Balance of international payments
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Selected geographical area: Canada
$16.8 billion0.0%(monthly change)
$18.4 billion0.6%(monthly change)
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Selected geographical area: Canada
-$1.6 billion
$82.5 billion-0.3%(monthly change)
$83.4 billion-1.2%(monthly change)
-$0.9 billion
-$8.5 billion
$367.8 billion19.5%(annual change)
$450.0 billion22.2%(annual change)
163,8813,643(annual change)
48,718682(annual change)
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Survey or statistical program
- Canada's Balance of International Payments (33)
- Canada's International Transactions in Securities (17)
- Canada's International Transactions in Services (17)
- Canada's International Investment Position (13)
- Activities of Foreign Majority-Owned Affiliates in Canada (4)
- Activities of Canadian Majority-Owned Affiliates Abroad (3)
- International Merchandise Trade Price Index (2)
- National Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts (1)
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis) (1)
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis) (1)
- Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods (1)
- Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods (1)
- Survey on Global Supply, Production and Distribution Chain Activities (1)
All (96)
All (96) (0 to 10 of 96 results)
- Table: 36-10-0583-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription:
Monthly data on international transactions in securities, net portfolio transactions in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Release date: 2024-09-18 - Table: 36-10-0584-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription:
Monthly data on international investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-18 - Table: 36-10-0412-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on the currency composition of Canada’s international investment position, at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0446-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on international investment position, Canada's gross external debt position by currency and type of instrument, at book value and at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0454-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on change in Canada's international investment position, by type of investment, by account changes, at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0042-01Frequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on historical (real-time) releases of balance of international payments for the seasonally adjusted current account, by release date.
Release date: 2024-09-09 - Stats in brief: 11-001-X20242421021Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2024-08-29
- 8. Balance of international payments, current account, investment income, by type and sector, quarterlyTable: 36-10-0003-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's international investment income covers direct investment income, portfolio income, and other investment income. Quarterly data are further broken down between interest, dividends, and reinvested earnings.
Release date: 2024-08-29 - Table: 36-10-0016-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Canada's capital account covers international capital transfers and transactions in non-produced non-financial assets. Quarterly data are available for 6 countries/regions and for all countries aggregated.
Release date: 2024-08-29 - Table: 36-10-0018-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted.
Release date: 2024-08-29
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Data (42)
Data (42) (0 to 10 of 42 results)
- Table: 36-10-0583-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription:
Monthly data on international transactions in securities, net portfolio transactions in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Release date: 2024-09-18 - Table: 36-10-0584-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: MonthlyDescription:
Monthly data on international investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-18 - Table: 36-10-0412-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on the currency composition of Canada’s international investment position, at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0446-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on international investment position, Canada's gross external debt position by currency and type of instrument, at book value and at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0454-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on change in Canada's international investment position, by type of investment, by account changes, at market value.
Release date: 2024-09-11 - Table: 36-10-0042-01Frequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly data on historical (real-time) releases of balance of international payments for the seasonally adjusted current account, by release date.
Release date: 2024-09-09 - 7. Balance of international payments, current account, investment income, by type and sector, quarterlyTable: 36-10-0003-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's international investment income covers direct investment income, portfolio income, and other investment income. Quarterly data are further broken down between interest, dividends, and reinvested earnings.
Release date: 2024-08-29 - Table: 36-10-0016-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Canada's capital account covers international capital transfers and transactions in non-produced non-financial assets. Quarterly data are available for 6 countries/regions and for all countries aggregated.
Release date: 2024-08-29 - Table: 36-10-0018-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted.
Release date: 2024-08-29 - 10. Balance of international payments, current account, goods by principal trading partners, quarterlyTable: 36-10-0023-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: QuarterlyDescription:
Quarterly seasonally and not seasonally adjusted data on international trade in goods by principal trading partners.
Release date: 2024-08-29
Analysis (40)
Analysis (40) (0 to 10 of 40 results)
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X20242421021Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2024-08-29
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202413720267Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2024-05-16
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X201917620407Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2019-06-25
- Articles and reports: 11-626-X2019012Description:
This Economic Insights article presents estimates of the nominal output of foreign-owned multinationals operating in different sectors of Canada’s economy. It examines changes in the value added of foreign majority-owned affiliates, highlighting contributions by country of control. Estimates are examined separately for affiliates operating in resource, manufacturing and service industries. Developed by the Canadian Economic Accounts, the new data summarized in this article are part of a series of projects designed to provide more detailed information on the global dimensions of Canada’s economy. Annual estimates of the value added of foreign-owned affiliates are currently available from 2010 to 2016.
Release date: 2019-06-25 - Stats in brief: 11-001-X201902319723Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2019-01-23
- Articles and reports: 13-605-X201700154883Description:
The Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification provides users with a new perspective on Canada’s imports and exports. A key feature of the BEC classification is an end-use aggregating structure that is consistent with the three basic classes of goods in the System of National Accounts (SNA), namely, capital goods, intermediate goods, consumption goods. This aggregating structure facilitates the analysis of external trade statistics with other economic data such as industry statistics and national economic account aggregates such as gross domestic product. Imports and exports classified by Broad Economic Categories provide insight into the role of imports and exports as inputs into production, as a source of capital and as a source of goods for final consumption. The focus of this paper will be an analysis of Canada’s external trade according to these national account classes of goods.
Release date: 2018-01-31 - 7. Measuring Canadian export diversification ArchivedArticles and reports: 13-605-X201700154890Description:
Canada exports over $500 billion worth of merchandise trade annually. This reliance on foreign markets contributes undeniably to Canadian economic activity. However, there are a number of ways of analyzing Canada’s international trade, beyond simply measuring dollar values. One way, that often receives little attention, is to look at the degree of export diversification. Simply put, does an economy have one large customer or multiple customers, or does a country export one product or multiple products?
Release date: 2018-01-31 - Stats in brief: 11-001-X201608413801Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2016-03-24
- Articles and reports: 13-605-X201501014292Description:
This article describes the revisions to the balance of payments data and related statistical products introduced as part of the 2015 Comprehensive Revision of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA). This exercise is conducted to strengthen the overall quality of the international accounts program and to introduce new concepts and classifications as recommended by updated international standards. The revisions are also harmonized with those of the corresponding accounts in the CSMA.
Release date: 2015-11-30 - 10. Study: Activities of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada 2011 (provisional estimates) ArchivedStats in brief: 11-001-X201524512661Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2015-09-02
Reference (14)
Reference (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)
- Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201900100007Description:
This article describes the upcoming revisions (November 2019) in the Canadian Macroeconomic Accounts resulting from the inclusion of illegal cannabis production, consumption and distribution as well as statistical revisions of the international travel services. The paper highlights the impact of these revisions on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the balance of international payments (BOP).
Release date: 2019-05-30 - Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201400414107Description:
Beginning in November 2014, International Trade in goods data will be provided on a Balance of Payments (BOP) basis for additional country detail. In publishing this data, BOP-based exports to and imports from 27 countries, referred to as Canada’s Principal Trading Partners (PTPs), will be highlighted for the first time. BOP-based trade in goods data will be available for countries such as China and Mexico, Brazil and India, South Korea, and our largest European Union trading partners, in response to substantial demand for information on these countries in recent years. Until now, Canada’s geographical trading patterns have been examined almost exclusively through analysis of Customs-based trade data. Moreover, BOP trade in goods data for these countries will be available alongside the now quarterly Trade in Services data as well as annual Foreign Direct Investment data for many of these Principal Trading Partners, facilitating country-level international trade and investment analysis using fully comparable data. The objective of this article is to introduce these new measures. This note will first walk users through the key BOP concepts, most importantly the concept of change in ownership. This will serve to familiarize analysts with the Balance of Payments framework for analyzing country-level data, in contrast to Customs-based trade data. Second, some preliminary analysis will be reviewed to illustrate the concepts, with provisional estimates for BOP-based trade with China serving as the principal example. Lastly, we will outline the expansion of quarterly trade in services to generate new estimates of trade for the PTPs and discuss future work in trade statistics.
Release date: 2014-11-04 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201400214100Description:
Canadian international merchandise trade data are released monthly and may be revised in subsequent releases as new information becomes available. These data are released approximately 35 days following the close of the reference period and represent one of the timeliest economic indicators produced by Statistics Canada. Given their timeliness, some of the data are not received in time and need to be estimated or modelled. This is the case for imports and exports of crude petroleum and natural gas. More specifically, at the time of release, energy trade data are based on an incomplete set of information and are revised as Statistics Canada and National Energy Board information becomes available in the subsequent months. Due to the increasing importance of energy imports and exports and the timeliness of the data, the revisions to energy prices and volumes are having an increasingly significant impact on the monthly revision to Canada’s trade balance. This note explains how the estimates in the initial release are made when data sources are not yet available, and how the original data are adjusted in subsequent releases.
Release date: 2014-10-03 - 4. Summary of Revisions to the International Accounts of the Canadian System of National Accounts ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201200211722Description:
This article has been prepared to help users understand the changes introduced as a result of the historical revision of the international accounts of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA), due to the implementation of the new international standards published in System of National Accounts 2008 and in Balance of Payments Manual, Sixth Edition.
Release date: 2012-10-01 - 5. Revision to the real import and export adjustments to account for exchange rate fluctuations ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201100211471Description:
This paper presents the background, methodological change and implementation of the revised real import and export adjustments that account for exchange rate fluctuations.
Release date: 2011-05-30 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-604-M2009062Description:
Statistics Canada produces monthly import and export merchandise trade price indexes. For the majority of these prices, Statistics Canada uses a variety of proxy measures to derive the price index in lieu of collecting observed import and export prices. The ability of these proxy measures to reflect international trade price movements during times of exchange rate volatility is limited. For this reason, the constant dollar trade estimates derived using these proxy price indexes have been refined with constant dollar adjustments following the appreciation of the Canadian exchange rate beginning at the end of 2002. This paper explains the rational and methodology behind these adjustments, as well as the impact on published trade and GDP estimates.
Release date: 2009-12-04 - Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20040028505Description:
Key financial instruments in the International Investment Position are now measured at market value.
Release date: 2004-06-16 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 1530Description: This statistical program is amalgamated in record number 1537. The data reported in the Balance of Payments and Financial Flows surveys are used to produce statistics on Canada's balance of international payments and investment position.
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 1534Description: The balance of international payments covers all economic transactions between Canadian residents and non-residents in three accounts: the current account, the capital account and the financial account.
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 1539Description: This survey measures the sales of goods and services, employment levels, and the assets and liabilities of Canadian majority-owned foreign affiliates abroad.
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