Trends in student debt of postsecondary graduates in Canada: Results from the National Graduates Survey, 2018

Articles and reports: 75-006-X202000100005


Using data from the last four cycles of the National Graduates Survey (NGS), this study examines changes in the proportion of students with student debt over time, as well as the median amount of debt at graduation. Also, focussing on the 2015 cohort of graduates, the study examines the debt by field of study and by sources of financing, as well as the link between the characteristics of the students with student debt at graduation and the reduction of their debt three years after.

Issue Number: 2020001
Author(s): Galarneau, Diane; Gibson, Laura
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 25, 2020
PDFAugust 25, 2020

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