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All (268)
All (268) (0 to 10 of 268 results)
- 1. Age pyramidsData Visualization: 98-504-X2021001Description: Age pyramids are dynamic applications that allow users to see the evolution of the age structure of the Canadian population over a given time period and for selected geographies.Release date: 2024-06-26
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2023031Description: This product offers a visual overview of interprovincial migration by language group in Canada from 1976 to 2021. The language variables showcased in this product are the first official language spoken and mother tongue. It provides information on the number and rate of in-migrants, out-migrants and the net migration of each province and territory from 1976 to 2021. Data can be filtered by province or territory, language variable, language group, and group of migrants.Release date: 2023-11-15
- Table: 98-401-XDescription: This product presents information from the Census of Population for various levels of geography. Data include characteristics for: population, age, sex, dwellings, families, marital status, language, income, education and labour as examples.
Starting with the age and sex major day of release and on major days of release thereafter, profile component data are available at the Canada, province and territory, economic region, census division, census subdivision, census metropolitan area, census agglomeration, population centre, census tract, designated place, federal electoral district and dissemination area. This product may be downloaded in various formats, they include CSV, TAB, IVT or XML.
Release date: 2023-11-15 - Public use microdata: 95M0016XDescription: This file provides data on the characteristics of the population. The 2001 Census Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) contain samples of anonymous responses to the 2001 Census questionnaire. The files have been carefully scrutinized to ensure the complete confidentiality of the individual responses. Three files are available: the Individuals File, the Families File, and the Households and Housing File.
Microdata files are unique among census products in that they give users access to non-aggregated data. The PUMFs user can group and manipulate these variables to suit data and research requirements. Tabulations excluded from other census products can be created or relationships between variables can be analysed using different statistical tests. PUMFs provide quick access to a comprehensive social and economic database about Canada and its people.
Most of the subject matter covered by the census is included in the microdata files. To ensure the respondents' anonymity, geographic identifiers have been restricted to provinces/territories and large metropolitan areas.
Note: Please be advised that errors have been detected in the data for two variables contained on the revised version of this CD-ROM. As well, we have added a unique record identifier called PPSORT, built/included in the file for administrative purposes only. The affected variables are: Income status (2000 low income cut-offs) (INCSTP) Ethnic origin (ETHNICRA) Further details can be found in the "Errata" file offered in several formats on the new, re-issued CD-ROM. Original release date - February 8, 2005 1rst Correction - released August 24, 2005 2nd Correction - released April 26, 2006
Release date: 2023-09-12 - Public use microdata: 99M0001XDescription: The Individuals File, 2011 National Household Survey (Public Use Microdata Files) provides data on the characteristics of the Canadian population. The file contains a 2.7% sample of anonymous responses to the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) questionnaire. The files have been carefully scrutinized to ensure the complete confidentiality of the individual responses and geographic identifiers have been restricted to provinces/territories and metropolitan areas. With 133 variables, this comprehensive tool is excellent for policy analysts, pollsters, social researchers and anyone interested in modelling and performing statistical regression analysis using National Household Survey data.
Microdata files uniquely provide users access to non-aggregated data. The PUMFs user can group and manipulate these variables to suit data and research requirements. Tabulations excluded from other NHS products can be created or relationships between variables can be analyzed using different statistical tests. PUMFs provide quick access to a comprehensive social and economic database about Canada and its people.
This product, offered on DVD-ROM, contains the data file (in ASCII format); user documentation and supporting information; all licence agreements; and SAS, SPSS and Stata program source codes to enable users to read the set of records. It is important to note that users will require knowledge of data manipulation packages (or software) such as SAS, SPSS or Stata to use this product.
Release date: 2023-09-12 - Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023013Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Alberta in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.Release date: 2023-07-19
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023014Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in British Columbia in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.Release date: 2023-07-19
- Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021014Description: This article sketches a portrait of multilingualism at home in 2021. It examines the situations where more than one language is spoken at home in private Canadian households, based on certain household characteristics.Release date: 2023-06-21
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023008Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of the situation of French in Yukon in 2021. First, it provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, who speak French at home or use French at work. Next, it presents information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. Additional data on these topics can be found in the appendix. The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the Census of Population. To learn more about census concepts and the historical comparability of data, please refer to the 2021 Census of Population Languages Reference Guide and the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide.Release date: 2023-05-30
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023009Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of the situation of French in the Northwest Territories in 2021. First, it provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, who speak French at home or use French at work. Next, it presents information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. Additional data on these topics can be found in the appendix. The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the Census of Population. To learn more about census concepts and the historical comparability of data, please refer to the 2021 Census of Population Languages Reference Guide and the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide.Release date: 2023-05-30
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Data (170)
Data (170) (20 to 30 of 170 results)
- Table: 99-010-X2011047Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2014-03-26 - Table: 99-010-X2011048Geography: Province or territory, Census division, Census subdivisionDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2014-03-26 - Table: 99-010-X2011049Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2014-03-26 - Table: 99-010-X2011050Geography: Province or territory, Census division, Census subdivisionDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2014-03-26 - Table: 99-010-X2011035Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11 - Table: 99-010-X2011037Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11 - Table: 99-010-X2011038Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11 - Table: 99-010-X2011039Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11 - Table: 99-010-X2011040Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11 - Table: 99-010-X2011041Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration partDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data from the National Household Survey using selected characteristics of the following variables: Immigration, Citizenship, Place of birth, Ethnic origin, Visible minority, Religion and Language.
Release date: 2013-12-11
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Analysis (83)
Analysis (83) (0 to 10 of 83 results)
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023013Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Alberta in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.Release date: 2023-07-19
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023014Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in British Columbia in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.Release date: 2023-07-19
- Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021014Description: This article sketches a portrait of multilingualism at home in 2021. It examines the situations where more than one language is spoken at home in private Canadian households, based on certain household characteristics.Release date: 2023-06-21
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023008Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of the situation of French in Yukon in 2021. First, it provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, who speak French at home or use French at work. Next, it presents information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. Additional data on these topics can be found in the appendix. The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the Census of Population. To learn more about census concepts and the historical comparability of data, please refer to the 2021 Census of Population Languages Reference Guide and the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide.Release date: 2023-05-30
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023009Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of the situation of French in the Northwest Territories in 2021. First, it provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, who speak French at home or use French at work. Next, it presents information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. Additional data on these topics can be found in the appendix. The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the Census of Population. To learn more about census concepts and the historical comparability of data, please refer to the 2021 Census of Population Languages Reference Guide and the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide.Release date: 2023-05-30
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023010Description: This fact sheet gives an overview of the situation of French in Nunavut in 2021. First, it provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, who speak French at home or use French at work. Next, it presents information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. Additional data on these topics can be found in the appendix. The information presented in this fact sheet comes from the Census of Population. To learn more about census concepts and the historical comparability of data, please refer to the 2021 Census of Population Languages Reference Guide and the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide.Release date: 2023-05-30
- Stats in brief: 89-28-0001202200100005Description: This article provides a portrait of the ethnocultural and linguistic diversity among lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people in Canada. Using sexual orientation data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (2015 to 2018), this study also examines the educational and economic outcomes of Canadian-born, immigrant and racialized LGB individuals. It is the fourth release of a series of Just the Facts articles on LGB people in Canada.Release date: 2023-04-19
- 8. Defining official language minority businesses ArchivedStats in brief: 11-627-M2022037Description:
This infographic is about the definition of official language minority (OLM) businesses. Consideration of two factors is important: 1) which business owners are members of official language minorities and 2) what type of ownership should be considered. The infographic describes how the number of official language minority businesses in Canada varies depending on the definitions used, and how the definitions used affect certain characteristics of OLM owners and businesses.
Release date: 2022-07-21 - Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022038Description:
This infographic describes the characteristics of official language minority businesses and owners. This includes demographic and income information, as well as distribution by industry.
Release date: 2022-07-21 - Articles and reports: 89-657-X2020003Description:
This paper describes two broad approaches that can be used to determine how statistical data on language derived from the Canadian Census of Population are prepared and disseminated, and explain how each requires different choices in organizing and presenting language data for dissemination. Statistics Canada has produced this document to provide language data users with key information on what data are available so they can know which data sources can meet their needs.
Release date: 2020-08-04
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Reference (13)
Reference (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-500-X2021003Description:
This reference guide provides information to help users effectively use and interpret language data from the 2021 Census. This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, questions, classifications, data quality and comparability with other sources for this topic.
Release date: 2022-11-30 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021015Description: This video will explain why and how census collects data on language and its importance and relevance for governments, researchers and community groups. It provides an understanding of how data on mother tongue is collected, how mother tongue variables are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed. In addition, the video explains the concept of single and multiple responses and the three ways of dealing with multiple responses, that is, separate treatment, inclusion and distribution.Release date: 2022-08-17
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00012020002Description:
This fact sheet offers a concise overview of updated—new or modified—content for the 2021 Census of Population that is specific to the theme of immigration, ethnocultural diversity and languages in Canada, which includes the following topics: immigration and citizenship, place of birth of person/parents, ethnic or cultural origins, population groups, religion, language, and minority language educational rights. The changes considered for these topics are explained, along with the resulting approach for 2021.
Release date: 2020-07-20 - Geographic files and documentation: 82F0086XDescription:
The Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) is a SAS© control program and set of associated datasets derived from the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF), a Postal CodeOM population weight file, the Geographic Attribute File, Health Region boundary files, and other supplementary data. PCCF+ automatically assigns a range of Statistics Canada’s standard geographic areas and other geographic identifiers based on Postal CodesOM. The PCCF+ differs from the PCCF in that it uses population-weighted random allocation for Postal CodesOM that link to more than one geographic area.
Release date: 2017-03-06 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 91-549-XGeography: CanadaDescription:
The main objective of this document is to raise awareness among Statistics Canada data users of the different sources of language data available at Statistics Canada. Along with the census, surveys with an important sample of official-language minority groups and/or with information on languages are listed by themes. Users will find a description of the survey and its target population, sample sizes (total and according to available linguistic characteristics), available language variables based on questions asked, date of the first release, year for which the data is available and a direct internet link to additional information on the various surveys.
Release date: 2013-05-29 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-010-X2011007Description:
This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the NHS.
Release date: 2013-05-08 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-314-X2011051Description:
Readers will find a complete analysis of factors affecting the comparability of Language results between the censuses in the Methodological Document on the 2011 Census Language Data.
Release date: 2013-05-03 - 8. Languages Reference Guide, 2011 Census ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-314-X2011005Description:
This guide focuses on the following topic: Language. Provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 Census. Each guide contains definitions and explanations on census concepts, talks about changes made to the 2011 Census, data quality and historical comparability, as well as comparison with other data sources. Additional information will be included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the census.
Release date: 2012-10-24 - 9. Languages Reference Guide, 2006 Census ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 97-555-G2006003Description:
This guide focuses on the following demographic variables: First official language spoken, Home language, Knowledge of non-official languages, Knowledge of official languages, Language of work, and Mother tongue.
Provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2006 Census. Each guide contains definitions and explanations on census concepts, data quality and historical comparability. Additional information will be included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the census.
Release date: 2008-04-08 - 10. Languages Reference Guide, 2006 Census ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 97-555-GDescription:
These guides provide information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2006 Census. Each guide contains definitions and explanations on census concepts. Additional information will be included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the census.
Release date: 2008-04-08
- Date modified: