Multifactor productivity
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All (34) (0 to 10 of 34 results)
- Stats in brief: 11-631-X2024005Description: This presentation explores linkages between innovation, technology adoption and productivity. It highlights recent estimates of labour and multifactor productivity growth, drawing on recent surveys that can be used to profile the innovation and technological stance of Canadian businesses. It is intended to support ongoing research on the competitiveness of Canada’s economy.Release date: 2024-07-24
- Table: 36-10-0211-01Geography: Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity and related variables in the aggregate business sector and major sub-sectors, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), provinces.Release date: 2024-06-11
- Table: 36-10-0208-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity, value-added, capital input and labour input in the aggregate business sector and major sub-sectors, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (index, 2002=100).Release date: 2024-04-16
- Table: 36-10-0217-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity, gross output, value-added, capital, labour and intermediate inputs at a detailed industry level, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (index, 2002=100).Release date: 2024-04-16
- Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202300400004Description: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the Canadian economy in numerous ways, one of which was changing the relationship between growth in production, and changes in real consumption and real gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). Typically, real consumption and real GFCF are expected to progress similarly to real gross domestic product (GDP), however during the period covered by the COVID-19 pandemic, real consumption and real GFCF grew at a stronger pace than real GDP. This article illustrates how examining real income rather than real production can address this paradox. Specifically, the roles of changes in production (the use of capital, labour and multifactor productivity used to produce real GDP) and changes in non-production sources of real income growth (the trading gain and net income from abroad) are examined.Release date: 2023-05-08
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021011Description:
The Multifactor Productivity application is an analytical tool that provides custom aggregation and custom tabulation of productivity statistics based on the series in CODR table 36-10-0211. The application permits custom aggregation across industries for all published variables, data transformations such as growth rate calculations, log-transformations and index re-basing, correlation and density analysis and visualization of retrieved outputs. The output values from calculations are available as .csv files. Visualizations can be downloaded as .png files. The data in the application are annual values beginning in 1961 and ending with the most recent data available.
Release date: 2021-08-16 - 7. Environmentally Adjusted Multifactor Productivity Growth for the Canadian Manufacturing Sector ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2019013Description: The need to measure both the desirable outputs (goods and services) and the undesirable outputs (emissions of greenhouse gases [GHGs] and criteria air contaminants [CACs]) from economic activity is becoming increasingly important as economic performance and environmental performance become ever more intertwined. Standard measures of multifactor productivity (MFP) growth provide insights into rising standards of living and the performance of economies, but they may be misleading if only desirable outputs are considered. This study presents estimates of environmentally adjusted multifactor productivity (EAMFP) growth using a new comprehensive database. This database contains information on GHG and CAC emissions, as well as on the production activities of Canadian manufacturers.Release date: 2019-05-08
- Articles and reports: 11F0027M2015097Description:
Canada’s aggregate productivity performance has closely tracked changes in Canada’s trading environment. To gain a better understanding of the link, the Economic Analysis Division of Statistics Canada has conducted a set of studies that investigate whether and how changes in the trading environment, brought about by trade liberalization policies and exchange-rate movements, contributed to productivity growth. The firm-level analysis provides insights into the productivity dynamics that arise from within-industry growth and restructuring as resources are shifted from declining to growing industries. The paper provides an overview of the key Canadian empirical findings over the last two decades.
Release date: 2015-06-16 - Articles and reports: 15-206-X2014037Description:
This paper presents estimates of effective multifactor productivity (MFP) growth for Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan and selected European Union (EU) countries, based on the EU KLEMS productivity database and the World Input-Output Tables. Effective MFP growth captures the impact of the productivity gains in upstream industries on the productivity growth and international competitiveness of domestic industries, thereby providing an appropriate measure of productivity growth and international competitiveness in the production of final demand products such as consumption, investment and export products. A substantial portion of MFP growth, especially for small, open economies such as Canada’s, is attributable to gains in the production of intermediate inputs in foreign countries. Productivity growth tends to be higher in investment and export products than for the production of consumption products. Technical progress and productivity growth in foreign countries have made a larger contribution to production growth in investment and export products than in consumption products. The analysis provides empirical evidence consistent with the hypothesis that effective MFP growth is a more informative relevant indicator of international competitiveness than is standard MFP growth.
Release date: 2014-09-09 - 10. Revisions to the Multifactor Productivity Accounts ArchivedArticles and reports: 15-206-X2014035Description:
This paper highlights revisions to multifactor productivity (MFP) growth and related variables in the business sector and in individual industries, which resulted from the historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) released October 1, 2012, revisions to the labour productivity accounts released October 12, 2012, and changes in the estimation of capital input that were made in order to improve its consistency in industry MFP growth estimates.
The multifactor productivity program produces indexes of MFP and related measures (output, capital input, labour input and intermediate inputs) for the business sector, broad economic sub-sectors, and their constituent industries. The MFP program divides growth in labour productivity into its key determinants: capital intensity (changes in capital per hour worked), investment in human capital, and MFP, which includes technological change, organizational innovation and economies of scale.
Release date: 2014-07-08
Data (7)
Data (7) ((7 results))
- Table: 36-10-0211-01Geography: Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity and related variables in the aggregate business sector and major sub-sectors, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), provinces.Release date: 2024-06-11
- Table: 36-10-0208-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity, value-added, capital input and labour input in the aggregate business sector and major sub-sectors, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (index, 2002=100).Release date: 2024-04-16
- Table: 36-10-0217-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Multifactor productivity, gross output, value-added, capital, labour and intermediate inputs at a detailed industry level, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (index, 2002=100).Release date: 2024-04-16
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021011Description:
The Multifactor Productivity application is an analytical tool that provides custom aggregation and custom tabulation of productivity statistics based on the series in CODR table 36-10-0211. The application permits custom aggregation across industries for all published variables, data transformations such as growth rate calculations, log-transformations and index re-basing, correlation and density analysis and visualization of retrieved outputs. The output values from calculations are available as .csv files. Visualizations can be downloaded as .png files. The data in the application are annual values beginning in 1961 and ending with the most recent data available.
Release date: 2021-08-16 - Table: 36-10-0309-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table contains 1647 series, with data for years 1961 - 2008 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Multifactor productivity and related variables (27 items: Labour productivity based on gross output; Labour productivity based on value-added; Multifactor productivity based on value-added; Multifactor productivity based on gross output ...), North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (61 items: Agriculture; forestry; fishing and hunting; Crop and animal production; Fishing; hunting and trapping; Forestry and logging ...).Release date: 2014-04-23
- Table: 36-10-0310-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: This table contains 1404 series, with data for years 1961 - 1997 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2009-01-22. This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 items: Canada ...), Multifactor productivity and related variables (27 items: Multifactor productivity based on gross output; Multifactor productivity based on value-added; Labour productivity based on value-added; Labour productivity based on gross output ...), Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) (52 items: Agricultural and related services industries; Mining (including milling); quarrying and oil well industries; Fishing and trapping industries; Logging and forestry industries ...).Release date: 2009-01-22
- 7. The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data ArchivedTable: 15-003-XDescription:
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data is an electronic publication that contains a series of tables on productivity growth and related variables for the business sector and its 51 major sub-sectors based on the North American Industry Classification System. These tables allow users to have a broader perspective on Canadian economic performance. They complement the information available on CANSIM which offers more detail, particularly at the industry level.
Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) are responsible for producing, analyzing and disseminating Statistics Canada's official data on productivity and for producing and integrating data on employment, hours worked and capital services consistent with the Canadian System of National Accounts. To this end, the CPA comprise three programs. The quarterly program provides current estimates on labour productivity and labour costs at the aggregate level for 15 industry groups. The annual national program provides yearly estimates on labour productivity, multifactor productivity and several indicators of sources of growth and competitiveness as they apply to the major sectors of the economy and to the industry level. Lastly, the annual provincial program, as an integral part of the Provincial Economic Accounts, provides estimates on employment, hours worked, labour productivity and labour costs at the industry level for each province and territory.
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data covers four series of statistical tables:
Table 1: Output, labour compensation, capital cost and cost of intermediate inputs in current dollars
Table 2: Productivity and related measures
Table 3: Productivity and related measures for the business sector, Canada and United States
Table 4: Productivity and related measures for the manufacturing sector, Canada and United States
Productivity measures the efficiency with which inputs (labour and capital in particular) are utilized in production. Productivity measures can be applied to a single input, such as labour productivity (output per hour worked), as well as to multifactor productivity (output per unit of combined labour and capital inputs). Statistics Canada produces these two main measures of productivity, but other productivity ratios can also be measured (e.g., output per unit of capital services).
Release date: 2007-12-06
Analysis (24)
Analysis (24) (0 to 10 of 24 results)
- Stats in brief: 11-631-X2024005Description: This presentation explores linkages between innovation, technology adoption and productivity. It highlights recent estimates of labour and multifactor productivity growth, drawing on recent surveys that can be used to profile the innovation and technological stance of Canadian businesses. It is intended to support ongoing research on the competitiveness of Canada’s economy.Release date: 2024-07-24
- Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202300400004Description: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the Canadian economy in numerous ways, one of which was changing the relationship between growth in production, and changes in real consumption and real gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). Typically, real consumption and real GFCF are expected to progress similarly to real gross domestic product (GDP), however during the period covered by the COVID-19 pandemic, real consumption and real GFCF grew at a stronger pace than real GDP. This article illustrates how examining real income rather than real production can address this paradox. Specifically, the roles of changes in production (the use of capital, labour and multifactor productivity used to produce real GDP) and changes in non-production sources of real income growth (the trading gain and net income from abroad) are examined.Release date: 2023-05-08
- 3. Environmentally Adjusted Multifactor Productivity Growth for the Canadian Manufacturing Sector ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2019013Description: The need to measure both the desirable outputs (goods and services) and the undesirable outputs (emissions of greenhouse gases [GHGs] and criteria air contaminants [CACs]) from economic activity is becoming increasingly important as economic performance and environmental performance become ever more intertwined. Standard measures of multifactor productivity (MFP) growth provide insights into rising standards of living and the performance of economies, but they may be misleading if only desirable outputs are considered. This study presents estimates of environmentally adjusted multifactor productivity (EAMFP) growth using a new comprehensive database. This database contains information on GHG and CAC emissions, as well as on the production activities of Canadian manufacturers.Release date: 2019-05-08
- Articles and reports: 11F0027M2015097Description:
Canada’s aggregate productivity performance has closely tracked changes in Canada’s trading environment. To gain a better understanding of the link, the Economic Analysis Division of Statistics Canada has conducted a set of studies that investigate whether and how changes in the trading environment, brought about by trade liberalization policies and exchange-rate movements, contributed to productivity growth. The firm-level analysis provides insights into the productivity dynamics that arise from within-industry growth and restructuring as resources are shifted from declining to growing industries. The paper provides an overview of the key Canadian empirical findings over the last two decades.
Release date: 2015-06-16 - Articles and reports: 15-206-X2014037Description:
This paper presents estimates of effective multifactor productivity (MFP) growth for Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan and selected European Union (EU) countries, based on the EU KLEMS productivity database and the World Input-Output Tables. Effective MFP growth captures the impact of the productivity gains in upstream industries on the productivity growth and international competitiveness of domestic industries, thereby providing an appropriate measure of productivity growth and international competitiveness in the production of final demand products such as consumption, investment and export products. A substantial portion of MFP growth, especially for small, open economies such as Canada’s, is attributable to gains in the production of intermediate inputs in foreign countries. Productivity growth tends to be higher in investment and export products than for the production of consumption products. Technical progress and productivity growth in foreign countries have made a larger contribution to production growth in investment and export products than in consumption products. The analysis provides empirical evidence consistent with the hypothesis that effective MFP growth is a more informative relevant indicator of international competitiveness than is standard MFP growth.
Release date: 2014-09-09 - Articles and reports: 15-206-X2014035Description:
This paper highlights revisions to multifactor productivity (MFP) growth and related variables in the business sector and in individual industries, which resulted from the historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) released October 1, 2012, revisions to the labour productivity accounts released October 12, 2012, and changes in the estimation of capital input that were made in order to improve its consistency in industry MFP growth estimates.
The multifactor productivity program produces indexes of MFP and related measures (output, capital input, labour input and intermediate inputs) for the business sector, broad economic sub-sectors, and their constituent industries. The MFP program divides growth in labour productivity into its key determinants: capital intensity (changes in capital per hour worked), investment in human capital, and MFP, which includes technological change, organizational innovation and economies of scale.
Release date: 2014-07-08 - 7. Productivity Growth in the Canadian Broadcasting and Telecommunications Industry: Evidence from Micro Data ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0027M2014089Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper examines two aspects of productivity growth in Canada's broadcasting and telecommunications industry. The first is the extent to which aggregate MFP growth in the sector came from scale economies as opposed to technical progress. The second is the extent to which aggregate labour productivity growth and MFP growth came from within-firm growth, and from the effect of reallocation due to firm entry and exit and within incumbents' the dynamic forces associated with competitive change.
Release date: 2014-02-06 - Articles and reports: 11-626-X2013031Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article in the Economic Insights series reports the impact of correcting for variations in capacity utilization on multifactor productivity growth in Canadian business industries. It is based on a recently released Statistics Canada research paper. Results show that multifactor productivity growth is procyclical for almost all business industries, and that such pro-cyclicality largely reflects variations in capacity utilization in some industries, especially in manufacturing and mining.
Release date: 2013-10-04 - Articles and reports: 15-206-X2013030Geography: Canada, Province or territoryDescription:
This paper provides a provincial perspective on the slowdown in productivity and economic growth in the total business sector in Canada between 2000 and 2010 compared to the late 1990s. It uses the most recent provincial multifactor productivity database.
Release date: 2013-04-17 - 10. The New Investment Paradigm? ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-626-X2012007Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article in the Economic Insights series summarizes results from current Statistics Canada research on investment and capital stock accumulation. It is based on the study, "Intangible Capital and Productivity Growth in Canada".
Release date: 2012-06-14
Reference (3)
Reference (3) ((3 results))
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2013031Description:
This paper describes the evolution of the Multifactor Productivity Program launched at Statistics Canada in 1987 and the improvements made in multifactor productivity measurement since then. The improvements were made in response to developments in the economic literature, better data sources, and the needs of the user community. The paper also summarizes research that uses alternate data and methodologies to assess the accuracy of the Multifactor Productivity Program and to provide insights into areas that traditional international multifactor productivity programs omit. Finally, the paper outlines future directions that are being contemplated to further improve the measurement of productivity at Statistics Canada.
Release date: 2013-05-28 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2007014Description:
The Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) of Statistics Canada maintain two multifactor productivity (MFP) programs.
The Major Sector Multifactor Productivity Program develops the indexes of MFP for the total business sector and major industry groups in the business sector.
The Industry Multifactor Productivity Program or the Industry KLEMS Productivity Program develops the industry productivity database that includes MFP indexes, output, capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) and services (S) inputs for the individual industries of the business sector at various levels of industry aggregation. This paper describes the methodologies and data sources that are used to construct the major sector MFP indexes and the industry productivity database (or the KLEMS database). More specifically, this paper is meant to:provide a background of the major sector MFP program and the industry KLEMS productivity program;present the methodology for measuring MFP;describe the data sources and data available from the MFP programs;present a quality rating of the industry KLEMS productivity data; anddescribe the research agenda related to the MFP program.
Release date: 2007-12-06 - 3. Multifactor Productivity in Canada: An Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Estimating Capital Services ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2007009Description:
This paper examines the effects of alternative specifications of the user costs of capital on the estimated price and volume indices of capital services. It asks how sensitive the results are to the use of exogenous versus endogenous rates of return, to alternate ways of including capital gains, and to whether corrections are made for tax rates. The paper also examines the effect of the various user cost formulae on the measured multifactor productivity growth.
Release date: 2007-04-04
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