International Adult Literacy Survey [Series] - ARCHIVED
Journals and periodicals: 89-552-M
The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) was a seven-country initiative conducted in the fall of 1994. Its goal was to create comparable literacy profiles across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries. Successive waves of the survey now encompass close to 30 countries around the world. This monograph series features detailed studies from the IALS database by literacy scholars and experts in Canada and the United States. The research is primarily funded by Human Resources Development Canada. Monographs focus on current policy issues and cover topics such as adult training, literacy skill match and mismatch in the workplace, seniors' literacy skills and health, literacy and economic security, and many others.
Related information
Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
Related products
- Profiles of a community or region: International Adult Literacy Survey Database
- Articles and reports: Adult Learning: A Comparative Perspective: Results from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey
- Journals and periodicals: Building on Our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey
- Articles and reports: Gaining and Losing Literacy Skills over the Lifecourse
- Articles and reports: Inequalities in Literacy Skills Among Youth in Canada and the United States
- Journals and periodicals: Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey
- Articles and reports: Literacy and the Labour Market: The Generation of Literacy and Its Impact on Earnings for Native Born Canadians
- Articles and reports: Literacy Skills, Occupational Assignment and the Returns to Over- and Under-education
- Articles and reports: Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada
- Journals and periodicals: Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada (Highlights)
- Articles and reports: Schooling, Literacy and Individual Earnings
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Measuring Adult Literacy and Life Skills: New Frameworks for Assessment
Subjects and keywords
- Adult education
- Analytical products
- Economic conditions
- Economic growth
- Educational attainment
- Gross domestic product
- Health status indicators
- Human capital
- International comparisons
- Labour force
- Models
- Occupations
- Parental educational attainment
- Productivity
- Reading habits
- Reading materials
- Regression analysis
- Seniors
- Sex
- Skills
- Social surveys
- Socioeconomic profiles
- Survey methodology
- Technological change
- Television viewing
- Tests
- Young adults
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