Building on Our Competencies: Canadian Results of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey - ARCHIVED

Journals and periodicals: 89-617-X


The International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, undertaken in 2003, measured the proficiencies of a representative sample of Canadian adults aged 16 and over in four domains: prose literacy, document literacy, numeracy and problem solving, and benchmarked performance against an international standard. The proficiency scores are compared between provinces, territories and nations, and over time. Moreover, literacy performance is examined in relation to differences in variables such as educational attainment, employment and unemployment, earnings and self-assessed health. Analyses of the literacy performance of groups of special interest, including women and men, young adults and seniors, recent and established immigrants, and Aboriginal populations are included.

Frequency: Occasional
Author(s): Barr-Telford, Lynn; Nault, François; Pignal, Jean
Available formats: HTML, PDF

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