Bank rate; Chartered bank administered interest rates - prime business; Chartered bank - consumer loan rate; Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 1 month; ...).
    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 33-10-0036-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Daily

    This table contains 27 series, with data starting from 1981 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); Type of currency (27 items: Australian dollar, daily average; Brazilian real, daily average; Chinese renminbi, daily average; European euro, daily average; ...).

    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 33-10-0398-01
    Geography: Population centre
    Frequency: Weekly

    The RT-LBCI is released as an experimental statistic. It is intended to provide a real-time signal on business activities following the disruptions brought about by the pandemic and through the recovery phase.

    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022008
    Description: The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) Data Portal is a collaboration between Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada, which administers the ESTMA. The ESTMA helps the Government of Canada deter corruption in the extractive sector by requiring extractive entities that are active in Canada to publicly disclose, on an annual basis, certain types of payments made to governments in Canada and abroad. The goal of the data portal is to increase the accessibility and utility of the payment information collected under the ESTMA by bringing together all available ESTMA data in one online location, and further enriching the payment data with analytical functions that help users to leverage the complete ESTMA dataset. The database has also been designed with mobility in mind to ensure that users and stakeholders have mobile access to ESTMA data.
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024026
    Description: The Business Ownership Diversity Dashboard allows users to examine the distribution of businesses in Canada by equity and diversity indicators and by business variable dimensions. Equity and diversity indicators include visible minority status, age, immigrant status, Indigenous group, and gender. Business variable dimensions include the location of business operations, revenue size, business size (number of employees), and industry sector.
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 10-10-0144-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: This table contains 8 series, with data starting from 1992 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Rates (8 items: Bank rate; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year; ...).
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 36-10-0579-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    This financial market summary table presents quarterly Financial Flow Accounts data, unadjusted, by category.

    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 36-10-0668-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Quarterly balance sheet of the other financial corporations sector presented on a modified whom-to whom basis at market value according to the Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS plus).

    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 33-10-0838-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual counts of enterprises by visible minority status of owner (South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, etc.) for Canada, provinces and the territories.
    Release date: 2024-09-10
Tables (1,223)

Tables (1,223) (0 to 10 of 1,223 results)

  • Table: 10-10-0145-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: This table contains 38 series, with data starting from 1957 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Rates (38 items: Bank rate; Chartered bank administered interest rates - prime business; Chartered bank - consumer loan rate; Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 1 month; ...).
    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 33-10-0036-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Daily

    This table contains 27 series, with data starting from 1981 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); Type of currency (27 items: Australian dollar, daily average; Brazilian real, daily average; Chinese renminbi, daily average; European euro, daily average; ...).

    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 33-10-0398-01
    Geography: Population centre
    Frequency: Weekly

    The RT-LBCI is released as an experimental statistic. It is intended to provide a real-time signal on business activities following the disruptions brought about by the pandemic and through the recovery phase.

    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Table: 10-10-0144-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Weekly
    Description: This table contains 8 series, with data starting from 1992 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Rates (8 items: Bank rate; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month; Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year; ...).
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 36-10-0579-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    This financial market summary table presents quarterly Financial Flow Accounts data, unadjusted, by category.

    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 36-10-0668-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Quarterly balance sheet of the other financial corporations sector presented on a modified whom-to whom basis at market value according to the Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS plus).

    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Table: 33-10-0838-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual counts of enterprises by visible minority status of owner (South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, etc.) for Canada, provinces and the territories.
    Release date: 2024-09-10

  • Table: 33-10-0839-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual counts of enterprises by age of owner (younger than 30 years, 30 to 39 years, 40 to 49 years, etc.) for Canada, provinces and the territories.
    Release date: 2024-09-10

  • Table: 33-10-0840-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual counts of enterprises by immigrant status of owner (admitted less than 5 years ago, admitted 5 to 9 years ago, etc.) for Canada, provinces and the territories.
    Release date: 2024-09-10

  • Table: 33-10-0841-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Annual counts of enterprises by Indigenous group (Indigenous, Non-Indigenous) of owner for Canada, provinces and the territories.
    Release date: 2024-09-10
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Data Visualization (16)

Data Visualization (16) (0 to 10 of 16 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021017
    Description: The need for alternative data sources is of growing importance for both supplementing Statistics Canada's data holdings and for nowcasting economic activity. In response to this need, Statistics Canada initiated the development of a Real-time Local Business Conditions Index (RT-LBCI). The index brings together data from a few different sources, including Google's Places API (containing data on temporary and permanent businesses closures), TomTom Real-time traffic API (road traffic data), as well as information from Statistics Canada data holdings (monthly retail and wholesale, Business Register, etc.). The project aims to compute a near real-time index of economic activity in Canadian major cities.
    Release date: 2024-09-13

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022008
    Description: The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) Data Portal is a collaboration between Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada, which administers the ESTMA. The ESTMA helps the Government of Canada deter corruption in the extractive sector by requiring extractive entities that are active in Canada to publicly disclose, on an annual basis, certain types of payments made to governments in Canada and abroad. The goal of the data portal is to increase the accessibility and utility of the payment information collected under the ESTMA by bringing together all available ESTMA data in one online location, and further enriching the payment data with analytical functions that help users to leverage the complete ESTMA dataset. The database has also been designed with mobility in mind to ensure that users and stakeholders have mobile access to ESTMA data.
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024026
    Description: The Business Ownership Diversity Dashboard allows users to examine the distribution of businesses in Canada by equity and diversity indicators and by business variable dimensions. Equity and diversity indicators include visible minority status, age, immigrant status, Indigenous group, and gender. Business variable dimensions include the location of business operations, revenue size, business size (number of employees), and industry sector.
    Release date: 2024-09-12

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019004
    Description: Quarterly statistics on issues and holdings of securities. Data presented by numerous dimensions including sector, currency, original maturity, type of interest rate and market of issuance. Definitions, concepts and presentations used are consistent with the recommendations of the Handbook on Securities Statistics, an internationally agreed framework for classifying these instruments.
    Release date: 2024-09-06

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021010
    Description: This tool includes information collected as part of the Quarterly Financial Statistics for Enterprises program, which provides data used to measure the financial position and performance of incorporated businesses by industry aggregations.
    Release date: 2024-08-23

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024008
    Description: This dashboard is designed for users to explore current and historical counts of employer and non-employer businesses by geography, employment size and industry. This web-based application undergoes semi-annual updates.
    Release date: 2024-05-30

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024009
    Description: This dashboard features data from the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions. It is designed for users to explore the obstacles, expectations, and future outlook of businesses in rural and small town areas. This web-based application undergoes quarterly updates.
    Release date: 2024-05-30

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019026

    The interactive tool presents information on activities of multinational enterprises at the international and national level. At the international level, users can see the importance of foreign multinationals on the Canadian economy as well as the similar role of Canadian multinationals in foreign economies, by country. At the national level, information on activities of multinational enterprises in Canada are included, by type of multinationals, province and industry. Activities include a number of selected variables such as number of enterprises, number of jobs, assets, revenues, merchandise trade and value added.

    Release date: 2024-05-21

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023001
    Description: This interactive dashboard allows users to examine financial and employment variables for enterprises aggregated at the industry and industry aggregation level, as well as at the provincial, territorial and regional level.

    Financial statistics are based on the Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises product (survey 2510) and are calculated to the province and territory level using employment allocation factors based on profiled data from the Business Register and administrative data from the Canada Revenue Agency T4 Supplemental file.

    The employment data has been aggregated at the industry and industry aggregation level, using the annual provincial program of Canadian Productivity Accounts (survey 5103) which produces annual data on jobs by province and territory.

    Release date: 2024-05-13

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2020002
    Description: The Biannual Survey of Suppliers of Business Financing is conducted by Statistics Canada to collect and report aggregate information on the financing of business in Canada. This tool includes information on data collected from the major suppliers of business financing including domestic banks and other banks, credit unions and caisse populaires, finance companies (including some Government Business Enterprises), portfolio managers, and insurance companies.
    Release date: 2024-04-26
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