Economic and Social Reports
Journal overview

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Aim and scope

Economic and Social Reports, published by the Analytical Studies and Modelling Branch of Statistics Canada, is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes in-depth research, brief analyses, and current economic updates on a variety of topics, such as labour, immigration, education and skills, income mobility, well-being, aging, firm dynamics, productivity, economic transitions, and economic geography outputs. It is designed for a broad audience that includes, researchers, policymakers, students, and the general public.

All papers are institutionally reviewed and the research and analytical papers undergo peer review to ensure that they conform to Statistics Canada's mandate as a governmental statistical agency and adhere to generally accepted standards of good professional practice. New articles are published electronically each month. Previous issues can be found in the Economic and Social Reports catalogue. A volume consists of one consecutive year and the outputs are published chronologically.

Economic and Social Reports outputs

Spotlight on data and research

Spotlight articles provide an avenue to release information in timely ways. Articles may include release of new data or data updates from previous data releases or published papers, analysis on current issues, notable economic releases or summaries of research articles published by Statistics Canada researchers. To ensure timely publication, articles are short and written in a journalistic style and are institutionally reviewed.


Insights articles showcase the extent to which Statistics Canada data can be used to inform our understanding of current economic and social issues (e.g., How many households are financially vulnerable? How do the financial characteristics of young Canadians compare across generations?), including insights on the growth and development of Canada's economy. These articles highlight new insights or synthesize the results of previous research carried out by Statistics Canada. Articles in this section are written in a more journalistic style and undergo peer and institutional review.

Research articles

Research papers report on in-depth analyses conducted by Statistics Canada on a range of topics including labour, immigration, education and skills, income mobility, well-being, aging, firm dynamics, productivity, economic transitions, and economic geography. Research papers are written in a standard research style (introduction, methods, data, results, discussion) and undergo peer and institutional review.

Digital object identifier (DOI)

Every article published in Economic and Social Reports is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), which is a unique string created to identify a piece of intellectual property in an online environment. The DOI is comprised of a prefix and a suffix. The Economic and Social Reports prefix is 10.25318.

The Economic and Social Reports suffix starts with: 36280001 and is followed by the year of publication and the article identifier. An example of DOI is: 10.25318/36280001202301000004-eng.

To resolve a DOI, you may type it:

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

Economic and Social Reports: ISSN 2563 - 8955 


Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee is in charge of the editorial direction and scope of Economic and Social Reports.

Scientific editors

The scientific editors of Economic and Social Reports have overall responsibility for the content of the journal. In this capacity the scientific editors initially determine whether a submission falls within the scope of the journal’s mandate, adheres to the published author guidelines, and is appropriate from an editorial point of view. On the basis of institutional and peer reviews that are received, the scientific editors make the final decision as to whether the manuscript should be accepted for publication in Economic and Social Reports.

As part of the editorial committee, the scientific editors will help plan content for the journal.

Currently the scientific editor role is assumed by the directors of the Economic Analysis and Social Analysis and Modelling Divisions.

Associate editors

The associate editors are responsible for providing some institutional reviews of Economic and Social Reports articles as per their subject matter expertise. 

They will also contribute, through regular meetings, to the editorial direction of the journal and help plan content for journal.

Economic and Social Reports is supported by our associate and scientific editors:


The final responsibility for all editorial decisions rests with the directors of the Economic Analysis and Social Analysis and Modelling Divisions. The directors take final responsibility for everything published in the journal.

Peer and institutional review process

To ensure quality and objectivity, all articles published in Economic and Social Reports undergo peer and institutional review prior to publication. The review process is guided by Statistics Canada’s policy on peer and institutional review, which states that all interpretive information products, analytical products and methodological products for which Statistics Canada is solely or jointly responsible are subject to review prior to release outside the agency. The review should ensure that their content adheres to the generally accepted norms of good professional practice and that they are compatible with the agency's mandate. Peer reviewers may include internal experts within Statistics Canada, the federal government, academia, or the non-government sector, while institutional reviews are performed by senior management at Statistics Canada.

Author guidelines

Who publishes Economic and Social Reports

Economic and Social Reports is published by the Analytical Studies and Modelling Branch of Statistics Canada. The journal does not accept outside submissions. All articles are written by divisions within the Analytical Studies and Modelling Branch. Articles are published electronically and release on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Authors are not required to pay a fee to publish their papers.

Economic and Social Reports content

Economic and Social Reports contains three types of articles: Spotlight on data and research, Insights and Research article.

Spotlight on data and research

Articles may include release of new data, data updates, or summaries or research articles published by Statistics Canada researchers. Language should be plain and accessible, and articles must be institutionally reviewed.


Articles highlight new insights or synthesize the results of previous research carried out by Statistics Canada. Language should be plain and accessible. Articles must be institutionally and peer reviewed by two reviewers, with at least one external to the originating division.

Research articles

Articles are written in standard research style (abstract, introduction, methods, data, results, conclusion). Articles must be institutionally and peer reviewed by two reviewers, with at least one external to Statistics Canada. 


Economic and Social Reports follows the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing (using the author–date citation system).

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references.


Economic and Social Reports is published in English and French. Translations of Economic and Social Reports articles are verified by a French or English editor, depending on the language of the original manuscript. Authors are offered an opportunity to review the translation of their article.

Copyright and licensing

Economic and Social Reports is published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Industry. This publication is freely available under the Statistics Canada Open Licence.

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