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All (152)

All (152) (0 to 10 of 152 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017001
    Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province and by census metropolitan area. This dynamic application allows users to view geographical rankings for each labour market indicator and to create quick and easy reports with interactive maps and charts that can be easily copied into other programs. All provincial and CMA estimates used in this application are seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving averages. Labour Force Survey data at the provincial level published each month in The Daily are seasonally adjusted monthly estimates.
    Release date: 2025-03-07

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2017002
    Description: This web application provides access to Statistics Canada’s Labour Market Indicators for Canada, by province, territory and economic region (ER). This dynamic application allows users to view a snapshot of key labour market indicators, observe geographical rankings for each indicator using an interactive map and table, and easily copy data into other programs. The provincial and ER estimates used in this application from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are three-month moving averages, unadjusted for seasonality. The provincial, territorial and ER estimates used in this application from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) are quarterly data, unadjusted for seasonality. Historical estimates are available in this application, with data going back 10 years for the LFS and from the first quarter of 2016 for JVWS.
    Release date: 2025-03-07

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024025
    Description: This dashboard displays small area estimates of unemployment rate, employment rate and employment for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and a complementary geography of small communities and rural areas called self-contained labour areas. The dashboard allows users to visually explore the estimates using an interactive map as well as time series charts and tables. Data are unadjusted for seasonality and updated monthly.
    Release date: 2025-03-07

  • Articles and reports: 14-28-0001202400100006
    Description: In the publication Quality of Employment in Canada, the Employment rate of mothers and fathers indicator is the percentage of mothers and fathers, living with at least one child aged 17 years or younger, who are employed.
    Release date: 2024-10-15

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2024001
    Description: This analytical article provides insight on the impact of discontinuing apprenticeship programs on the labor market outcomes of apprentices in Canada. Using Census 2016 data and the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP), this study examines certified journeypersons, continuers, and discontinuers of apprenticeship programs from 2008 to 2013. Labour market outcomes are compared primarily through the rates of employment in industries related to their trade of study and earnings.
    Release date: 2024-09-26

  • Articles and reports: 75-005-M2024003
    Description: This document briefly describes the small area estimation methodology developed to produce monthly estimates of employment and unemployment rate for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and self-contained labour areas using data from the Labour Force Survey, Employment Insurance statistics and population projections.
    Release date: 2024-09-17

  • Articles and reports: 71-222-X2024002
    Description: This article examines trends in rates of employment and unemployment, as well as hourly wages and work hours, for the year 2023, and explores how disability intersects with age, sex, educational attainment, and racialized groups to influence labour market outcomes.
    Release date: 2024-06-13

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400500004
    Description: The impact of immigration on the destination country is contingent not only on the number of immigrants admitted but also on how many of them choose to stay and actively engage in the labour market. This article analyzes the active presence of adult immigrants since the 1990s. Active presence refers to the extent to which immigrants who were admitted to Canada during a specific period actively engage in Canadian society within a specific timeframe.
    Release date: 2024-05-22

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202301000006
    Description: This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the first half of 2023 and into the summer months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.
    Release date: 2023-10-25

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202300400002
    Description: This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the second half of 2022 and into the winter months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.
    Release date: 2023-05-08
Data (40)

Data (40) (30 to 40 of 40 results)

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110825
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110826
    Geography: Census metropolitan area part

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110827
    Geography: Census agglomeration

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110828
    Geography: Economic region

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110829
    Geography: Census agglomeration

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110830
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110831
    Geography: Census agglomeration

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Profile of a community or region: 89-638-X200900110832
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This product is a series of profiles for a number of census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and communities across Canada with a large Aboriginal population, either in numbers or share of the area's total population. The series aims to present a demographic and socio-economic profile of the total Aboriginal population living in these areas. Demographic Data as well as information on living arrangements of children, education, labour, income, mobility, housing, and health are highlighted. While most of the focus is on adults, there is also limited information provided on children. Data showing comparisons between Aboriginal groups are provided for selected variables, as are comparisons with the non-Aboriginal population. Findings are based on the 2006 Census and the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

    Release date: 2009-04-07

  • Table: 89-636-X2008001

    This document presents 2006 Census data tables on Inuit and non-Aboriginal populations by Inuit regions. The tables provide data on population growth, age groups, living arrangements of children, language, labour, housing, earnings and income.

    Release date: 2008-11-26

  • Table: 21F0018X

    This slide presentation provides a profile of basic structures and trends in rural and small town Canada.

    Release date: 2001-05-28
Analysis (110)

Analysis (110) (0 to 10 of 110 results)

  • Articles and reports: 14-28-0001202400100006
    Description: In the publication Quality of Employment in Canada, the Employment rate of mothers and fathers indicator is the percentage of mothers and fathers, living with at least one child aged 17 years or younger, who are employed.
    Release date: 2024-10-15

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2024001
    Description: This analytical article provides insight on the impact of discontinuing apprenticeship programs on the labor market outcomes of apprentices in Canada. Using Census 2016 data and the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP), this study examines certified journeypersons, continuers, and discontinuers of apprenticeship programs from 2008 to 2013. Labour market outcomes are compared primarily through the rates of employment in industries related to their trade of study and earnings.
    Release date: 2024-09-26

  • Articles and reports: 75-005-M2024003
    Description: This document briefly describes the small area estimation methodology developed to produce monthly estimates of employment and unemployment rate for census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and self-contained labour areas using data from the Labour Force Survey, Employment Insurance statistics and population projections.
    Release date: 2024-09-17

  • Articles and reports: 71-222-X2024002
    Description: This article examines trends in rates of employment and unemployment, as well as hourly wages and work hours, for the year 2023, and explores how disability intersects with age, sex, educational attainment, and racialized groups to influence labour market outcomes.
    Release date: 2024-06-13

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400500004
    Description: The impact of immigration on the destination country is contingent not only on the number of immigrants admitted but also on how many of them choose to stay and actively engage in the labour market. This article analyzes the active presence of adult immigrants since the 1990s. Active presence refers to the extent to which immigrants who were admitted to Canada during a specific period actively engage in Canadian society within a specific timeframe.
    Release date: 2024-05-22

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202301000006
    Description: This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the first half of 2023 and into the summer months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.
    Release date: 2023-10-25

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202300400002
    Description: This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the second half of 2022 and into the winter months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.
    Release date: 2023-05-08

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202201000001

    This article provides an integrated summary of recent changes in output, consumer prices, employment and household finances. It highlights changes in the economic data during the first half of 2022 and into the summer months. The article also examines how economic conditions have changed as borrowing costs have risen.

    Release date: 2022-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202200500002

    The COVID-19 Pandemic has been affecting Canadians’ daily lives since the second quarter of 2020. Production and employment were cut back largely at the beginning in order to slow the spread of this contagious disease, leading to a sharp decline in income and a rise in the unemployment rate. GDP per capita of a country is often used for assessing the standard of living and its cross-country comparisons. Since 2020, Canada’s per capita GDP has averaged -1.3% per year, down from its long-term annual average of 1.2% from 1981 to 2019 and from 1.0% per year from 2010 to 2019. For a better understanding of the sources of Canada’s per capita GDP growth, this article decomposes GDP per capita into labour productivity, work intensity, employment rate, participation rate, and the share of working population. The contributions of these 5 ratios to Canada’s per capita GDP growth are examined.

    Release date: 2022-05-25

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202200300004

    This article provides an integrated analysis of recent changes in output, consumer spending, business investment, international trade and employment. It also draws on new data sources that provide detailed information on the financial conditions facing businesses and households. The analysis is based on data that are publicly available as of March 11, 2022.

    Release date: 2022-03-23
Reference (2)

Reference (2) ((2 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-005-M2013001
    Geography: Census subdivision

    This report describes Statistics Canada's experience conducting the Labour Force Survey pilot in Siksika Nation, and provides a picture of the 2011 labour market for this population, including rates of participation, employment and unemployment.

    Release date: 2013-12-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75-001-X19960042907
    Geography: Canada

    The employment/population ratio is a good barometer of the state of the economy and an important though little-used labour market indicator. This article takes a look at the ratio's strengths and limitations, as well as its variation since 1946. Provincial and international comparisons are included.

    Release date: 1996-12-03
Date modified: