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All (22) (0 to 10 of 22 results)

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021018
    Description: This article offers an initial in-depth analysis of participation in French immersion programs in Canada outside Quebec, based on 2021 Census data. This analysis examines factors that may be related to availability of French immersion programs and choosing of these programs. In addition, it looks at the possible links between schooling in a French immersion program and English–French bilingualism as well as the use of French at home or at work in adulthood.
    Release date: 2024-02-28

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021013
    Description: This article in the Census in Brief series looks at the evolution of English–French bilingualism in Quebec, in Canada outside Quebec and across Canada in recent decades. It includes an analysis of how changes in the relative proportion and the rate of English–French bilingualism of different populations according to mother tongue have contributed to this evolution. Lastly, the article provides a glimpse into the link between schooling in the minority official language and English–French bilingualism.
    Release date: 2023-06-21

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022052

    Based on 2021 Census data, the following infographic is about English-French bilingualism in Canada.

    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202200100003

    Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, integrated with the Postsecondary Student Information System, this study examines the relationship between the language in which postsecondary education was completed and the language that graduates use predominantly at work following graduation. Specifically, it examines the use of English at work in Quebec and the use of French in the workplace outside of Quebec.

    Release date: 2022-04-05

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2021005

    This booklet presents information on the population of healthcare workers who can speak or use English in Quebec and French in the rest of Canada. The selected indicators include rates of knowledge and use of the minority language at work as well as healthcare workers' geographic distribution, aging, immigration, interprovincial mobility and education characteristics. Data are taken from the Census of Population (2001, 2006 and 2016), National Household Survey (2011) and in some cases the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP).

    Release date: 2021-05-10

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019090

    This infographic uses census data from 2006 and 2016 to examine the trends associated with English-French bilingualism among Canadian children and youth who were aged 5 to 17.

    Release date: 2019-12-16

  • Stats in brief: 11-629-X2019005
    Description: Join Statistic Canada in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Official Languages Act. This video helps to better understand how official laguages data can answer your questions.
    Release date: 2019-12-10

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201900100014

    This study uses data from the 2006 and 2016 censuses of population, as well as integrated census data from 2006 and 2016, to examine the characteristics associated with English-French bilingualism among Canadian children and youth who were aged 5 to 17 in 2006. The study also examines the factors associated with the acquisition and retention of English-French bilingualism among children and youth in Quebec and in Canada outside Quebec.

    Release date: 2019-10-03

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2016009

    This article in the Census in Brief series shows the recent evolution of the bilingualism rate in Canada, the provinces and the territories. It also illustrates the changes in the bilingual population within different regions and mother tongue groups between 2011 and 2016. It focuses on the bilingualism rate of school-age Canadians whose mother tongue is English and who live outside of Quebec.

    Release date: 2017-08-02

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2017003

    The infographic presents the main findings of the microsimulation language projections (with DEMOSIM) of the evolution of the population by mother tongue, first official language spoken, bilingualism, and knowledge of French in Canada, Quebec and in the rest of Canada from 2011 to 2036, based on various projection scenarios.

    Release date: 2017-01-25
Data (2)

Data (2) ((2 results))

  • Table: 97-555-X2006001

    This theme deals with Canadians' mother tongue and language spoken at home, as well as with their knowledge of English and French. Data from the 2006 Census show, despite an increasingly multilingual Canadian society, that linguistic duality persists. In addition, the theme covers the evolution of English-French bilingualism in the country.

    Release date: 2007-12-04

  • Table: 75-001-X19890022277

    This study compares the earnings of bilingual and unilingual workers in three urban centres: Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa-Hull. Differences in the earnings of bilingual and unilingual workers are considered in the light of several demographic and job-related traits.

    Release date: 1989-06-30
Analysis (20)

Analysis (20) (0 to 10 of 20 results)

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021018
    Description: This article offers an initial in-depth analysis of participation in French immersion programs in Canada outside Quebec, based on 2021 Census data. This analysis examines factors that may be related to availability of French immersion programs and choosing of these programs. In addition, it looks at the possible links between schooling in a French immersion program and English–French bilingualism as well as the use of French at home or at work in adulthood.
    Release date: 2024-02-28

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2021013
    Description: This article in the Census in Brief series looks at the evolution of English–French bilingualism in Quebec, in Canada outside Quebec and across Canada in recent decades. It includes an analysis of how changes in the relative proportion and the rate of English–French bilingualism of different populations according to mother tongue have contributed to this evolution. Lastly, the article provides a glimpse into the link between schooling in the minority official language and English–French bilingualism.
    Release date: 2023-06-21

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022052

    Based on 2021 Census data, the following infographic is about English-French bilingualism in Canada.

    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202200100003

    Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, integrated with the Postsecondary Student Information System, this study examines the relationship between the language in which postsecondary education was completed and the language that graduates use predominantly at work following graduation. Specifically, it examines the use of English at work in Quebec and the use of French in the workplace outside of Quebec.

    Release date: 2022-04-05

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2021005

    This booklet presents information on the population of healthcare workers who can speak or use English in Quebec and French in the rest of Canada. The selected indicators include rates of knowledge and use of the minority language at work as well as healthcare workers' geographic distribution, aging, immigration, interprovincial mobility and education characteristics. Data are taken from the Census of Population (2001, 2006 and 2016), National Household Survey (2011) and in some cases the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP).

    Release date: 2021-05-10

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019090

    This infographic uses census data from 2006 and 2016 to examine the trends associated with English-French bilingualism among Canadian children and youth who were aged 5 to 17.

    Release date: 2019-12-16

  • Stats in brief: 11-629-X2019005
    Description: Join Statistic Canada in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Official Languages Act. This video helps to better understand how official laguages data can answer your questions.
    Release date: 2019-12-10

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201900100014

    This study uses data from the 2006 and 2016 censuses of population, as well as integrated census data from 2006 and 2016, to examine the characteristics associated with English-French bilingualism among Canadian children and youth who were aged 5 to 17 in 2006. The study also examines the factors associated with the acquisition and retention of English-French bilingualism among children and youth in Quebec and in Canada outside Quebec.

    Release date: 2019-10-03

  • Stats in brief: 98-200-X2016009

    This article in the Census in Brief series shows the recent evolution of the bilingualism rate in Canada, the provinces and the territories. It also illustrates the changes in the bilingual population within different regions and mother tongue groups between 2011 and 2016. It focuses on the bilingualism rate of school-age Canadians whose mother tongue is English and who live outside of Quebec.

    Release date: 2017-08-02

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2017003

    The infographic presents the main findings of the microsimulation language projections (with DEMOSIM) of the evolution of the population by mother tongue, first official language spoken, bilingualism, and knowledge of French in Canada, Quebec and in the rest of Canada from 2011 to 2036, based on various projection scenarios.

    Release date: 2017-01-25
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