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  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X20040127744
    Geography: Canada

    Recent media reports suggest that the ratio of gross national income (formerly gross national product) to gross domestic product reflects a nation's 'economic maturity'. Nations at a higher stage of economic development generally have a GNI larger than GDP because of their past investments abroad. Less developed countries that depend on large inflows of foreign investment to finance their growth have a smaller GNI than GDP. This article analyzes how relevant these suggestions are for the Canadian economy. Since 1998, our ratio of GNI to GNP has risen 96% to 98%. In dollar terms, Canadians would have received $16.4 billion less income if GNI had grown only as fast as GDP, equivalent to $512 for every Canadian. Based on recent trends, Canada's GNI could outstrip its GDP for the first time on record before the end of the current decade.

    Release date: 2004-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2004023
    Geography: Canada

    This article estimates and analyses the economic impact of the culture sector on Canada's employment and gross domestic product (GDP).

    Release date: 2004-12-02

  • Table: 81-595-M2004024

    This paper analyses the impact of the culture sector on Ontario's gross domestic product (GDP) and employment.

    Release date: 2004-12-02

  • Table: 81-595-M2004025
    Geography: Canada

    This article estimates and analyses the impact of the culture sector on provincial employment and gross domestic product (GDP).

    Release date: 2004-12-02

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2004026
    Geography: Canada

    This paper develops a production framework that allows for self-supplied water intake, an unpriced 'natural' input. The framework is then exploited to estimate the corresponding water shadow prices and to assess the extent to which water impacts on the multifactor productivity performance of the Canadian business sector's industries.

    Release date: 2004-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007448

    This paper quantifies the contribution of public capital to productivity growth in the Canadian business sector. The approach developed here incorporates demand and supply forces, including the contribution of public capital, which may affect productivity performance. We estimate the model using disaggregated data composed of 37-industries in the Canadian business sector from 1961 to 2000. The results indicate that the main contributors to productivity growth, both at the industry and aggregate levels, are technical change and exogenous demand (representing the effect of aggregate income and population growth). Public capital contributed for about 18% of the overall business sector multifactor productivity growth over the 1961 to 2000 period. This is somewhat lower than the figures reported in the literature. However, the magnitudes of the contribution of public capital to productivity growth vary significantly across industries, with the largest impact occurring in transportation, trade and utilities.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007449

    The state and local government sector owns nearly 90% of the nonmilitary capital structures and 70% of the nonmilitary equipment in the U.S. As such state and local governments are the key policymakers in determining levels of infrastructure investment. Yet as stewards of infrastructure, the states have had a rocky history. Current engineering studies examining the condition of U.S. capital stock suggest that much of it is disrepair and that investments of nearly $1.6 trillion would be needed over the next 5 years to restore full functionality to major types of infrastructure.

    Recently states have shown renewed interest in using capital investment in infrastructure as an economic development tool. Popular economic development theories based on enhancing industry agglomeration often find the condition of key infrastructure as a factor in economic growth. While many states accept this conclusion, they are faced with a policy conundrum. Facing tight fiscal circumstances, states and localities are trying to determine which infrastructure investments matter in triggering economic growth. This paper will survey what is known about measuring the effect of infrastructure investment and discuss whether states are asking the right questions before spending infrastructure dollars.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007450

    The manufacturing sector is a vital part of the Canadian economy. In 2002, it accounted for $165 billion of Canada's gross domestic product (GDP) and more than two million jobs. Unlike the other G7 countries, the contribution of the manufacturing sector to the Canadian economy has been increasing.

    From 1997 to 2002, average labour productivity growth in the manufacturing was slightly lower than the average for all industries. Part of this could be explained by the relatively low capital investment in the sector.

    In 2001, the R&D expenditure by the manufacturing sector represented 70 percent of all industrial R&D expenditures. The R&D intensity for the sector is about four times greater than that of all industries in Canada.

    The manufacturing sector has driven much of Canada's trade. In 2002, manufacturing exports accounted for 64 percent of Canada's total exports of goods and services. The sector became much more export dependent but Canada's overall manufacturing trade balance was negative. Nevertheless, Canada's manufacturing sector has been a success story.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007455

    This paper provides an empirical analysis of the levels and trends in the industrial diversity of Canadian cities over the past 10 years (1992 to 2002), a period of significant structural change in the Canadian economy. Diverse cities are thought to be more stable and provide better environments that lead to stronger economic growth. Using detailed establishment-level data on businesses from the entire spectrum of small to large Canadian cities, the study shows that diversity levels vary significantly across cities, with the most populous cities being far more diverse than the least. Although there is a strong positive relationship between diversity and the population of a city, relatively small cities (those with a population around 100,000) can achieve levels of diversity that are near that of the largest urban centres. Consequently, most Canadians live in relatively diverse urban economic environments. Generally, the level of diversity of Canadian cities has increased over time. This has been particularly true of small cites with populations of less than 100,000. The largest cities have experienced declining diversity levels.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2004025
    Geography: Canada

    Productivity growth in the U.S. economy jumped during the second half of the 1990s, a resurgence that the literature linked to information technology use. This report contributes to this debate in two ways. First, using the most comparable Canadian and U.S. data available, the contributions of information technology to output, capital input, and productivity performance are quantified. Second, the report examines the extent to which information technology-producing and information technology-using industries have contributed to the aggregate multifactor productivity revival.

    Release date: 2004-11-23
Data (926)

Data (926) (30 to 40 of 926 results)

Analysis (592)

Analysis (592) (60 to 70 of 592 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202200100008

    As the eighth goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all by 2030. This 2022 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the eighth Sustainable Development Goal in support of decent work and economic growth, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.

    Release date: 2022-12-13

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202200100007

    This article describes the revisions to the Financial Flow Accounts (FFA), the Other Changes in Assets Account (OCAA), and the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA), collectively referred to as the Financial and Wealth Accounts (FWA), introduced as part of the 2022 Comprehensive Revision. These accounts are an integral part of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA). This exercise was conducted to strengthen the overall quality and relevance of the FWA program and to introduce new concepts, methodologies, and classifications as recommended by international standards.

    Release date: 2022-12-12

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202200100006

    This article presents revisions to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Income and by Expenditure from the Income and Expenditure Accounts (IEA) for the 2019 to 2021 period. These revisions were reflected in the 2021 Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts estimates, released on November 8, 2022.

    Release date: 2022-11-29

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022078

    This infographic features government spending data in Canada for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. It gives a breakdown of expenses by the socio-economic purpose for which the funds are used.

    Release date: 2022-11-25

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022077

    Gross domestic product (GDP) can be divided into contributions from women, contributions from men, and “unallocated” contributions (i.e., those not attributable to a specific gender). This infographic provides information on the differences in the share of GDP attributable to men and women across industries and provinces and territories.

    Release date: 2022-11-21

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202201000001

    This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the first half of 2022 and into the summer months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.

    Release date: 2022-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202201000002

    Rising wages and prices have characterized 2021 and 2022. Soaring unit labour costs have raised competitiveness concerns. This article examines the relationship between real wages and productivity to see whether real wage growth (growth in real total compensation per hour worked) has lagged behind labour productivity growth in recent years. It examines whether the result is sensitive to differences in the definition of real wages.

    Release date: 2022-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202201000003

    This paper estimates and examines the contribution to Gross domestic product (GDP) by men and by women in the Canadian economy for the first time. Up to now, increases in the educational attainment of women and their participation in the market economy are reflected in education and labour market statistics but the contribution of men and women to production has not been delineated. The paper implements a new method for measuring GDP for men and women between 2008 and 2018 based on administrative records. It informs on the rising share of activity attributable to women and documents those areas of GDP where women make the largest and smallest contributions.

    Release date: 2022-10-27

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202227629483
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-10-03

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202227629484
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-10-03
Reference (176)

Reference (176) (10 to 20 of 176 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114623

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s balance of payments and international investment position accounts.

    Release date: 2017-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114621

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s financial flow and national balance sheet accounts.

    Release date: 2016-11-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114622

    An explanation of the national accounts price-quantity decomposition using Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher indexes.

    Release date: 2016-11-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114617

    A review of the seven-decade history of Canada’s System of Macroeconomic Accounts connecting the story to the evolution of the international SNA, plus a discussion of the uses and users of Canada’s accounts.

    Release date: 2016-08-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114620

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s income and expenditure accounts.

    Release date: 2016-08-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114616

    An introduction and overview of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts.

    Release date: 2016-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114618

    An explanation of key national accounting concepts involving stocks and flows; the distinction between price and volume changes; production, distribution, consumption and accumulation; residence; institutional units and sectors; classifications; and accounting concepts. Also includes a description of SNA 2008’s sequence of accounts.

    Release date: 2016-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114619

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s supply and use accounts.

    Release date: 2016-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-607-X
    Description: The Methodological Guide: Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts provides readers with information on macroeconomic accounts at Statistics Canada. It provides links to produced data and publications and describes the concepts, sources, and methods used to compile them. Topics include gross domestic product, national economic accounts (incomes, expenditures, savings, capital formation, financial flows and balance sheet accounts), supply and use tables, provincial and territorial economic accounts, productivity, balance of payments, international investment position and government finance statistics.

    This user's guide has been developed by the Macroeconomic Accounts Program to facilitate access to macroeconomic accounting information throughout Statistics Canada and to explain its linkage with international standards, such as the System of National Accounts, 2008. This guide is continually being updated to maintain its relevance.

    Release date: 2016-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 16-509-X

    The Methodological Guide: Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting provides readers with information on environmental-economic accounts at Statistics Canada. It provides links to produced data and publications and describes the concepts, sources, and methods used to compile them. Topics include ecosystem accounting, asset accounts (natural resources in physical and monetary terms), physical flow accounts (energy and water use, and waste and greenhouse gas emissions), environmental activity statistics (expenditures on environmental protection), and the applications and extensions of those accounts (attribution of physical flows to final demand and intensity measures).

    This user's guide has been developed by the Environmental Statistics Program to facilitate access to environmental-economic accounting information throughout Statistics Canada and to explain its linkage with international standards, the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting. This guide is continually being updated to maintain its relevance.

    Release date: 2016-04-22

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