Enrolment of British Columbia high school graduates with special education needs in postsecondary education and apprenticeship programs: A case study of the class of 2009/2010

Articles and reports: 81-595-M2021001


This is the first research paper by Statistics Canada using high school administrative data from the British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Education integrated with the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform. It builds upon BC’s Student Transitions Project to answer the questions: Are high school graduates with certain types of special education needs less likely to attend postsecondary education than graduates without special education needs? Are graduates with certain types of special education needs more likely to delay entering postsecondary education than graduates without special education needs? If so, does the gap in enrolment close over time? Finally, this paper will examine whether graduates with certain types of special education needs are more or less likely to enter specific educational qualifications than graduates without special education needs within six years of graduating from high school.

Issue Number: 2021001
Author(s): Barnett, Alana; Gibson, Laura
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMay 3, 2021
PDFMay 3, 2021