Survey design

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  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198700114465

    The two-stage rejection rule telephone sample design described by Waksberg (1978) is modified to improve the efficiency of telephone surveys of the U.S. Black population. Experimental tests of sample design alternatives demonstrate that: a) use of rough stratification based on telephone exchange names and states; b) use of large cluster definitions (200 and 400 consecutive numbers) at the first stage; and c) rejection rules based on racial status of the household combine to offer improvements in the relative precision of a sample, given fixed resources. Cost and error models are examined to simulate design alternatives.

    Release date: 1987-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198700114468

    The National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, conducts yield surveys for a variety of field crops in the United States. While field sampling procedures for various crops differ, the same basic survey design is used for all crops. The survey design and current estimators are reviewed. Alternative estimators of yield and production and of the variance of the estimators are presented. Current estimators and alternative estimators are compared, both theoretically and in a Monte Carlo simulation.

    Release date: 1987-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198700114511

    A new unequal probability sampling scheme for selecting n(> 2) units without replacement from a finite population is proposed. This scheme ensures that the inclusion probabilities are proportional to sizes. It has the advantage of simplicity in selection and estimation and also provides a non-negative variance estimator. The variance of the Horvitz-Thompson (H-T) estimator under the proposed scheme is shown to be smaller than that of the customary estimator in probability proportional to size sampling with replacement. The proposed scheme also compares favourably with the without replacement scheme suggested by Sampford (1967) in an empirical study on a few natural populations.

    Release date: 1987-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198700114512

    The Health and Activity Limitation Survey is part of the program to establish a data base on the disabled population in Canada. The sample design used for the part of the survey covering the population not living in institutions is described. In addition, the methods used to determine the sizes of the samples and to select the samples are presented.

    Release date: 1987-06-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600214446

    This paper discusses the influence of the sampling design on the estimation of a linear regression model. Particularly, sampling designs will be discussed which are dependent on the values of the endogenous variable in the population: endogenous (or “informative”) designs. A consistent estimator of the regression coefficients is given. Its variance is the sum of a sampling design component and a disturbance term component. Also, model-free regression is briefly discussed. The model-free regression estimator is the same as the model estimator in the case of an endogenous design.

    Release date: 1986-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198600214450

    From an annual sample of U.S. corporate tax returns, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service provides estimates of population and subpopulation totals for several hundred financial items. The basic sample design is highly stratified and fairly complex. Starting with the 1981 and 1982 samples, the design was altered to include a double sampling procedure. This was motivated by the need for better allocation of resources, in an environment of shrinking budgets. Items not observed in the subsample are predicted, using a modified hot deck imputation procedure. The present paper describes the design, estimation, and evaluation of the effects of the new procedure.

    Release date: 1986-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500214372

    The use of a multivariate clustering algorithm to perform stratification for the Labour Force Survey is described. The algorithm developed by Friedman and Rubin (1967) is modified to allow the formation of geographically contiguous strata and to delineate heterogeneous but compact primary sampling units (PSUs) within these strata. Studies dealing with stratification variables, stratification robustness over time, and type of stratification are described.

    Release date: 1985-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198500114365

    The cost-variance optimization of the design of the Canadian Labour Force Survey was carried out in two steps. First, the sample designs were optimized for each of the two major area types, the Self-Representing (SR) and the Non-Self-Representing (NSR) areas. Cost models were developed and parameters estimated from a detailed field study and by simulation, while variances were estimated using data from the Census of Population. The scope of the optimization included the allocation of sample to the two stages in the SR design, and the consideration of two alternatives to the old design in NSR areas. The second stage of optimization was the allocation of sample to SR and NSR areas.

    Release date: 1985-06-14

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198400214353

    Following each decennial population census, the Canadian Labour Force Survey (CLFS) has undergone a sample redesign to reflect changes in population characteristics and to respond to changes in information needs. The current redesign program which culminated with introduction of a new sample at the beginning of 1985 included extensive research into improved sample design, data collection and estimation methodologies, highlights of which are described.

    Release date: 1984-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X198400214357

    A finite population of size N is supposed to contain M (unknown) units of a specified category A (say) constituting a domain with mean \mu. A procedure which involves drawing units using simple random sampling without replacement till a preassigned number of members of the domain is reached is proposed. An unbiased estimator of \mu is also derived. This is seen to be superior to the corresponding possibly biased estimator based on a comparable SRSWOR scheme with a fixed number of draws. The proposed scheme is also shown to admit unbiased estimators of M and the domain total T.

    Release date: 1984-12-14
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Analysis (269)

Analysis (269) (0 to 10 of 269 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2024005
    Description: The Canadian Income Survey (CIS) has introduced improvements to the methods and data sources used to produce income and poverty estimates with the release of its 2022 reference year estimates. Foremost among these improvements is a significant increase in the sample size for a large subset of the CIS content. The weighting methodology was also improved and the target population of the CIS was changed from persons aged 16 years and over to persons aged 15 years and over. This paper describes the changes made and presents the approximate net result of these changes on the income estimates and data quality of the CIS using 2021 data. The changes described in this paper highlight the ways in which data quality has been improved while having little impact on key CIS estimates and trends.
    Release date: 2024-04-26

  • Journals and periodicals: 75F0002M
    Description: This series provides detailed documentation on income developments, including survey design issues, data quality evaluation and exploratory research.
    Release date: 2024-04-26

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202200100010
    Description: Growing Up in Québec is a longitudinal population survey that began in the spring of 2021 at the Institut de la statistique du Québec. Among the children targeted by this longitudinal follow-up, some will experience developmental difficulties at some point in their lives. Those same children often have characteristics associated with higher sample attrition (low-income family, parents with a low level of education). This article describes the two main challenges we encountered when trying to ensure sufficient representativeness of these children, in both the overall results and the subpopulation analyses.
    Release date: 2024-03-25

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200001
    Description: When a Medicare healthcare provider is suspected of billing abuse, a population of payments X made to that provider over a fixed timeframe is isolated. A certified medical reviewer, in a time-consuming process, can determine the overpayment Y = X - (amount justified by the evidence) associated with each payment. Typically, there are too many payments in the population to examine each with care, so a probability sample is selected. The sample overpayments are then used to calculate a 90% lower confidence bound for the total population overpayment. This bound is the amount demanded for recovery from the provider. Unfortunately, classical methods for calculating this bound sometimes fail to provide the 90% confidence level, especially when using a stratified sample.

    In this paper, 166 redacted samples from Medicare integrity investigations are displayed and described, along with 156 associated payment populations. The 7,588 examined (Y, X) sample pairs show (1) Medicare audits have high error rates: more than 76% of these payments were considered to have been paid in error; and (2) the patterns in these samples support an “All-or-Nothing” mixture model for (Y, X) previously defined in the literature. Model-based Monte Carlo testing procedures for Medicare sampling plans are discussed, as well as stratification methods based on anticipated model moments. In terms of viability (achieving the 90% confidence level) a new stratification method defined here is competitive with the best of the many existing methods tested and seems less sensitive to choice of operating parameters. In terms of overpayment recovery (equivalent to precision) the new method is also comparable to the best of the many existing methods tested. Unfortunately, no stratification algorithm tested was ever viable for more than about half of the 104 test populations.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200006
    Description: Survey researchers are increasingly turning to multimode data collection to deal with declines in survey response rates and increasing costs. An efficient approach offers the less costly modes (e.g., web) followed with a more expensive mode for a subsample of the units (e.g., households) within each primary sampling unit (PSU). We present two alternatives to this traditional design. One alternative subsamples PSUs rather than units to constrain costs. The second is a hybrid design that includes a clustered (two-stage) sample and an independent, unclustered sample. Using a simulation, we demonstrate the hybrid design has considerable advantages.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200008
    Description: In this article, we use a slightly simplified version of the method by Fickus, Mixon and Poteet (2013) to define a flexible parameterization of the kernels of determinantal sampling designs with fixed first-order inclusion probabilities. For specific values of the multidimensional parameter, we get back to a matrix from the family PII from Loonis and Mary (2019). We speculate that, among the determinantal designs with fixed inclusion probabilities, the minimum variance of the Horvitz and Thompson estimator (1952) of a variable of interest is expressed relative to PII. We provide experimental R programs that facilitate the appropriation of various concepts presented in the article, some of which are described as non-trivial by Fickus et al. (2013). A longer version of this article, including proofs and a more detailed presentation of the determinantal designs, is also available.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200010
    Description: Sample coordination methods aim to increase (in positive coordination) or decrease (in negative coordination) the size of the overlap between samples. The samples considered can be from different occasions of a repeated survey and/or from different surveys covering a common population. Negative coordination is used to control the response burden in a given period, because some units do not respond to survey questionnaires if they are selected in many samples. Usually, methods for sample coordination do not take into account any measure of the response burden that a unit has already expended in responding to previous surveys. We introduce such a measure into a new method by adapting a spatially balanced sampling scheme, based on a generalization of Poisson sampling, together with a negative coordination method. The goal is to create a double control of the burden for these units: once by using a measure of burden during the sampling process and once by using a negative coordination method. We evaluate the approach using Monte-Carlo simulation and investigate its use for controlling for selection “hot-spots” in business surveys in Statistics Netherlands.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300200016
    Description: In this discussion, I will present some additional aspects of three major areas of survey theory developed or studied by Jean-Claude Deville: calibration, balanced sampling and the generalized weight-share method.
    Release date: 2024-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2023005
    Description: The Canadian Income Survey (CIS) has introduced improvements to the methods and systems used to produce income estimates with the release of its 2021 reference year estimates. This paper describes the changes and presents the approximate net result of these changes on income estimates using data for 2019 and 2020. The changes described in this paper highlight the ways in which data quality has been improved while producing minimal impact on key CIS estimates and trends.
    Release date: 2023-08-29

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202300100009
    Description: In this paper, with and without-replacement versions of adaptive proportional to size sampling are presented. Unbiased estimators are developed for these methods and their properties are studied. In the two versions, the drawing probabilities are adapted during the sampling process based on the observations already selected. To this end, in the version with-replacement, after each draw and observation of the variable of interest, the vector of the auxiliary variable will be updated using the observed values of the variable of interest to approximate the exact selection probability proportional to size. For the without-replacement version, first, using an initial sample, we model the relationship between the variable of interest and the auxiliary variable. Then, utilizing this relationship, we estimate the unknown (unobserved) population units. Finally, on these estimated population units, we select a new sample proportional to size without-replacement. These approaches can significantly improve the efficiency of designs not only in the case of a positive linear relationship, but also in the case of a non-linear or negative linear relationship between the variables. We investigate the efficiencies of the designs through simulations and real case studies on medicinal flowers, social and economic data.
    Release date: 2023-06-30
Reference (29)

Reference (29) (0 to 10 of 29 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00012020020

    This fact sheet provides detailed insight into the design and methodology of the content test component of the 2019 Census Test. This test evaluated changes to the wording and flow of some questions, as well as the potential addition of new questions, to help determine the content of the 2021 Census of Population.

    Release date: 2020-07-20

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X201700014749

    As part of the Tourism Statistics Program redesign, Statistics Canada is developing the National Travel Survey (NTS) to collect travel information from Canadian travellers. This new survey will replace the Travel Survey of Residents of Canada and the Canadian resident component of the International Travel Survey. The NTS will take advantage of Statistics Canada’s common sampling frames and common processing tools while maximizing the use of administrative data. This paper discusses the potential uses of administrative data such as Passport Canada files, Canada Border Service Agency files and Canada Revenue Agency files, to increase the efficiency of the NTS sample design.

    Release date: 2016-03-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-631-X

    This report highlights the latest developments and rationale behind recent cycles of the General Social Survey (GSS). Starting with an overview of the GSS mandate and historic cycle topics, we then focus on two recent cycles related to families in Canada: Family Transitions (2006) and Family, Social Support and Retirement (2007). Finally, we give a summary of what is to come in the 2008 GSS on Social Networks, and describe a special project to mark 'Twenty Years of GSS'.

    The survey collects data over a twelve month period from the population living in private households in the 10 provinces. For all cycles except Cycles 16 and 21, the population aged 15 and older has been sampled. Cycles 16 and 21 sampled persons aged 45 and older.

    Cycle 20 (GSS 2006) is the fourth cycle of the GSS to collect data on families (the first three cycles on the family were in 1990, 1995 and 2001). Cycle 20 covers much the same content as previous cycles on families with some sections revised and expanded. The data enable analysts to measure conjugal and fertility history (chronology of marriages, common-law unions, and children), family origins, children's home leaving, fertility intentions, child custody as well as work history and other socioeconomic characteristics. Questions on financial support agreements or arrangements (for children and the ex-spouse or ex-partner) for separated and divorced families have been modified. Also, sections on social networks, well-being and housing characteristics have been added.

    Release date: 2008-05-27

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M1992001

    Starting in 1994, the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) will follow individuals and families for at least six years, tracking their labour market experiences, changes in income and family circumstances. An initial proposal for the content of SLID, entitled "Content of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics : Discussion Paper", was distributed in February 1992.

    That paper served as a background document for consultation with and a review by interested users. The content underwent significant change during this process. Based upon the revised content, a large-scale test of SLID will be conducted in February and May 1993.

    The present document outlines the income and wealth content to be tested in May 1993. This document is really a continuation of SLID Research Paper Series 92-01A, which outlines the demographic and labour content used in the January /February 1993 test.

    Release date: 2008-02-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M1992007

    A Preliminary Interview will be conducted on the first panel of SLID, in January 1993, as a supplement to the Labour Force Survey. The first panel is made up of about 20,000 households that are rotating out of the Labour Force Survey in January and February, 1993.

    The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the purpose of the SLID Preliminary Interview and the question wordings to be used.

    Release date: 2008-02-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 16-001-M2007004

    Statistics Canada administers a number of environmental surveys that fill important data gaps but also pose numerous challenges to administer. This paper focuses on two on-going environment surveys - one newly initiated and one in the process of a redesign.

    Release date: 2007-11-23

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M2005002

    This paper describes the changes made to the structure of geography information on SLID from reference year 1999 onwards. It goes into reasons for changing to the 2001 Census-based geography, shows how the overlap between the 1991 and 2001 Census-based concepts are handled, provides detail on how the geographic concepts are implemented, discusses a new imputation procedure and finishes with an illustration of the impact of these changes on selected tables.

    Release date: 2005-03-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031X2005002

    This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates in January 2005. Some of these modifications include the adjustment of all LFS estimates to reflect population counts based on the 2001 Census, updates to industry and occupation classification systems and sample redesign changes.

    Release date: 2005-01-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M2004006

    This document presents information about the entry-exit portion of the annual labour and the income interviews of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID).

    Release date: 2004-06-21

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-595-M2003009
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines how the Canadian Adult Education and Training Survey (AETS) can be used to study participation in and impacts of education and training activities for adults.

    Release date: 2003-10-15
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