Early career job quality of racialized Canadian graduates with a bachelor’s degree, 2014 to 2017 cohorts

Articles and reports: 75-006-X202300100001

Description: Racialized Canadians are generally more likely than their non-racialized, non-Indigenous counterparts to pursue a university-level education. Despite this, their labour market outcomes are often less favourable. Using data from the integrated file of the Postsecondary Student Information System, the 2016 Census and the T1 Family File, this article compares the employment earnings, unionization rate and pension plan coverage rate of racialized graduates with a bachelor’s degree with those of non-racialized, non-Indigenous graduates, two years after graduation.
Issue Number: 2023001
Author(s): Galarneau, Diane; Corak, Liliana; Brunet, Sylvie
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HTMLJanuary 18, 2023
PDFJanuary 18, 2023