Environment Accounts and Statistics Product Catalogue
Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 16-257-X
Environment Accounts and Statistics Division is Statistics Canada's focal point for the collection, analysis and dissemination of environmental information. This reference guide briefly describes the division's programs, as well as all publications and electronic products offered on a quarterly, annual, biennial and occasional basis.
Frequency: Annual
Available formats: HTML, PDF
Related information
Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
- Survey of Environmental Goods and Services
- Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector
- Annual Environmental Protection Expenditures Survey
- Biennial Waste Management Survey
- Households and the Environment Survey
- Farm Management Survey
- Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts - Natural Resource Asset Accounts
- Industrial Water Survey
- Air Quality Indicators
- Freshwater Quality Indicator
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator
- Agricultural Water Survey
- Survey of Industrial Processes
- Land Cover Statistics from Natural Resources Canada
- Natural Resources Canada (Glaciers)
- Environment Canada - Temperature and Precipitation
- Census of Agriculture: Environmental Geography Aggregations of Census Farm Units
- Census of Agriculture
- Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts
- Biennial Drinking Water Plants Survey
Related products
- Thematic maps: A Geographic Profile of Manure Production in Canada
- Tables: Agricultural Water Use in Canada
- Tables: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Socio-economic Information
- Tables: Canadian Industry's Expenditures to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Tables: Environment Industry,1995, Preliminary Data
- Tables: Environment Industry: Business Sector
- Tables: Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector
- Tables: Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector, Preliminary Data
- Public use microdata: Households and the Environment Survey: Public Use Microdata File
- Tables: Households and the Environment: Energy Use
- Thematic maps: Human Activity and the Environment
- Tables: Human Activity and the Environment: Detailed Statistics
- Tables: Industrial Water Use
- Tables: International Trade in Environmental Goods and Services: A Canada - U.S. Comparison
- Tables: Survey of Drinking Water Plants
- Thematic maps: The St. Lawrence River Valley 1998 Ice Storm: Maps and Facts
- Tables: Waste Management Industry Survey: Business and Government Sectors
- Tables: Waste Management Industry Survey: Business Sector, 1995
- Tables: Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector, 1994
- Journals and periodicals: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators
- Journals and periodicals: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Air Quality Indicators: Data Sources and Methods
- Journals and periodicals: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Freshwater Quality Indicator: Data Sources and Methods
- Journals and periodicals: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator: Data Sources and Methods
- Journals and periodicals: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Highlights
- Articles and reports: Controlling the Temperature in Canadian Homes
- Articles and reports: Drinking Water Decisions of Canadian Municipal Households
- Journals and periodicals: Environment Accounts and Statistics Analytical and Technical Paper Series
- Journals and periodicals: Environmental Management and Technologies in the Business Sector
- Journals and periodicals: EnviroStats
- Articles and reports: Gasoline Evaporative Losses from Retail Gasoline Outlets Across Canada, 2009
- Articles and reports: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Private Vehicles in Canada, 1990 to 2007
- Articles and reports: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies: Industry Expenditures and Business Opportunities
- Journals and periodicals: Households and the Environment
- Journals and periodicals: Human Activity and the Environment
- Articles and reports: Measuring Employment in the Environment Industry
- Articles and reports: Personal Use Vehicles in Canada: Fuel Consumption Profile and Comparative Analysis of the 2007 Canadian Vehicle Survey Results
- Articles and reports: Recycling by Canadian Households, 2007
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Agricultural Water Use Survey 2007, Methodology Report
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Behaviour Study on the Water Quality Index of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Concepts, Sources and Methods of the Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Environment Surveys of Establishments: The Canadian Experience
- Geographic files and documentation: Introducing a New Concept and Methodology for Delineating Settlement Boundaries: A Research Project on Canadian Settlements
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: The Water Yield for Canada As a Thirty-year Average (1971 to 2000): Concepts, Methodology and Initial Results
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Using a Trend-cycle Approach to Estimate Changes in Southern Canada's Water Yield from 1971 to 2004
Subjects and keywords
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