Response error reinterview of the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey - ARCHIVED

Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-522-X20010016308


This paper discusses in detail issues dealing with the technical aspects of designing and conducting surveys. It is intended for an audience of survey methodologists.

The Census Bureau uses response error analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of survey questions. For a given survey, questions that are deemed critical to the survey or considered problematic from past examination are selected for analysis. New or revised questions are prime candidates for re-interview. Re-interview is a new interview where a subset of questions from the original interview are re-asked to a sample of the survey respondents. For each re-interview question, the proportion of respondents who give inconsistent responses is evaluated. The "Index of Inconsistency" is used as the measure of response variance. Each question is labelled low, moderate, or high in response variance. In high response variance cases, the questions are put through cognitive testing, and modifications to the question are recommended.

The Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) sponsored by The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), is also investigated for response error analysis and the possible relationships between inconsistent responses and characteristics of the schools and teachers in that survey. Results of this analysis can be used to change survey procedures and improve data quality.

Issue Number: 2001001
Author(s): Ennis, Sharon; Miller, David
FormatRelease dateMore information
CD-ROMSeptember 12, 2002
PDFSeptember 12, 2002