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All (42)

All (42) (0 to 10 of 42 results)

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400200003
    Description: Given the large differences in educational attainment observed across non-Indigenous population groups in Canada, understanding when these differences emerge and what may explain them is an important first step in informing policy discussions on the issue. Using the British Columbia kindergarten to Grade 12 dataset, the Postsecondary Student Information System, the 2016 Census of Population, and the T1 Family File tax data, this study follows several cohorts of Grade 9 students in British Columbia over time to explore differences between population groups, by gender, in the probability and timing of high school graduation and enrolment in academic postsecondary programs.
    Release date: 2024-02-28

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201700114824

    In this paper, multiple sources of data are used to study the profile and labour market outcomes of young men and women aged 25 to 34 without a high school diploma. The data sources include the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) and the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD).

    Release date: 2017-05-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201500114175

    This study reports on predictors of high school completion by age 18 among First Nations males and females aged 18 to 24 living off reserve, with a particular focus on extracurricular activities (participation in sports, arts and clubs). The results are based on data from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS).

    Release date: 2015-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2015006

    Using data from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this study takes a first look at school mobility among off-reserve First Nations students in grades 1 to 6 and grades 7 to 12. The reason off-reserve First Nations students last moved schools is examined, and comparisons are made between students in grades 1 to 6 and those in grades 7 to 12. Based on the number of schools that a student had attended and the reason provided for the last school move, comparisons are made between off-reserve First Nations students who were non-movers and movers. Three levels of socio-economic characteristics are examined for off-reserve First Nations students including: student characteristics (for example, age, sex, and registered Indian status); family characteristics (for example, income, living arrangements and parental education); and school support characteristics (for example, parental involvement in education) to show differences between non-movers and movers. Finally, school outcomes (for example, grade on last report card, happiness at school, ever repeated a grade) are compared between non-movers and movers to determine if having one “non-regular” progression school move is negatively related to academic success for off-reserve First Nations students.

    Release date: 2015-03-31

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2014354
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the long-term labour market premiums associated with a high school diploma. The focus is on the value of the qualification (the signaling effect), but the premiums associated with the number of years of schooling required to obtain the qualification (the human-capital effect) are also estimated. The labour market outcomes of individuals born in the mid-1960s are measured from their mid-20s to their mid-40s with longitudinal administrative data from the Longitudinal Worker File (LWF) that are linked to the 1991 Census of Population. Two groups are considered: terminal high school graduates (those who had obtained a high school diploma but had not acquired any postsecondary education by the 1991 Census) and individuals without a high school diploma (those who had no high school diploma, were not enrolled in high school, and had no postsecondary education at the time of the 1991 Census).

    Release date: 2014-01-23

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201200211675
    Geography: Canada

    The NEET indicator - the proportion of youth age 15 to 29 who are neither in education nor employment - is regularly published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to document aspects of the transition into adulthood. The indicator emerged in the United Kingdom in the 1990s in response to concerns about the social exclusion of disadvantaged youth. This paper examines trends in Canadian NEET rates as well as the characteristics and activities of NEET youth.

    Release date: 2012-05-23

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2011336
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the education outcomes (including the chances of being a high school drop-out) of a cohort of immigrants who arrived in Canada as children using the 2006 Census. The research documents the degree to which high school graduation for immigrant children may change discretely after a particular age at arrival in Canada.

    Release date: 2011-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X201000411339

    Based on data from the Labour Force Survey, this article examines trends in high school dropout rates over the 1990/1991 to 2009/2010 period. The high school dropout rate is defined as the share of 20 to 24 year-olds who are not attending school and who have not graduated from high school. In addition, national data for both Aboriginal people and immigrants are now available from the Labour Force Survey, allowing researchers to assess how dropout rates differ between these groups and the rest of the population. Finally, the article also examines trends in labour market outcomes of dropouts in terms of unemployment rates and median weekly earnings.

    Release date: 2010-11-03

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2010005

    This fact sheet looks at the proportion of young adults who have ever left high school without a diploma, and, among them, at the proportions who have returned to get a high school diploma and who progressed to postsecondary education. Knowing about the progress of these students helps us consider their needs and understand the value of second-chance programs.

    Release date: 2010-04-29

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X200900210896

    Previous analysis of data from the Youth in Transition Survey showed for the first time that reading proficiency at age 15 plays a significant role in both high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education by age 19. However, age 19 is still relatively early to have conclusive information on the educational outcomes of youth. This article takes advantage of more recent data from the Youth in Transition Survey to examine high school and postsecondary education outcomes for that same group of youth two years later, when they were 21 years old.

    Release date: 2009-06-17
Data (2)

Data (2) ((2 results))

  • Table: 89F0093X
    Geography: Canada

    This document provides some principal findings of Reading the future: a portrait of literacy in Canada (catalogue no. 89-551-XPE); for example, literacy skills by province, educational attainment, immigrants, age, occupation and unemployment.

    Release date: 1997-09-08

  • Public use microdata: 89M0013X

    This public use microdata file provides unaggregated data on the Aboriginal adult population - those who identify with their Aboriginal origin(s) and those who do not. For persons who identify, it contains almost 700 variables from the 1991 survey, such as, the group with which they identify, language proficiency, disability, chronic health conditions, schooling, work experience and the 1991 Census variables such as, income levels, marital status, fertility. The same census variables are provided for the population who does not identify.

    Release date: 1995-06-30
Analysis (39)

Analysis (39) (0 to 10 of 39 results)

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400200003
    Description: Given the large differences in educational attainment observed across non-Indigenous population groups in Canada, understanding when these differences emerge and what may explain them is an important first step in informing policy discussions on the issue. Using the British Columbia kindergarten to Grade 12 dataset, the Postsecondary Student Information System, the 2016 Census of Population, and the T1 Family File tax data, this study follows several cohorts of Grade 9 students in British Columbia over time to explore differences between population groups, by gender, in the probability and timing of high school graduation and enrolment in academic postsecondary programs.
    Release date: 2024-02-28

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201700114824

    In this paper, multiple sources of data are used to study the profile and labour market outcomes of young men and women aged 25 to 34 without a high school diploma. The data sources include the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) and the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD).

    Release date: 2017-05-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201500114175

    This study reports on predictors of high school completion by age 18 among First Nations males and females aged 18 to 24 living off reserve, with a particular focus on extracurricular activities (participation in sports, arts and clubs). The results are based on data from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS).

    Release date: 2015-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 89-653-X2015006

    Using data from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this study takes a first look at school mobility among off-reserve First Nations students in grades 1 to 6 and grades 7 to 12. The reason off-reserve First Nations students last moved schools is examined, and comparisons are made between students in grades 1 to 6 and those in grades 7 to 12. Based on the number of schools that a student had attended and the reason provided for the last school move, comparisons are made between off-reserve First Nations students who were non-movers and movers. Three levels of socio-economic characteristics are examined for off-reserve First Nations students including: student characteristics (for example, age, sex, and registered Indian status); family characteristics (for example, income, living arrangements and parental education); and school support characteristics (for example, parental involvement in education) to show differences between non-movers and movers. Finally, school outcomes (for example, grade on last report card, happiness at school, ever repeated a grade) are compared between non-movers and movers to determine if having one “non-regular” progression school move is negatively related to academic success for off-reserve First Nations students.

    Release date: 2015-03-31

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2014354
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the long-term labour market premiums associated with a high school diploma. The focus is on the value of the qualification (the signaling effect), but the premiums associated with the number of years of schooling required to obtain the qualification (the human-capital effect) are also estimated. The labour market outcomes of individuals born in the mid-1960s are measured from their mid-20s to their mid-40s with longitudinal administrative data from the Longitudinal Worker File (LWF) that are linked to the 1991 Census of Population. Two groups are considered: terminal high school graduates (those who had obtained a high school diploma but had not acquired any postsecondary education by the 1991 Census) and individuals without a high school diploma (those who had no high school diploma, were not enrolled in high school, and had no postsecondary education at the time of the 1991 Census).

    Release date: 2014-01-23

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201200211675
    Geography: Canada

    The NEET indicator - the proportion of youth age 15 to 29 who are neither in education nor employment - is regularly published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to document aspects of the transition into adulthood. The indicator emerged in the United Kingdom in the 1990s in response to concerns about the social exclusion of disadvantaged youth. This paper examines trends in Canadian NEET rates as well as the characteristics and activities of NEET youth.

    Release date: 2012-05-23

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2011336
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the education outcomes (including the chances of being a high school drop-out) of a cohort of immigrants who arrived in Canada as children using the 2006 Census. The research documents the degree to which high school graduation for immigrant children may change discretely after a particular age at arrival in Canada.

    Release date: 2011-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X201000411339

    Based on data from the Labour Force Survey, this article examines trends in high school dropout rates over the 1990/1991 to 2009/2010 period. The high school dropout rate is defined as the share of 20 to 24 year-olds who are not attending school and who have not graduated from high school. In addition, national data for both Aboriginal people and immigrants are now available from the Labour Force Survey, allowing researchers to assess how dropout rates differ between these groups and the rest of the population. Finally, the article also examines trends in labour market outcomes of dropouts in terms of unemployment rates and median weekly earnings.

    Release date: 2010-11-03

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2010005

    This fact sheet looks at the proportion of young adults who have ever left high school without a diploma, and, among them, at the proportions who have returned to get a high school diploma and who progressed to postsecondary education. Knowing about the progress of these students helps us consider their needs and understand the value of second-chance programs.

    Release date: 2010-04-29

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X200900210896

    Previous analysis of data from the Youth in Transition Survey showed for the first time that reading proficiency at age 15 plays a significant role in both high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education by age 19. However, age 19 is still relatively early to have conclusive information on the educational outcomes of youth. This article takes advantage of more recent data from the Youth in Transition Survey to examine high school and postsecondary education outcomes for that same group of youth two years later, when they were 21 years old.

    Release date: 2009-06-17
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81F0004G

    The guide lists and briefly describes the main sources of data, and for each source gives: data coverage, main variables available, strengths and limitation of the data, historical continuity, frequency and means of dissemination, indication of the type of analysis that can be performed.

    Release date: 1998-03-30
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