Provisional Deaths in Canada Dashboard
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The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following data table:
Additional information
Weekly death counts reported by geography, all ages and both sexes
This interactive tool allows users to examine recent mortality trends, by comparing the number of deaths being observed with previous years. Comparing provisional death counts and death estimates over time can be useful for understanding trends in mortality. As Canada's population grows and ages, the number of deaths is expected to increase from year to year.
During the production of each month's death statistics, data from previous months/years may be revised to reflect any updates or changes that have been received from the provincial and territorial vital statistics offices.
The quality of the weekly adjusted counts is dependent upon completeness of the death data reported to Statistics Canada. Only estimates for weeks where the level of completeness reaches 75% or more are shown. The level of completeness reaches 90% or more for almost all weeks, with a few exceptions.
To provide more up-to-date information on deaths, provisional death counts for the 2022 and 2023 reference years have been adjusted to account for reporting delays.
Weekly death rates reported by geography, age-standardized and both sexes
As Canada's population grows and ages, the number of deaths is expected to increase from year to year. To take into account the impact of population aging on mortality trends, the chart “Provisional weekly age-standardized mortality rates, by sex” displays age standarized mortality rates (ASMR). ASMR is a method of comparing mortality rates between two time periods or geographical areas, and account for differences in age structures between multiple different populations. The standardization was done using Canada's population distribution in 2011 as the standard population and uses age buckets as follows: 0 to 44, 45 to 64, 65 to 84, 85+.
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