Strategies to implement electronic collection of multiple worksite report data - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X20010016256


This paper discusses in detail issues dealing with the technical aspects of designing and conducting surveys. It is intended for an audience of survey methodologists.

From a survey of employer payroll/tax filing practices, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) determined that some businesses prepare their own tax reports using payroll/tax software developed internally or purchased, while others arrange contracts with third parties for this type of service. Subsequently, the BLS developed an electronic data collection strategy for the quarterly Multiple Worksite Report (MWR), which is filed by 112,000 legal entities representing 1.2 million worksites.

Recently, the BLS has been working closely with payroll/tax software developers and with firms providing payroll/tax filing services in order to include the electronic transmittal of MWR data into their systems. In the past, employers with multiple establishments in different states had to manually file paper MWRs for each state. With electronic reporting, data for all states are sent directly to the BLS, where the data is edited and then forwarded on to the proper state.

This paper discusses the background information noted above, as well as the various approaches that the BLS staff has used to solicit the co-operation of these firms in modifying their systems to include electronic reporting as an option or additional service.

Issue Number: 2001001
Author(s): Searson, Michael
FormatRelease dateMore information
CD-ROMSeptember 12, 2002
PDFSeptember 12, 2002