October 2021
Spotlight on data and research
Working from home in Canada: What have we learned so far?
This article synthesizes the key findings of several studies on work from home published by Statistics Canada since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Roughly 40% of Canadian jobs can be done from home. Higher education increased the likelihood of being able to work from home, and being able to work from home may increase job security in future pandemics. Working from home could potentially reduce the demand for public transit and greenhouse gas emissions due to commuting.
Recent Developments in the Canadian Economy: Fall 2021
This article provides an integrated analysis of recent changes in output, consumer spending, business investment, international trade and employment. It also draws on new data sources that provide detailed information on the financial conditions facing businesses and households. The analysis is based on data that are publicly available as of October 8, 2021.
Educational experiences of young women with disabilities
People with disabilities tend to have lower levels of educational attainment than those without disabilities due to barriers that decrease their chances for educational success. However, more women with disabilities had a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with men with disabilities. This study compares the educational experiences of women and men aged 15 to 34 with disabilities.
While women with disabilities reported attaining higher levels of educational than men, a higher proportion of women (53%) than men (37%) with more severe disabilities reported that their education was interrupted because of their condition.
Among people with more severe disabilities, double the proportion of women (45%) as men (22%) did their courses online or by home study, while a greater proportion of men changed schools or attended a special school or classes because of their condition.
Research articles
Work experiences of women with disabilities
Both women and people with disabilities are designated as groups for which the Employment Equity Act aims to achieve equality in the workplace. This study contributes to the important intersection between disability status and sex in work experiences using a gender-based perspective and data from the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability.
Women with disabilities were more likely than men with disabilities to change their workload, begin working from home, or take a leave of absence because of their condition. Child care was a top reason for part-time employment among women with disabilities.
Women with disabilities were more likely than men with disabilities to change their workload, begin working from home, or take a leave of absence because of their condition. Child care was a top reason for part-time employment among women with disabilities.
Related publications
Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series
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