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All (2,955)
All (2,955) (0 to 10 of 2,955 results)
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202506920264Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-03-10
- Stats in brief: 11-627-M2025023Description: This infographic highlights trends from the Health of Canadians annual report. It is based on data from the 2021 to 2023 Canadian Community Health Survey and the 2021 and 2022 Canadian...Release date: 2025-03-05
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202506437430Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-03-05
- Table: 82-570-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription: The Health of Canadians report brings together important health data, both for the population overall and for specific groups, to provide a comprehensive portrait of population health...Release date: 2025-03-05
- Table: 13-10-0386-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: OccasionalDescription:
Number of coroner and medical examiner investigated deaths, mortality rates, and percentage of coroner and medical examiner investigated deaths per all deaths, by age group, 2006 to...
Release date: 2025-03-04 - Table: 13-10-0387-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: OccasionalDescription:
Number of coroner and medical examiner investigated deaths, mortality rates, and percentage of coroner and medical examiner investigated deaths per all deaths, by sex, 2006 to most...
Release date: 2025-03-04 - Stats in brief: 11-627-M2025012Description: Utilizing data from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability, this infographic highlights the trends and experiences of persons with hearing disabilities. This release is part of a series...Release date: 2025-03-03
- Articles and reports: 82-003-X202500200001Description: Studies have shown that excess all-cause mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic caused declines of life expectancy at birth (LE0) in most countries around the world, after decades of...Release date: 2025-02-19
- Articles and reports: 82-003-X202500200002Description: The prevalence of Canadian adults with obesity has been steadily increasing over the past four decades. Nine percent of Canadian adults had obesity in 1981, 27.2% had obesity in 2018...Release date: 2025-02-19
- Stats in brief: 11-001-X202505033783Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletinRelease date: 2025-02-19
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Data (1,103)
Data (1,103) (30 to 40 of 1,103 results)
- 31. Deaths and mortality rate (age standardization using 2021 population), by selected grouped causesTable: 13-10-0932-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths, crude mortality rates and age standardized mortality rates (based on 2021 estimated population) for selected grouped causes, by sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0933-01Geography: Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Rank, number of deaths, percentage of deaths and age standardized mortality rates (based on 2021 estimated population) for leading causes of death, by sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021032Description: Interactive dashboard showing cause of death trends in Canada since 2000. The trends can also be broken down by several age groups between 0 to 90 years of age and by sex. Metrics...Release date: 2025-02-19
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022007Description: This dashboard provides an interactive view of eight indicators from the Quality of Life Framework for Canada: Life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, future outlook...Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0141-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by certain infectious and parasitic diseases, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0142-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by neoplasms, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0143-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by mental and behavioural disorders, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0144-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0145-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by diseases of the nervous system, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
- Table: 13-10-0146-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription: Number of deaths caused by diseases of the eye and adnexa, by age group and sex, 2000 to most recent year.Release date: 2025-02-19
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Analysis (1,714)
Analysis (1,714) (1,680 to 1,690 of 1,714 results)
- 1,681. Trends in breast cancer incidence and mortality ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960022829Geography: CanadaDescription:
Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer diagnosed in Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer), accounting for about 30% of all new cases. After age 30, incidence rates...
Release date: 1996-11-18 - Articles and reports: 91F0015M1996001Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper describes the methodology for fertility projections used in the 1993-based population projections by age and sex for Canada, provinces and territories, 1993-2016. A new...
Release date: 1996-08-02 - 1,683. Pregnancy outcomes ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960012821Geography: CanadaDescription:
Live births, induced abortions, and miscarriages/ stillbirths are usually examined seperately. This article comines the three outcomes to focus on pregnancy in Canada from 1974 to 1992.
Release date: 1996-07-31 - 1,684. Declining cesarean section rates: A continuing trend ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960012822Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article traves trends in cesarean section and VBAC rates in Canada and the provinces from 1979 to 1993. The data are based on individual patient admission/separation records of...
Release date: 1996-07-31 - 1,685. Disability among Canada's Aboriginal peoples in 1991 ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960012823Geography: CanadaDescription:
Statistics Canada's 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) was used to examine the prevalence and severity of disability and the degree of dependence in the Aboriginal population. Where...
Release date: 1996-07-31 - 1,686. Tuberculosis, 1994 ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960012824Geography: CanadaDescription:
In 1994, a total of 2,074 people in Canada were diagnosed with tuberculosis, a rate of 7.1 cases per 100,000 population. The same year, tuberculosis and its late effects caused 150...
Release date: 1996-07-31 - 1,687. Health-adjusted life expectancy ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19960012825Geography: CanadaDescription:
In 1991, the National Task Force on Health Information recommended that in order to assess the health of Canadians, the health information system should include an aggregate index of...
Release date: 1996-07-31 - 1,688. A job to die for ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19960022889Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper looks at causes, counts and rates of work-related deaths by selected demographic and job characteristics. It also touches briefly on the financial cost of such fatalities.
Release date: 1996-06-05 - 1,689. Depression ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19950042816Geography: CanadaDescription:
According to the 1994-95 National Population Health Survey, close to 6% of Canadians aged 18 and over had experienced a major depressive episode in the previous 12 months. Univariate...
Release date: 1996-04-02 - 1,690. A healthy outlook ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19950042817Geography: CanadaDescription:
The sense of coherence a healthy outlook can be thought of as a mesure of positive health, that is, a factor promoting resilience which enables and individual to remain healthy. Based...
Release date: 1996-04-02
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Reference (113)
Reference (113) (0 to 10 of 113 results)
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-633-X2024006Description: The present study examined and compared four measures that assessed child difficulties, long-term conditions, activity limitations or disabilities to shed light on the use of...Release date: 2025-01-23
- Geographic files and documentation: 82-402-XDescription: Health regions are defined by the provinces and represent administrative areas or regions of interest to health authorities. This product contains correspondence files (linking health...Release date: 2024-03-27
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-307-XDescription:
This report deals with Indigenous identity, Indigenous ancestry, Indigenous group, Registered or Treaty Indian status, Membership in a First Nation or Indian band, Membership in a...
Release date: 2024-03-20 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-26-0002Description:
Created in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), this user guide with appended data dictionary provides Canadians and researchers with required information to...
Release date: 2024-01-12 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-654-X2023004Description: The Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) is a national survey of Canadians aged 15 and over whose everyday activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related...Release date: 2023-12-01
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 45-20-00012023002Description: The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD) is an area-based index which uses Census of Population microdata to measure four key dimensions of deprivation at the dissemination...Release date: 2023-11-10
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 45-20-0001Description:
The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD) is an area-based index which uses Census of Population microdata to measure four key dimensions of deprivation at the dissemination...
Release date: 2023-11-10 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 84-538-XGeography: CanadaDescription: This electronic publication presents the methodology underlying the production of the life tables for Canada, provinces and territories.Release date: 2023-08-28
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 45-20-00012019002Description:
The User Guide for the Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD) outlines uses for the index, as well as it provides a brief description of the methodology behind the development...
Release date: 2019-06-12 - 10. Analytical Studies Branch Annual Consolidated Plan for Research, Data Development and Modelling, 2019/2020 ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-633-X2019001Description:
The mandate of the Analytical Studies Branch (ASB) is to provide high-quality, relevant and timely information on economic, health and social issues that are important to Canadians....
Release date: 2019-05-29
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