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  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110398

    The study of longitudinal data is vital in terms of accurately observing changes in responses of interest for individuals, communities, and larger populations over time. Linear mixed effects models (for continuous responses observed over time) and generalized linear mixed effects models and generalized estimating equations (for more general responses such as binary or count data observed over time) are the most popular techniques used for analyzing longitudinal data from health studies, though, as with all modeling techniques, these approaches have limitations, partly due to their underlying assumptions. In this review paper, we will discuss some advances, including curve-based techniques, which make modeling longitudinal data more flexible. Three examples will be presented from the health literature utilizing these more flexible procedures, with the goal of demonstrating that some otherwise difficult questions can be reasonably answered when analyzing complex longitudinal data in population health studies.

    Release date: 2008-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110419

    Health services research generally relies on observational data to compare outcomes of patients receiving different therapies. Comparisons of patient groups in observational studies may be biased, in that outcomes differ due to both the effects of treatment and the effects of patient prognosis. In some cases, especially when data are collected on detailed clinical risk factors, these differences can be controlled for using statistical or epidemiological methods. In other cases, when unmeasured characteristics of the patient population affect both the decision to provide therapy and the outcome, these differences cannot be removed using standard techniques. Use of health administrative data requires particular cautions in undertaking observational studies since important clinical information does not exist. We discuss several statistical and epidemiological approaches to remove overt (measurable) and hidden (unmeasurable) bias in observational studies. These include regression model-based case-mix adjustment, propensity-based matching, redefining the exposure variable of interest, and the econometric technique of instrumental variable (IV) analysis. These methods are illustrated using examples from the medical literature including prediction of one-year mortality following heart attack; the return to health care spending in higher spending U.S. regions in terms of clinical and financial benefits; and the long-term survival benefits of invasive cardiac management of heart attack patients. It is possible to use health administrative data for observational studies provided careful attention is paid to addressing issues of reverse causation and unmeasured confounding.

    Release date: 2008-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 92F0138M2008002

    On November 26 2006, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held an international workshop on defining and measuring metropolitan regions. The reasons the OECD organized this workshop are listed below.

    1. Metropolitan Regions have become a crucial economic actor in today's highly integrated world. Not only do they play their traditional role of growth poles in their countries but they function as essential nodes of the global economy.2. Policy makers, international organisations and research networks are increasingly called to compare the economic and social performances of Metropolitan Regions across countries. Examples of this work undertaken in international organisation and networks include the UN-Habitat, the EU Urban Audit, ESPON and the OECD Competitive Cities.3. The scope of what we can learn from these international comparisons, however, is limited by the lack of a comparable definition of Metropolitan Regions. Although most countries have their own definitions, these vary significantly from one country to another. Furthermore, in search for higher cross-country comparability, international initiatives have - somehow paradoxically - generated an even larger number of definitions.4. In principle, there is no clear reason to prefer one definition to another. As each definition has been elaborated for a specific analytical purpose, it captures some features of a Metropolitan Region while it tends to overlook others. The issue, rather, is that we do not know the pros and the cons of different definitions nor, most important, the analytical implications of using one definition rather than another. 5. In order to respond to these questions, the OECD hosted an international workshop on 'Defining and Measuring Metropolitan Regions'. The workshop brought together major international organisations (the UN, Eurostat, the World Bank, and the OECD), National Statistical Offices and researchers from this field. The aim of the workshop was to develop some 'guiding principles', which could be agreed upon among the participants and would eventually provide the basis for some form of 'International Guidance' for comparing Metropolitan Regions across countries.

    This working paper was presented at this workshop. It provides the conceptual and methodological basis for the definition of metropolitan areas in Canada and provides a detailed comparison of Canada's methodology to that of the USA. The intent was to encourage discussion regarding Canada's approach to defining metropolitan areas in the effort to identify the 'guiding principles'. It is being made available as a working paper to continue this discussion and to provide background to the user community to encourage dialogue and commentary from the user community regarding Canada's metropolitan area methodology.

    Release date: 2008-02-20

  • Articles and reports: 92F0138M2007001

    Statistics Canada creates files that provide the link between postal codes and the geographic areas by which it disseminates statistical data. By linking postal codes to the Statistics Canada geographic areas, Statistics Canada facilitates the extraction and subsequent aggregation of data for selected geographic areas from files available to users. Users can then take data from Statistics Canada for their areas and tabulate this with other data for these same areas to create a combined statistical profile for these areas.

    An issue has been the methodology used by Statistics Canada to establish the linkage of postal codes to geographic areas. In order to address this issue, Statistics Canada decided to create a conceptual framework on which to base the rules for linking postal codes and Statistics Canada's geographic areas. This working paper presents the conceptual framework and the geocoding rules. The methodology described in this paper will be the basis for linking postal codes to the 2006 Census geographic areas. This paper is presented for feedback from users of Statistics Canada's postal codes related products.

    Release date: 2007-02-12

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20060019257

    In the presence of item nonreponse, two approaches have been traditionally used to make inference on parameters of interest. The first approach assumes uniform response within imputation cells whereas the second approach assumes ignorable response but make use of a model on the variable of interest as the basis for inference. In this paper, we propose a third appoach that assumes a specified ignorable response mechanism without having to specify a model on the variable of interest. In this case, we show how to obtain imputed values which lead to estimators of a total that are approximately unbiased under the proposed approach as well as the second approach. Variance estimators of the imputed estimators that are approximately unbiased are also obtained using an approach of Fay (1991) in which the order of sampling and response is reversed. Finally, simulation studies are conducted to investigate the finite sample performance of the methods in terms of bias and mean square error.

    Release date: 2006-07-20

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20050008805

    This paper reports on the potential development of sub-annual indicators for selected service industries using Goods and Services Tax (GST) data. The services sector is now of central importance to advanced economies; however, our knowledge of this sector remains incomplete, partly due to a lack of data. The Voorburg Group on Service Statistics has been meeting for almost twenty years to develop and incorporate better measures for the services sector. Despite this effort, many sub-annual economic measures continue to rely on output data for the goods-producing sector and, with the exception of distributive trades, on employment data for service industries.

    The development of sub-annual indicators for service industries raises two questions regarding the national statistical program. First, is there a need for service output indicators to supplement existing sub-annual measures? And second, what service industries are the most promising for development? The paper begins by reviewing the importance of service industries and how they behave during economic downturns. Next, it examines considerations in determining which service industries to select as GST-based, sub-annual indicators. A case study of the accommodation services industry serves to illustrate improving timeliness and accuracy. We conclude by discussing the opportunities for, and limitations of, these indicators.

    Release date: 2005-10-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-002-X20050018030

    People often wish to use survey micro-data to study whether the rate of occurrence of a particular condition in a subpopulation is the same as the rate of occurrence in the full population. This paper describes some alternatives for making inferences about such a rate difference and shows whether and how these alternatives may be implemented in three different survey software packages. The software packages illustrated - SUDAAN, WesVar and Bootvar - all can make use of bootstrap weights provided by the analyst to carry out variance estimation.

    Release date: 2005-06-23

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20040027753

    Samplers often distrust model-based approaches to survey inference because of concerns about misspecification when models are applied to large samples from complex populations. We suggest that the model-based paradigm can work very successfully in survey settings, provided models are chosen that take into account the sample design and avoid strong parametric assumptions. The Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimator is a simple design-unbiased estimator of the finite population total. From a modeling perspective, the HT estimator performs well when the ratios of the outcome values and the inclusion probabilities are exchangeable. When this assumption is not met, the HT estimator can be very inefficient. In Zheng and Little (2003, 2004) we used penalized splines (p-splines) to model smoothly - varying relationships between the outcome and the inclusion probabilities in one-stage probability proportional to size (PPS) samples. We showed that p spline model-based estimators are in general more efficient than the HT estimator, and can provide narrower confidence intervals with close to nominal confidence coverage. In this article, we extend this approach to two-stage sampling designs. We use a p-spline based mixed model that fits a nonparametric relationship between the primary sampling unit (PSU) means and a measure of PSU size, and incorporates random effects to model clustering. For variance estimation we consider the empirical Bayes model-based variance, the jackknife and balanced repeated replication (BRR) methods. Simulation studies on simulated data and samples drawn from public use microdata in the 1990 census demonstrate gains for the model-based p-spline estimator over the HT estimator and linear model-assisted estimators. Simulations also show the variance estimation methods yield confidence intervals with satisfactory confidence coverage. Interestingly, these gains can be seen for a common equal-probability design, where the first stage selection is PPS and the second stage selection probabilities are proportional to the inverse of the first stage inclusion probabilities, and the HT estimator leads to the unweighted mean. In situations that most favor the HT estimator, the model-based estimators have comparable efficiency.

    Release date: 2005-02-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20030017700

    This paper suggests a useful framework for exploring the effects of moderate deviations from idealized conditions. It offers evaluation criteria for point estimators and interval estimators.

    Release date: 2005-01-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X20030017722

    This paper shows how to adapt design-based and model-based frameworks to the case of two-stage sampling.

    Release date: 2005-01-26
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Analysis (97)

Analysis (97) (0 to 10 of 97 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202400100001
    Description: Inspired by the two excellent discussions of our paper, we offer some new insights and developments into the problem of estimating participation probabilities for non-probability samples. First, we propose an improvement of the method of Chen, Li and Wu (2020), based on best linear unbiased estimation theory, that more efficiently leverages the available probability and non-probability sample data. We also develop a sample likelihood approach, similar in spirit to the method of Elliott (2009), that properly accounts for the overlap between both samples when it can be identified in at least one of the samples. We use best linear unbiased prediction theory to handle the scenario where the overlap is unknown. Interestingly, our two proposed approaches coincide in the case of unknown overlap. Then, we show that many existing methods can be obtained as a special case of a general unbiased estimating function. Finally, we conclude with some comments on nonparametric estimation of participation probabilities.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202400100002
    Description: We provide comparisons among three parametric methods for the estimation of participation probabilities and some brief comments on homogeneous groups and post-stratification.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202400100003
    Description: Beaumont, Bosa, Brennan, Charlebois and Chu (2024) propose innovative model selection approaches for estimation of participation probabilities for non-probability sample units. We focus our discussion on the choice of a likelihood and parameterization of the model, which are key for the effectiveness of the techniques developed in the paper. We consider alternative likelihood and pseudo-likelihood based methods for estimation of participation probabilities and present simulations implementing and comparing the AIC based variable selection. We demonstrate that, under important practical scenarios, the approach based on a likelihood formulated over the observed pooled non-probability and probability samples performed better than the pseudo-likelihood based alternatives. The contrast in sensitivity of the AIC criteria is especially large for small probability sample sizes and low overlap in covariates domains.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202400100004
    Description: Non-probability samples are being increasingly explored in National Statistical Offices as an alternative to probability samples. However, it is well known that the use of a non-probability sample alone may produce estimates with significant bias due to the unknown nature of the underlying selection mechanism. Bias reduction can be achieved by integrating data from the non-probability sample with data from a probability sample provided that both samples contain auxiliary variables in common. We focus on inverse probability weighting methods, which involve modelling the probability of participation in the non-probability sample. First, we consider the logistic model along with pseudo maximum likelihood estimation. We propose a variable selection procedure based on a modified Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) that properly accounts for the data structure and the probability sampling design. We also propose a simple rank-based method of forming homogeneous post-strata. Then, we extend the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) algorithm to this data integration scenario, while again properly accounting for the probability sampling design. A bootstrap variance estimator is proposed that reflects two sources of variability: the probability sampling design and the participation model. Our methods are illustrated using Statistics Canada’s crowdsourcing and survey data.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202400100014
    Description: This paper is an introduction to the special issue on the use of nonprobability samples featuring three papers that were presented at the 29th Morris Hansen Lecture by Courtney Kennedy, Yan Li and Jean-François Beaumont.
    Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200005
    Description: Population undercoverage is one of the main hurdles faced by statistical analysis with non-probability survey samples. We discuss two typical scenarios of undercoverage, namely, stochastic undercoverage and deterministic undercoverage. We argue that existing estimation methods under the positivity assumption on the propensity scores (i.e., the participation probabilities) can be directly applied to handle the scenario of stochastic undercoverage. We explore strategies for mitigating biases in estimating the mean of the target population under deterministic undercoverage. In particular, we examine a split population approach based on a convex hull formulation, and construct estimators with reduced biases. A doubly robust estimator can be constructed if a followup subsample of the reference probability survey with measurements on the study variable becomes feasible. Performances of six competing estimators are investigated through a simulation study and issues which require further investigation are briefly discussed.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200009
    Description: In this paper, we investigate how a big non-probability database can be used to improve estimates of finite population totals from a small probability sample through data integration techniques. In the situation where the study variable is observed in both data sources, Kim and Tam (2021) proposed two design-consistent estimators that can be justified through dual frame survey theory. First, we provide conditions ensuring that these estimators are more efficient than the Horvitz-Thompson estimator when the probability sample is selected using either Poisson sampling or simple random sampling without replacement. Then, we study the class of QR predictors, introduced by Särndal and Wright (1984), to handle the less common case where the non-probability database contains no study variable but auxiliary variables. We also require that the non-probability database is large and can be linked to the probability sample. We provide conditions ensuring that the QR predictor is asymptotically design-unbiased. We derive its asymptotic design variance and provide a consistent design-based variance estimator. We compare the design properties of different predictors, in the class of QR predictors, through a simulation study. This class includes a model-based predictor, a model-assisted estimator and a cosmetic estimator. In our simulation setups, the cosmetic estimator performed slightly better than the model-assisted estimator. These findings are confirmed by an application to La Poste data, which also illustrates that the properties of the cosmetic estimator are preserved irrespective of the observed non-probability sample.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200018
    Description: Sample surveys, as a tool for policy development and evaluation and for scientific, social and economic research, have been employed for over a century. In that time, they have primarily served as tools for collecting data for enumerative purposes. Estimation of these characteristics has been typically based on weighting and repeated sampling, or design-based, inference. However, sample data have also been used for modelling the unobservable processes that gave rise to the finite population data. This type of use has been termed analytic, and often involves integrating the sample data with data from secondary sources.

    Alternative approaches to inference in these situations, drawing inspiration from mainstream statistical modelling, have been strongly promoted. The principal focus of these alternatives has been on allowing for informative sampling. Modern survey sampling, though, is more focussed on situations where the sample data are in fact part of a more complex set of data sources all carrying relevant information about the process of interest. When an efficient modelling method such as maximum likelihood is preferred, the issue becomes one of how it should be modified to account for both complex sampling designs and multiple data sources. Here application of the Missing Information Principle provides a clear way forward.

    In this paper I review how this principle has been applied to resolve so-called “messy” data analysis issues in sampling. I also discuss a scenario that is a consequence of the rapid growth in auxiliary data sources for survey data analysis. This is where sampled records from one accessible source or register are linked to records from another less accessible source, with values of the response variable of interest drawn from this second source, and where a key output is small area estimates for the response variable for domains defined on the first source.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202200200001

    Conceptual arguments and examples are presented suggesting that the Bayesian approach to survey inference can address the many and varied challenges of survey analysis. Bayesian models that incorporate features of the complex design can yield inferences that are relevant for the specific data set obtained, but also have good repeated-sampling properties. Examples focus on the role of auxiliary variables and sampling weights, and methods for handling nonresponse. The article offers ten top reasons for favoring the Bayesian approach to survey inference.

    Release date: 2022-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202200200002

    We provide a critical review and some extended discussions on theoretical and practical issues with analysis of non-probability survey samples. We attempt to present rigorous inferential frameworks and valid statistical procedures under commonly used assumptions, and address issues on the justification and verification of assumptions in practical applications. Some current methodological developments are showcased, and problems which require further investigation are mentioned. While the focus of the paper is on non-probability samples, the essential role of probability survey samples with rich and relevant information on auxiliary variables is highlighted.

    Release date: 2022-12-15
Reference (8)

Reference (8) ((8 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X201300014259

    In an effort to reduce response burden on farm operators, Statistics Canada is studying alternative approaches to telephone surveys for producing field crop estimates. One option is to publish harvested area and yield estimates in September as is currently done, but to calculate them using models based on satellite and weather data, and data from the July telephone survey. However before adopting such an approach, a method must be found which produces estimates with a sufficient level of accuracy. Research is taking place to investigate different possibilities. Initial research results and issues to consider are discussed in this paper.

    Release date: 2014-10-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 12-002-X20040027035

    As part of the processing of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) cycle 4 data, historical revisions have been made to the data of the first 3 cycles, either to correct errors or to update the data. During processing, particular attention was given to the PERSRUK (Person Identifier) and the FIELDRUK (Household Identifier). The same level of attention has not been given to the other identifiers that are included in the data base, the CHILDID (Person identifier) and the _IDHD01 (Household identifier). These identifiers have been created for the public files and can also be found in the master files by default. The PERSRUK should be used to link records between files and the FIELDRUK to determine the household when using the master files.

    Release date: 2004-10-05

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13F0026M2001003

    Initial results from the Survey of Financial Security (SFS), which provides information on the net worth of Canadians, were released on March 15 2001, in The daily. The survey collected information on the value of the financial and non-financial assets owned by each family unit and on the amount of their debt.

    Statistics Canada is currently refining this initial estimate of net worth by adding to it an estimate of the value of benefits accrued in employer pension plans. This is an important addition to any asset and debt survey as, for many family units, it is likely to be one of the largest assets. With the aging of the population, information on pension accumulations is greatly needed to better understand the financial situation of those nearing retirement. These updated estimates of the Survey of Financial Security will be released in late fall 2001.

    The process for estimating the value of employer pension plan benefits is a complex one. This document describes the methodology for estimating that value, for the following groups: a) persons who belonged to an RPP at the time of the survey (referred to as current plan members); b) persons who had previously belonged to an RPP and either left the money in the plan or transferred it to a new plan; c) persons who are receiving RPP benefits.

    This methodology was proposed by Hubert Frenken and Michael Cohen. The former has many years of experience with Statistics Canada working with data on employer pension plans; the latter is a principal with the actuarial consulting firm William M. Mercer. Earlier this year, Statistics Canada carried out a public consultation on the proposed methodology. This report includes updates made as a result of feedback received from data users.

    Release date: 2001-09-05

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13F0026M2001002

    The Survey of Financial Security (SFS) will provide information on the net worth of Canadians. In order to do this, information was collected - in May and June 1999 - on the value of the assets and debts of each of the families or unattached individuals in the sample. The value of one particular asset is not easy to determine, or to estimate. That is the present value of the amount people have accrued in their employer pension plan. These plans are often called registered pension plans (RPP), as they must be registered with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. Although some RPP members receive estimates of the value of their accrued benefit, in most cases plan members would not know this amount. However, it is likely to be one of the largest assets for many family units. And, as the baby boomers approach retirement, information on their pension accumulations is much needed to better understand their financial readiness for this transition.

    The intent of this paper is to: present, for discussion, a methodology for estimating the present value of employer pension plan benefits for the Survey of Financial Security; and to seek feedback on the proposed methodology. This document proposes a methodology for estimating the value of employer pension plan benefits for the following groups:a) persons who belonged to an RPP at the time of the survey (referred to as current plan members); b) persons who had previously belonged to an RPP and either left the money in the plan or transferred it to a new plan; c) persons who are receiving RPP benefits.

    Release date: 2001-02-07

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X19990015642

    The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) links immigration and taxation administrative records into a comprehensive source of data on the labour market behaviour of the landed immigrant population in Canada. It covers the period 1980 to 1995 and will be updated annually starting with the 1996 tax year in 1999. Statistics Canada manages the database on behalf of a federal-provincial consortium led by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The IMDB was created specifically to respond to the need for detailed and reliable data on the performance and impact of immigration policies and programs. It is the only source of data at Statistics Canada that provides a direct link between immigration policy levers and the economic performance of immigrants. The paper will examine the issues related to the development of a longitudinal database combining administrative records to support policy-relevant research and analysis. Discussion will focus specifically on the methodological, conceptual, analytical and privacy issues involved in the creation and ongoing development of this database. The paper will also touch briefly on research findings, which illustrate the policy outcome links the IMDB allows policy-makers to investigate.

    Release date: 2000-03-02

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X19990015650

    The U.S. Manufacturing Plant Ownership Change Database (OCD) was constructed using plant-level data taken from the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Research Database (LRD). It contains data on all manufacturing plants that have experienced ownership change at least once during the period 1963-92. This paper reports the status of the OCD and discuss its research possibilities. For an empirical demonstration, data taken from the database are used to study the effects of ownership changes on plant closure.

    Release date: 2000-03-02

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X19990015658

    Radon, a naturally occurring gas found at some level in most homes, is an established risk factor for human lung cancer. The U.S. National Research Council (1999) has recently completed a comprehensive evaluation of the health risks of residential exposure to radon, and developed models for projecting radon lung cancer risks in the general population. This analysis suggests that radon may play a role in the etiology of 10-15% of all lung cancer cases in the United States, although these estimates are subject to considerable uncertainty. In this article, we present a partial analysis of uncertainty and variability in estimates of lung cancer risk due to residential exposure to radon in the United States using a general framework for the analysis of uncertainty and variability that we have developed previously. Specifically, we focus on estimates of the age-specific excess relative risk (ERR) and lifetime relative risk (LRR), both of which vary substantially among individuals.

    Release date: 2000-03-02

  • Geographic files and documentation: 92F0138M1993001
    Geography: Canada

    The Geography Divisions of Statistics Canada and the U.S. Bureau of the Census have commenced a cooperative research program in order to foster an improved and expanded perspective on geographic areas and their relevance. One of the major objectives is to determine a common geographic area to form a geostatistical basis for cross-border research, analysis and mapping.

    This report, which represents the first stage of the research, provides a list of comparable pairs of Canadian and U.S. standard geographic areas based on current definitions. Statistics Canada and the U.S. Bureau of the Census have two basic types of standard geographic entities: legislative/administrative areas (called "legal" entities in the U.S.) and statistical areas.

    The preliminary pairing of geographic areas are based on face-value definitions only. The definitions are based on the June 4, 1991 Census of Population and Housing for Canada and the April 1, 1990 Census of Population and Housing for the U.S.A. The important aspect is the overall conceptual comparability, not the precise numerical thresholds used for delineating the areas.

    Data users should use this report as a general guide to compare the census geographic areas of Canada and the United States, and should be aware that differences in settlement patterns and population levels preclude a precise one-to-one relationship between conceptually similar areas. The geographic areas compared in this report provide a framework for further empirical research and analysis.

    Release date: 1999-03-05
Date modified: