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  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5115
    Description: Physical flow accounts are one of the main elements of the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) which was adopted as an international statistical standard in 2012. These accounts record, in physical units of measure, the supply and use of natural inputs (e.g. cubic metres of water), products (e.g. terajoules of gasoline), and residuals (e.g. kilotonnes of carbon dioxide emissions).

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5169
    Description: This program produces annual estimates of residential construction investment (capital investment flows), demolitions, depreciation and net stock, by asset type, and by province and territory.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5174
    Description: The objective of this program is the publication of financial statistics concerning the federal government, the provincial, territorial, and local governments and the Canada and Quebec pension plans, based on the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) accounting framework developed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5218
    Description: The objective of this program is the publication of financial statistics concerning the federal government, the provincial, territorial, and local governments, Government Business Enterprises, health and education institutions and the Canada and Quebec pension plans.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5230
    Description: The Activities of Foreign Majority-Owned Affiliates in Canada describes the characteristics, activity, financial position and performance of Foreign Majority-Owned Canadian Affiliates (FMOCAs) of foreign multinational enterprises. Inward Foreign Affiliate Statistics (FATS) are an extension of statistics on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Canada.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5262
    Description: The survey will be used in conjunction with other data sources to understand how the planned legalization of cannabis for non-medical use could impact the Canadian economy as well as other health and social services.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5263
    Description: The data collected are being used in the Canadian system of national accounts to support the creation and validation of measures relating to the importance of the cannabis sector in the Canadian economy.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5285
    Description: The securities statistics cover issuances and holdings of financial negotiable instruments. Securities include debt instruments designed to be traded in financial markets, such as treasury bills, commercial paper and bonds, as well as equity instruments, such as listed shares. The statistics relate to outstanding amounts (stocks) and net transactions (new issues net of redemptions).

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5376
    Description: The Environmental Tax Account (ETA) is one of the elements of the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Central Framework (SEEA-CF), which was adopted as an international standard in 2012. This account records, in monetary units, government revenues generated from environmental tax from industry, government, non-profits and households.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 7522
    Description: This is non-Statistics Canada information.
Data (926)

Data (926) (60 to 70 of 926 results)

  • Table: 36-10-0368-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Quarterly data on international investment position for Canadian portfolio investment abroad, by type of foreign securities, by country, at market value.

    Release date: 2024-09-06

  • Table: 62-013-X
    Description: These indexes are calculated to establish and adjust the Post Living Allowance (PLA) paid to Canadian government employees serving outside of Canada. They are comparative measurements that numerically express the difference between the retail prices of a representative basket of goods and services at a foreign location with prices for a similar basket of goods and services in Ottawa.

    Three separate reports are provided to reflect the specific terms and conditions of service for these personnel. A description of each report is provided below.

    Foreign Service Directives Post Indexes

    These indexes are calculated for personnel serving under the terms and conditions of the Foreign Service Directives (FSDs). They reflect circumstances for personnel who may have access to certain goods and services that are free of duties or taxes or to sources of supply that are not available to the general public. Where employees do not have (either directly or indirectly) duty-free purchasing privileges, departmental administrators must consult with Statistics Canada to calculate an additional index to reflect the specific circumstances in effect at that post.

    Global Affairs Canada (GAC) Post Indexes (TAH)

    These indexes are calculated for cooperants and advisors serving under the Technical Assistance Handbook (TAH), whose terms and conditions are governed by Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

    Canadian Forces Post Indexes

    These indexes are calculated for Canadian Forces members serving under either the terms and conditions of the Military Foreign Service Instructions (MFSIs) or the Foreign Service Directives (FSDs). They reflect circumstances for personnel who may have access to sources of supply that are not available to the general public. These personnel also may have access to certain goods and services that are free of duties or taxes or may be provided with supplies or allowances by the Department of National Defence or the United Nations. The indexes in this listing are not appropriate for use by non-military personnel.

    Release date: 2024-09-05

  • Table: 36-10-0206-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Quarterly labour productivity and related measures, for the aggregate business sector, indexes.

    Release date: 2024-09-05

  • Table: 36-10-0207-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Quarterly

    Quarterly labour productivity and related measures, by major industrial sectors for the business sector (15 two-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries) and two sectors (goods-producing businesses and service-producing businesses), as well as for the total economy and the non-business sector, indexes.

    Release date: 2024-09-05

  • Table: 10-10-0002-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Monthly

    This table contains 29 series, with data for years 2009 - 2019 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada) Central government debt (29 items: A. Federal debt (accumulated deficit), (B - E); B. Net debt, (C - D); C. Liabilities, gross debt; Accounts payable and accrued liabilities; ...).

    Release date: 2024-09-03

  • Table: 10-10-0133-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: This table contains 26 series, with data for years 2009 - 2019 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2019-07-29. This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada), Central government operations (26 items: A. Budgetary balance, deficit (-) / surplus (+), (B - C); B. Revenues; C. Expenses; Program expenses; ...).
    Release date: 2024-09-03

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021015
    Description: The Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts record the production of goods and services in the economy, the incomes arising from this production, expenditures on production and the resulting saving (dissaving) and investment. This interactive tool facilitates easy access to the numerous data sets in these accounts. The tool highlights the latest results with time series for certain components.
    Release date: 2024-08-30

  • Table: 36-10-0687-01
    Frequency: Quarterly

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government of Canada implemented various support and recovery measures to support the Canadian economy. This table presents the major programs (e.g. Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, Canada Emergency Response Benefit, etc.) within the System of Macroeconomic Accounts. The data are at quarterly rates and are not seasonally adjusted.

    Release date: 2024-08-30

  • Table: 36-10-0687-02
    Frequency: Quarterly

    This table contains payments made to business from federal government COVID-19 support measures which are treated as subsidies on production, at quarterly rates and not seasonally adjusted.

    Release date: 2024-08-30

  • Table: 36-10-0687-03
    Frequency: Quarterly

    This table contains payments made to non-profit institutions serving households from federal government COVID-19 support measures which are treated as current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households, at quarterly rates and not seasonally adjusted.

    Release date: 2024-08-30
Analysis (592)

Analysis (592) (480 to 490 of 592 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X20050017759
    Geography: Canada

    This paper investigates the size of the output and productivity shortfall between Canada and the US in the late 1990s and finds that the primary reason for the difference in not lower labour productivity but fewer hours worked per capita.

    Release date: 2005-01-13

  • Articles and reports: 11-624-M2005009
    Geography: Canada

    The difference in the output gap (GDP per capita) between Canada and the United States is broken down into two components - differences in productivity (GDP per hour worked) and differences in effort (hours worked per capita) for the period 1994 to 2002. The paper shows that, on average, the majority of the output gap is accounted for by differences in hours worked rather than differences in productivity. Since 1994, the output gap has narrowed slightly, primarily because of an increase in hours worked in Canada relative to the United States.

    Release date: 2005-01-13

  • Articles and reports: 67F0001M2004022
    Geography: Canada

    Canada's balance of payments with the United States should be, in principle, the mirror image of the U.S. balance of payments with Canada. In practice, however, the two countries' statistics have conceptual, methodological and data differences.

    Each year, the two countries' balance of payments current accounts are reconciled to reflect how the estimates would appear if both countries used common definitions, methodologies and data sources. Such reconciliation is important because of the extensive economic links between the two countries and the need to explain differences in their published official bilateral estimates.

    Release date: 2004-12-22

  • Journals and periodicals: 67F0001M
    Geography: Canada

    These papers deal with selected aspects of Canadas' international economic transactions and international positions with foreign countries. They provide background information as well as in depth analysis on data reported in any of the four following publications: Canadas balance of international payments (67-001-XPB), Canadas international transactions in securities (67-002-XPB), Canadas international investment position (67-202-XPB) and Canadas international transactions in services (67-203-XPB).

    Release date: 2004-12-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X20040127744
    Geography: Canada

    Recent media reports suggest that the ratio of gross national income (formerly gross national product) to gross domestic product reflects a nation's 'economic maturity'. Nations at a higher stage of economic development generally have a GNI larger than GDP because of their past investments abroad. Less developed countries that depend on large inflows of foreign investment to finance their growth have a smaller GNI than GDP. This article analyzes how relevant these suggestions are for the Canadian economy. Since 1998, our ratio of GNI to GNP has risen 96% to 98%. In dollar terms, Canadians would have received $16.4 billion less income if GNI had grown only as fast as GDP, equivalent to $512 for every Canadian. Based on recent trends, Canada's GNI could outstrip its GDP for the first time on record before the end of the current decade.

    Release date: 2004-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2004023
    Geography: Canada

    This article estimates and analyses the economic impact of the culture sector on Canada's employment and gross domestic product (GDP).

    Release date: 2004-12-02

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2004026
    Geography: Canada

    This paper develops a production framework that allows for self-supplied water intake, an unpriced 'natural' input. The framework is then exploited to estimate the corresponding water shadow prices and to assess the extent to which water impacts on the multifactor productivity performance of the Canadian business sector's industries.

    Release date: 2004-12-01

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007448

    This paper quantifies the contribution of public capital to productivity growth in the Canadian business sector. The approach developed here incorporates demand and supply forces, including the contribution of public capital, which may affect productivity performance. We estimate the model using disaggregated data composed of 37-industries in the Canadian business sector from 1961 to 2000. The results indicate that the main contributors to productivity growth, both at the industry and aggregate levels, are technical change and exogenous demand (representing the effect of aggregate income and population growth). Public capital contributed for about 18% of the overall business sector multifactor productivity growth over the 1961 to 2000 period. This is somewhat lower than the figures reported in the literature. However, the magnitudes of the contribution of public capital to productivity growth vary significantly across industries, with the largest impact occurring in transportation, trade and utilities.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007449

    The state and local government sector owns nearly 90% of the nonmilitary capital structures and 70% of the nonmilitary equipment in the U.S. As such state and local governments are the key policymakers in determining levels of infrastructure investment. Yet as stewards of infrastructure, the states have had a rocky history. Current engineering studies examining the condition of U.S. capital stock suggest that much of it is disrepair and that investments of nearly $1.6 trillion would be needed over the next 5 years to restore full functionality to major types of infrastructure.

    Recently states have shown renewed interest in using capital investment in infrastructure as an economic development tool. Popular economic development theories based on enhancing industry agglomeration often find the condition of key infrastructure as a factor in economic growth. While many states accept this conclusion, they are faced with a policy conundrum. Facing tight fiscal circumstances, states and localities are trying to determine which infrastructure investments matter in triggering economic growth. This paper will survey what is known about measuring the effect of infrastructure investment and discuss whether states are asking the right questions before spending infrastructure dollars.

    Release date: 2004-11-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0024M20040007450

    The manufacturing sector is a vital part of the Canadian economy. In 2002, it accounted for $165 billion of Canada's gross domestic product (GDP) and more than two million jobs. Unlike the other G7 countries, the contribution of the manufacturing sector to the Canadian economy has been increasing.

    From 1997 to 2002, average labour productivity growth in the manufacturing was slightly lower than the average for all industries. Part of this could be explained by the relatively low capital investment in the sector.

    In 2001, the R&D expenditure by the manufacturing sector represented 70 percent of all industrial R&D expenditures. The R&D intensity for the sector is about four times greater than that of all industries in Canada.

    The manufacturing sector has driven much of Canada's trade. In 2002, manufacturing exports accounted for 64 percent of Canada's total exports of goods and services. The sector became much more export dependent but Canada's overall manufacturing trade balance was negative. Nevertheless, Canada's manufacturing sector has been a success story.

    Release date: 2004-11-25
Reference (176)

Reference (176) (40 to 50 of 176 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201200211722

    This article has been prepared to help users understand the changes introduced as a result of the historical revision of the international accounts of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA), due to the implementation of the new international standards published in System of National Accounts 2008 and in Balance of Payments Manual, Sixth Edition.

    Release date: 2012-10-01

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201200111671

    Macroeconomic data for Canada, including Canada's National Accounts (gross domestic product (GDP), saving and net worth), Balance of International Payments (current and capital account surplus or deficit and International Investment Position) and Government Financial Statistics (government deficit and debt) are based on international standards. These international standards are set on a coordinated basis by international organizations including the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and Eurostat, with input from experts around the world. Canada has always played an important role in the development and updating of these standards as they have transformed from the crude guidelines of the early to mid 20th century to the fully articulated standards that exist today.

    The purpose of this document is to introduce a new presentation of the quarterly National Accounts (Income and Expenditure Accounts, Financial Flow Accounts and National Balance Sheet Accounts) that will be published with the conversion of the Canadian National Accounts to the latest international standard - System of National Accounts 2008.

    Release date: 2012-05-30

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201100311491

    This paper provides a preview of the comprehensive (historical) revision of the Canadian System National Accounts to be released beginning in June 2012. The last revision of this scope took place in 1997. The paper highlights the changes resulting from the adoption of SNA2008 which is the revised international standard for national accounting, along with statistical revisions arising from new and improved source data and methodologies. Updates to the classification systems used in the Canadian System of National Accounts are also presented along with a list of changes planned for 2014.

    Release date: 2011-06-20

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201100311492

    This note provides a brief explanation of the impact that the transition from reporting financial statements under Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (CGAAP) to the new, internationally unified financial accounting framework of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will have on the Canadian Financial Flow Accounts and the National Balance Sheet Accounts estimates.

    Release date: 2011-06-20

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-010-X201100611501

    A detailed exposition of how the pattern of quarterly growth affects the average annual growth rate, including the relative importance of these quarters in determining growth These basic principles are applied to monthly and quarterly growth.

    Release date: 2011-06-16

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201100211471

    This paper presents the background, methodological change and implementation of the revised real import and export adjustments that account for exchange rate fluctuations.

    Release date: 2011-05-30

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201100111414

    This article discusses the revision policy of the Canadian System of National Accounts

    Release date: 2011-05-18

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-599-X
    Description: This guide presents an overview of the scope and structure of the Pension Satellite Account as well as the methodology used to derive its stocks and flows estimates.
    Release date: 2010-11-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2010027

    Measures of productivity are derived by comparing outputs and inputs. The System of National Accounts (SNA) in Canada provides a useful framework for organizing the information required for comparisons of this type. Integrated systems of economic accounts provide coherent, consistent alternate estimates of the various concepts that can be used to measure productivity.

    Release date: 2010-06-29

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X201000111130

    The majority of Canada's national, provincial and territorial macroeconomic indicators originate from the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA). These indicators include such things as gross domestic product, net worth, savings, personal disposable income and government debt. Statistics Canada is launching a project that will make key changes to these macroeconomic indicators. The changes introduced by this project are outlined in this paper.

    Release date: 2010-05-05

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