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- 1. GIS update ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X200910713232Geography: CanadaDescription:
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) was established to provide low-income seniors with extra income. While simplification of the GIS application process and outreach efforts have increased take-up rates, some seniors are still missing out. This update explores the characteristics of eligible non-recipients.
Release date: 2009-09-18 - 2. Life After Welfare: The Economic Well-being of Welfare Leavers in Canada During the 1990s ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2003192Geography: CanadaDescription:
The 1990s were characterized by substantial declines in the number of welfare recipients in most Canadian provinces. These declines occurred in a period when most provincial governments lowered benefits and tightened eligibility rules. What happened to the economic well-being of those who left welfare in the 1990s? Using longitudinal tax data, this study examines the short and long-term outcomes of welfare leavers across three dimensions: earnings, disposable income and low-income. The role of marriage in post-welfare outcomes is also investigated.
Release date: 2003-03-26 - 3. Legal Aid in Canada, Description of Operations ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-217-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription:
This publication describes the structure and administration of provincial/territorial legal aid services in Canada. It also includes information on legislation, organization, coverage, eligibility, duty counsel and tariffs.
Release date: 2002-05-24 - 4. Who's saving for retirement? ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19950042455Geography: CanadaDescription:
Current projections estimate that almost a quarter of the population will be 65 years or older by 2031. Ensuring that this group will have an adequate income has become an important concern. A look at the programs that now exist to help Canadians save for retirement, as well as who participates in them and how much is being saved.
Release date: 1995-12-05 - 5. On the definitions of response rates ArchivedArticles and reports: 12-001-X198600114437Description:
In this paper, different types of response/nonresponse and associated measures such as rates are provided and discussed together with their implications on both estimation and administrative procedures. The missing data problems lead to inconsistent terminology related to nonresponse such as completion rates, eligibility rates, contact rates, and refusal rates, many of which can be defined in different ways. In addition, there are item nonresponse rates as well as characteristic response rates. Depending on the uses, the rates may be weighted or unweighted.
Release date: 1986-06-16
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Analysis (4)
Analysis (4) ((4 results))
- 1. GIS update ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X200910713232Geography: CanadaDescription:
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) was established to provide low-income seniors with extra income. While simplification of the GIS application process and outreach efforts have increased take-up rates, some seniors are still missing out. This update explores the characteristics of eligible non-recipients.
Release date: 2009-09-18 - 2. Life After Welfare: The Economic Well-being of Welfare Leavers in Canada During the 1990s ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0019M2003192Geography: CanadaDescription:
The 1990s were characterized by substantial declines in the number of welfare recipients in most Canadian provinces. These declines occurred in a period when most provincial governments lowered benefits and tightened eligibility rules. What happened to the economic well-being of those who left welfare in the 1990s? Using longitudinal tax data, this study examines the short and long-term outcomes of welfare leavers across three dimensions: earnings, disposable income and low-income. The role of marriage in post-welfare outcomes is also investigated.
Release date: 2003-03-26 - 3. Who's saving for retirement? ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19950042455Geography: CanadaDescription:
Current projections estimate that almost a quarter of the population will be 65 years or older by 2031. Ensuring that this group will have an adequate income has become an important concern. A look at the programs that now exist to help Canadians save for retirement, as well as who participates in them and how much is being saved.
Release date: 1995-12-05 - 4. On the definitions of response rates ArchivedArticles and reports: 12-001-X198600114437Description:
In this paper, different types of response/nonresponse and associated measures such as rates are provided and discussed together with their implications on both estimation and administrative procedures. The missing data problems lead to inconsistent terminology related to nonresponse such as completion rates, eligibility rates, contact rates, and refusal rates, many of which can be defined in different ways. In addition, there are item nonresponse rates as well as characteristic response rates. Depending on the uses, the rates may be weighted or unweighted.
Release date: 1986-06-16
Reference (1)
Reference (1) ((1 result))
- 1. Legal Aid in Canada, Description of Operations ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-217-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription:
This publication describes the structure and administration of provincial/territorial legal aid services in Canada. It also includes information on legislation, organization, coverage, eligibility, duty counsel and tariffs.
Release date: 2002-05-24
- Date modified: