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Filtered results

Monthly Analysis on the Canadian Economic Tracker

March 2025

(Released: 2025-03-12)

2022 Time Use Survey: public use microdata file and new income data

(Released: 2025-03-12)

Healthcare access among children and youth aged 1 to 17 in Canada: Results from the 2023 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, cross-sectional component

(Released: 2025-03-10)

Study: Unfair treatment, racism and discrimination in community sports in Canada


(Released: 2025-03-10)

Software development and computer services


(Released: 2025-03-10)

Labour Force Survey

February 2025

(Released: 2025-03-07)

Control and sale of alcoholic beverages and cannabis

April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

(Released: 2025-03-07)

Canadian international merchandise trade

January 2025

(Released: 2025-03-06)

Canadian international trade in services

January 2025

(Released: 2025-03-06)

Canadian Economic News

February 2025

(Released: 2025-03-06)

Labour productivity, hourly compensation and unit labour cost

fourth quarter 2024

(Released: 2025-03-05)

Gross domestic product, income and expenditure

fourth quarter 2024

(Released: 2025-02-28)

Gross domestic product by industry

December 2024

(Released: 2025-02-28)

Payroll employment, earnings and hours, and job vacancies

December 2024

(Released: 2025-02-27)

Persons with disabilities or long-term conditions and barriers in their online activities


(Released: 2025-02-24)

Travel between Canada and other countries

December 2024

(Released: 2025-02-21)

Quality of life indicators from the Canadian Social Survey

fourth quarter 2024

(Released: 2025-02-19)

Consumer Price Index

January 2025

(Released: 2025-02-18)

Food services and drinking places, annual


(Released: 2025-02-18)

Study: An industry-based analysis of the Canada Emergency Business Account Program

2020 to 2024

(Released: 2025-02-18)

Non-profit organizations in rural and small town Canada


(Released: 2025-02-17)

Monthly Survey of Manufacturing

December 2024

(Released: 2025-02-14)

Canadian business counts

December 2024

(Released: 2025-02-14)

Social inclusion—Perceived health and well-being among racialized groups


(Released: 2025-02-13)

Release of Longitudinal Weights for the Survey Series on People and their Communities

2022 to 2024

(Released: 2025-02-03)

Social geography: A special edition of Insights on Canadian Society

(Released: 2025-01-29)

Time use in Canada: Interactive visualization tool

2022 to 2023

(Released: 2025-01-28)

Perspectives on affordability and inequality

(Released: 2025-01-22)

Study: A portrait of military families in Canada from the 2021 Census

(Released: 2025-01-13)

Outlook of rural businesses

fourth quarter 2024

(Released: 2025-01-13)

Employment Insurance Beneficiaries in Rural and Small Town Canada: Interactive Dashboard

(Released: 2024-12-18)

Production and value of honey


(Released: 2024-12-12)

Business Conditions in Rural and Small Town Canada: Interactive Dashboard

(Released: 2024-12-10)

Overview of the Economic Situation of Older Persons in Canada

1976 to 2022

(Released: 2024-12-04)

Social inclusion for ethnocultural groups in Canada: New tables

(Released: 2024-12-04)

Study: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Industries


(Released: 2024-11-28)

Comparison of earnings between population groups

(Released: 2024-11-27)

Housing challenges related to affordability, adequacy, condition and discrimination

August 2 to September 15, 2024

(Released: 2024-11-19)

Veterans with disabilities: Key findings from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability

(Released: 2024-11-06)

Opportunities of working remotely in rural labour markets: Small area estimation from the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions

first to third quarter of 2024

(Released: 2024-10-17)

Study: Gender pay gaps among board directors and officers in Canada

2016 to 2020

(Released: 2024-10-15)

Detailed data on confirmed cases of COVID-19

January 15, 2020, to July 27, 2024 (revised data)

(Released: 2024-10-11)

Business Counts in Rural and Small Town Canada: Interactive Dashboard

(Released: 2024-09-26)

Study: Charting change: How time-series data provides insights on Canadian well-being

(Released: 2024-09-13)

Business Ownership Diversity Dashboard

(Released: 2024-09-12)

Data availability: Number of enterprises in Canada by business ownership diversity indicators

(Released: 2024-09-10)

Confidence in public institutions differs across generations

(Released: 2024-08-28)

Nearly half of Canadians report that rising prices are greatly impacting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses

(Released: 2024-08-15)

The Daily through the years

(Released: 2024-08-01)

Study: COVID-19 mortality among First Nations people and Métis in Canada

2020 and 2021

(Released: 2024-07-16)

A first look at characteristics of 2SLGBTQ+ persons with disabilities

(Released: 2024-07-08)

Infographic: Gender diversity of Canadian postsecondary students


(Released: 2024-06-25)

Recent immigrants report greater difficulty making ends meet and are less satisfied with their amount of free time

(Released: 2024-06-18)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inbound visitors to Canada

first quarter 2018 to second quarter 2023

(Released: 2024-06-10)

Time use and teleworkers: Highlights from the 2022 Time Use Survey

(Released: 2024-06-05)

Launch of the Rural and Small Town Canada Interactive Dashboards

(Released: 2024-05-30)

Half of racialized people have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in the past five years

(Released: 2024-05-16)

Quality of Life Indicators from the Canadian Social Survey

fourth quarter 2023 and first quarter 2024

(Released: 2024-05-16)

Canadian international merchandise trade: Annual review 2023

(Released: 2024-05-09)

Study: Enhancing data for rural Canada: Small area estimation of remote work opportunities

(Released: 2024-04-22)

Data availability for Canadian Internet Use Survey: Public use microdata file

(Released: 2024-04-16)

Non-profit institutions and volunteering: Economic contribution

first quarter to fourth quarter 2023

(Released: 2024-03-28)

Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements - Children with Long-term Conditions and Disabilities


(Released: 2024-03-27)

Statistics on social inclusion for ethnocultural groups in Canada: New products and selected results on the evolution of education among racialized groups

2006 to 2021

(Released: 2024-03-26)

Life satisfaction in Canada


(Released: 2024-03-20)

National Cannabis Survey


(Released: 2024-03-18)

Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey

(Released: 2024-03-15)

Charitable donors

(Released: 2024-03-14)

Federal members of Parliament and federal members of Cabinet across Canada

(Released: 2024-03-08)

Immigrant-owned businesses on average received a higher dollar value of government support programs than Canadian-born owned businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2024-03-06)

New data on sports participation in Canada

(Released: 2024-03-05)

Discrimination and racism in sports in Canada

(Released: 2024-03-04)

Aircraft movement statistics: Major and select small airports

December 2023

(Released: 2024-02-29)

Monthly civil aviation statistics

December 2023

(Released: 2024-02-28)

Gender Results Framework: Data table update on federally appointed judges


(Released: 2024-02-22)

Nationally, renters report lower quality of life than homeowners

(Released: 2024-02-19)

Confidence in institutions and the media


(Released: 2024-02-13)

Gender Results Framework: A new data table on workplace harassment

(Released: 2024-02-12)

Areas with high rates of hate crime also report lower scores on quality of life indicators

(Released: 2024-02-08)

Socioeconomic profile of the 2SLGBTQ+ population aged 15 years and older

2019 to 2021

(Released: 2024-01-25)

Concerns with misinformation online


(Released: 2023-12-20)

Households and the Environment Survey


(Released: 2023-12-08)

Sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces


(Released: 2023-12-05)

Information Sheet on Gender-based Analysis Plus: Optimizing Data Disaggregation and Analysis

(Released: 2023-11-27)

Study: Food insecurity among Canadian families


(Released: 2023-11-14)

Canadian Social Survey - Quality of Life, Virtual Health Care and Trust


(Released: 2023-11-10)

Monthly update: Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19

(Released: 2023-11-09)

Study: Functional health difficulties among lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Canada

(Released: 2023-11-08)

Stimulants in the wastewater of Canadian cities: provisional results

January 2022 to May 2023

(Released: 2023-11-01)

Canadian Social Survey: Energy use

(Released: 2023-10-30)

Five years since legalization, what have we learned about cannabis in Canada?

(Released: 2023-10-16)

Participation in Canadian society through sport and work

(Released: 2023-10-10)

Canadian Social Survey – Quality of Life and Energy Use

second quarter 2023

(Released: 2023-08-14)

Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey - Cycle 2

(Released: 2023-08-03)

Spatial measures of access by public transit and active transportation

(Released: 2023-07-17)

Selected quality of life indicators in Canadian municipalities


(Released: 2023-07-14)

Proximity to services and amenities in Rural and Small Town Canada (ProximityRST) database


(Released: 2023-06-30)

Proximity Measures Database


(Released: 2023-06-27)

Characteristics of cannabis users at risk of developing an addiction

(Released: 2023-06-21)

Study: A review of Canadian homelessness data


(Released: 2023-06-16)

Exploring the social interactions of those with and without mental health-related disabilities

(Released: 2023-05-31)

Representation of women on boards of directors and in officer positions


(Released: 2023-05-29)

Educational and economic outcomes of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Canada: A closer look at Canadian-born, immigrant and racialized populations

(Released: 2023-04-19)

Study: Accumulation of Human Capital in Canada, 1970 to 2020: An Analysis by Gender and the Role of Immigration

(Released: 2023-04-12)

Study: Women living in subsidized housing

(Released: 2023-04-11)

Study: The passenger car rental industry in New Brunswick

(Released: 2023-04-11)

Representation of persons with disabilities in executive positions

2016 to 2019

(Released: 2023-04-04)

Confidence in the police, the justice system and courts, the Federal Parliament, and the Canadian media varied across racialized groups

(Released: 2023-03-31)

Social inclusion statistics for Canada's ethnocultural groups: New Products!

(Released: 2023-03-29)

Centre for Municipal and Local Data

(Released: 2023-03-23)

Labour characteristics of women by the relative remoteness of their communities

(Released: 2023-03-20)

Canadian Tourism Activity Tracker

December 2022

(Released: 2023-03-06)

Data availability: Pilot Study on Everyday Well-being, 2021

(Released: 2023-02-27)

Younger Canadians experience lower perceived well-being: Insights from the Canadian Social Survey

(Released: 2023-02-14)

2021 Census of Population: Cluster 1: Data tables - data quality tables

(Released: 2023-02-08)

Housing conditions among racialized groups: A brief overview

(Released: 2023-01-23)

Study: Postsecondary students receiving payments from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) in 2020

(Released: 2023-01-16)

Gender Results Framework: New and updated data tables

(Released: 2023-01-10)

Index of Remoteness


(Released: 2023-01-04)

Study: Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among the immigrant population

(Released: 2022-12-22)

Canadians' awareness of when they have COVID-19

May to August 2022

(Released: 2022-12-08)

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the economic integration of many immigrants

(Released: 2022-12-05)

How do persons with disabilities spend their time?

(Released: 2022-12-02)

Individuals with chronic conditions were more likely to experience difficulties accessing health care services during the pandemic than those without chronic conditions

(Released: 2022-11-16)

Study: Disaggregated trends in poverty from the 2021 Census of Population

(Released: 2022-11-09)

Study: Inequities in pharmaceutical access and use

(Released: 2022-11-02)

Nursing and residential care facilities in 2020

(Released: 2022-11-02)

Recent Economic and Social Developments

(Released: 2022-11-02)

Study: Labour and economic characteristics of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in Canada

(Released: 2022-10-04)

New tables: language, age and gender, 2021 Census of Population

(Released: 2022-09-21)

Compliance with precautions against COVID-19

(Released: 2022-09-15)

Understanding sex at birth and gender of people in Canada

(Released: 2022-09-14)

Nursing and Residential Care Facility Survey


(Released: 2022-09-13)

Study: The Rising Popularity of College Postgraduate Credential Programs in Canada

(Released: 2022-09-12)

Beef prices through the supply-chain

(Released: 2022-09-02)

Study: Unmet health care needs during the pandemic and resulting impacts among First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit

March 2020 to May 2021

(Released: 2022-08-30)

Study: COVID-19 mortality by racialized groups and income


(Released: 2022-08-30)

Study: Performing Arts Industries

(Released: 2022-08-22)

Almost half of Canadians report a strong sense of belonging to their local community

(Released: 2022-08-19)

Negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on different mental health profiles

(Released: 2022-08-18)

Having someone to count on

January to March, 2022

(Released: 2022-08-09)

Study: Who gambles and who experiences gambling problems in Canada

(Released: 2022-08-09)

Selected police-reported crime and calls for service during the COVID-19 pandemic

March 2020 to June 2022

(Released: 2022-08-09)

Study: Indigenous workers receiving Canada Emergency Response Benefit payments in 2020

(Released: 2022-08-03)

Study: The contribution of pandemic relief benefits to the incomes of Canadians in 2020

(Released: 2022-08-02)

Study: 2021 flash estimates for culture, arts, entertainment and recreation industries

(Released: 2022-07-27)

Housing challenges remain for vulnerable populations in 2021

(Released: 2022-07-21)

COVID-19 and global value chains: an analysis based on exposure to imported specified intermediate goods in Canada

(Released: 2022-07-21)

Study: The religiosity of Canadians and the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2022-07-18)

Study: 2021 flash estimates of selected service industries

(Released: 2022-07-18)

On guard for thee: serving in the Canadian Armed Forces

(Released: 2022-07-13)

Study: Graduates of 2010 to 2018 receiving payments from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program in 2020

(Released: 2022-07-06)

Data on adults in federal and provincial/territorial custody during the COVID-19 pandemic

July to December 2021

(Released: 2022-06-14)

Canadian Community Health Survey: Data table

(Released: 2022-06-07)

Representation of women on boards of directors


(Released: 2022-05-18)

Consumer prices – the Adjusted price index and monthly adjusted consumer expenditure basket weights

(Released: 2022-05-09)

Canadian Social Environment Typology: A new way to help measure health and social inequalities in Canada


(Released: 2022-05-09)

Local Environments Lift Life Satisfaction


(Released: 2022-05-03)

Study: How the rental vehicle industry in British Columbia adjusted to the pandemic

(Released: 2022-05-03)

Study: Canadians' use of the Internet and digital technologies before and during COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2022-04-28)

Canada is the first country to provide census data on transgender and non-binary people

(Released: 2022-04-27)

Violent victimization and perceptions of safety among First Nations, Métis and Inuit women and among women living in remote areas of Canada

(Released: 2022-04-26)

Personal Protective Equipment Survey

January 2022

(Released: 2022-03-31)

Sense of meaning and purpose in Canada

October to December 2021

(Released: 2022-03-30)

Study: Measuring the Correlation Between COVID-19 Restrictions and Economic Activity

(Released: 2022-03-28)

Health and well-being of women and Girls living in communities at varying levels of remoteness

2015 to 2018

(Released: 2022-03-21)

General Social Survey – Social Identity, 2020: New Microdata File in Research Data Centres and Infographic on Discrimination During the Pandemic

(Released: 2022-03-17)

Businesses in rural Canada, a profile from 2017 to 2019

(Released: 2022-03-11)

Living with COVID-19 in Canada in 2022

(Released: 2022-03-10)

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Regional and Community-level Database Version 3.0

(Released: 2022-03-09)

Sociodemographic and Socioeconomic Factors Linked to COVID-19 Mortality Rates


(Released: 2022-03-08)

Mental health-related disability rises among employed Canadians during pandemic


(Released: 2022-03-04)

The role of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program in assisting businesses through the pandemic

(Released: 2022-02-23)

Canadian Social Survey – Well-being, Unpaid Work and Family Time

(Released: 2022-02-21)

Reasons for not voting in the federal election

September 20, 2021

(Released: 2022-02-16)

Household food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2022-02-16)

Study: Do producer prices predict consumer prices?

(Released: 2022-02-11)

Educational attainment of women by the relative remoteness of their communities

(Released: 2022-02-08)

Educational participation and attainment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in Canada

(Released: 2022-02-01)

Study: Women working in paid care occupations

(Released: 2022-01-25)

Differences in the characteristics of caregivers and caregiving arrangements of Canadians


(Released: 2022-01-14)

Gender Results Framework: Data table on the gender distribution of federally appointed judges in federal, provincial and territorial courts

(Released: 2022-01-10)

COVID-19 in Canada: An update on social and economic impacts, Fall 2021

(Released: 2021-12-22)

Survey of the Canada Emergency Business Account

first quarter 2021

(Released: 2021-12-17)

Industrial Product Price Index: Flash estimates

November 2021

(Released: 2021-12-14)

Study: Changes in fertility intentions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-12-01)

Survey on Access to Health Care and Pharmaceuticals During the Pandemic

March 2020 to May 2021

(Released: 2021-11-23)

Study: Labour market outcomes of journeypersons designated as visible minorities and Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the skilled trades: Canada Emergency Response Benefit

(Released: 2021-11-08)

Gender Results Framework: Update to data table on federally elected officials

(Released: 2021-11-08)

Study: Religiosity in Canada and its evolution from 1985 to 2019

(Released: 2021-10-28)

Study: The achievements, experiences and labour market outcomes of First Nations, Métis and Inuit women with bachelor's degrees or higher

(Released: 2021-10-20)

Study: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian seniors

(Released: 2021-10-18)

General Social Survey – Social Identity, 2020: A snapshot of pride in Canadian achievements among designated groups

(Released: 2021-09-28)

Open Database of Recreational and Sport Facilities

(Released: 2021-09-28)

Canadian Social Survey: COVID-19 and well-being

(Released: 2021-09-24)

Sociodemographic profile of women living in communities at varying levels of remoteness

(Released: 2021-09-20)

Physical activity among adults and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic

2018 and 2020

(Released: 2021-09-17)

The financial resilience and financial well-being of Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-09-09)

Study: Examining the labour productivity gap between women-owned and men-owned enterprises

(Released: 2021-08-30)

Study: Trends in household non-mortgage loans: The evolution of Canadian household debt before and during COVID-19

(Released: 2021-08-23)

Study: Projected Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Canadian Universities for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

(Released: 2021-08-18)

Study: Financial impacts of the pandemic on the culture, arts, entertainment and recreation industries in 2020

(Released: 2021-08-17)

In 2020, one in four women and one in six men reported having experienced inappropriate sexualized behaviours at work in the previous year

(Released: 2021-08-12)

Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

April 2020 to June 2021

(Released: 2021-08-04)

Launch of Rural Canada Statistics Portal

(Released: 2021-08-03)

Study: Youth employment in Canada

(Released: 2021-07-26)

Study: Trends in Canadian business debt financing: Before and during COVID-19


(Released: 2021-07-26)

Study: Harassment and discrimination among faculty and researchers in Canada's postsecondary institutions

(Released: 2021-07-16)

COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Survey

(Released: 2021-07-09)

Changes in federal, provincial and territorial custodial populations during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-07-08)

Study: Child care workers in Canada

(Released: 2021-06-25)

Study: The effect of COVID-19 on physical activity among Canadians and the future risk of cardiovascular disease

(Released: 2021-06-25)

Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across the provinces and territories

(Released: 2021-06-23)

The Canadian Indicator Framework: A complement to the global sustainable development goal indicators focused on Canadian priorities

(Released: 2021-06-22)

Study: Paused colorectal cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact and strategies

(Released: 2021-06-17)

A statistical portrait of Canada's diverse LGBTQ2+ communities

(Released: 2021-06-15)

COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing and seniors' homes associated with certain facility characteristics

(Released: 2021-06-10)

Study: Pre- and post-release income of Regular Force veterans: Life after service


(Released: 2021-06-09)

Study: COVID-19 deaths among immigrants

(Released: 2021-06-09)

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy through a rural lens

March 15 to October 24, 2020

(Released: 2021-06-07)

Study: Workers receiving payments from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit program


(Released: 2021-06-02)

Reductions in life expectancy directly associated with COVID-19


(Released: 2021-06-01)

Household economic well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, experimental estimates

fourth quarter 2020

(Released: 2021-05-28)

COVID-19 impacts on productivity growth and gender differences in employment

(Released: 2021-05-26)

Study: Gendered impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the proportion of youth neither in employment nor education at the start of the school year

(Released: 2021-05-25)

A labour market snapshot of South Asian, Chinese and Filipino Canadians during the pandemic

(Released: 2021-05-21)

Study: Fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic: A look back at selected industries in the service sector in 2020

(Released: 2021-05-21)

Study: Diversity among board directors and officers: Exploratory estimates on family, work and income

(Released: 2021-05-18)

Gender Results Framework: Data tables on Canadian legislators and judges

(Released: 2021-04-29)

Open Database of Addresses

(Released: 2021-04-29)

Intimate partner violence in Canada


(Released: 2021-04-26)

Study: Working from home: Potential implications for public transit and greenhouse gas emissions

(Released: 2021-04-22)

Canadians' well-being in year one of the pandemic

(Released: 2021-04-15)

The COVID-19 Risk/Reward Assessment Tool

(Released: 2021-04-15)

COVID-19 mortality rates were higher for people living in apartments and larger households

(Released: 2021-04-13)

Gender Results Framework: Data table on the representation of men and women in First Nations band councils and Chiefs in First Nations communities in Canada


(Released: 2021-04-13)

Study: Working from home: Productivity and preferences

(Released: 2021-04-01)

Representation of women on boards of directors: Data table


(Released: 2021-03-30)

Socioeconomic profile of the lesbian, gay and bisexual population

2015 to 2018

(Released: 2021-03-26)

Study: COVID-19 vaccine willingness among Canadian population groups

(Released: 2021-03-26)

Study: Canadians' assessments of social media in their lives

(Released: 2021-03-24)

Food services and drinking places hard hit by the pandemic

first quarter 2021

(Released: 2021-03-18)

School Closures and COVID-19: New tool to understand impacts on children

(Released: 2021-03-15)

Proximity Measures Database: Additional indicators

(Released: 2021-03-15)

COVID-19: A year in review

(Released: 2021-03-11)

Gender Results Framework: Data table on gender representation in federal leadership roles

(Released: 2021-03-08)

Alcohol and cannabis use during the pandemic: Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 6

(Released: 2021-03-04)

Study: A labour market snapshot of Black Canadians during the pandemic

(Released: 2021-02-24)

Economic and Social Reports, February 2021

(Released: 2021-02-24)

Canadian Housing Survey: Public use microdata file


(Released: 2021-02-24)

Trends in the Canadian mortgage market: Before and during COVID-19

(Released: 2021-02-17)

Study: Sharing household tasks: Teaming up during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-02-15)

Mental health among health care workers in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-02-02)

Impact of COVID-19 on merchandise imports: Evidence based on end-use goods


(Released: 2021-02-02)

Study: Misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2021-02-02)

Study: The COVID-19 pandemic and Indigenous people with a disability or long-term condition

(Released: 2021-02-01)

General Social Survey: Giving, Volunteering and Participating: Public use microdata file and data tables


(Released: 2021-01-26)

Leading indicator of cross-border traveller volume

December 2020

(Released: 2021-01-13)

Leading indicator of international arrivals to Canada by air

fourth quarter 2020

(Released: 2021-01-13)

Study: The COVID-19 pandemic takes a toll on life satisfaction

(Released: 2020-12-21)

Food insecurity and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-12-16)

Study: Vulnerabilities related to COVID-19 among LGBTQ2+ Canadians

(Released: 2020-12-15)

Women reported that they performed most of the parental tasks in their household during the pandemic, including homeschooling

(Released: 2020-12-14)

Gender Results Framework: Data table on core housing need

(Released: 2020-12-09)

More than half of people living in the territories reported physical or sexual assault since the age of 15

(Released: 2020-12-02)

Canada at a Glance


(Released: 2020-11-30)

Study: COVID-19 and the Beef Supply Chain: an Overview

(Released: 2020-11-17)

Study: Contributing causes, conditions and complications involved in COVID-19 deaths in Canada

(Released: 2020-11-16)

Study: Labour market impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous people

March to August 2020

(Released: 2020-11-02)

Recent developments in the Canadian economy, 2020: COVID-19, fourth edition

(Released: 2020-10-28)

Study: The Economic Impact of Travel Restrictions on the Canadian Economy due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

(Released: 2020-10-23)

Younger age profile of women in professional occupations

(Released: 2020-10-22)

Canadians spend more money and time online during pandemic and over two-fifths report a cyber incident

(Released: 2020-10-14)

Social Policy Simulation Database and Model, COVID-19 glass box

version 3.0

(Released: 2020-10-14)

Data tables: Volunteering and giving

2013 (revised data)

(Released: 2020-10-13)

Adjusting the Consumer Price Index to the new spending realities during the pandemic

(Released: 2020-10-08)

Experiences of unwanted sexualized and discriminatory behaviours and sexual assault among students at Canadian military colleges


(Released: 2020-10-08)

Participants with long-term conditions and disabilities report that the pandemic is taking a toll on their mental and physical health

(Released: 2020-10-07)

Study: The resilience and strength of the new housing market during the pandemic

(Released: 2020-10-05)

Second Pulse Survey on COVID-19 and its Impacts on Public Service Employees: Statistics Canada

August 10 to 28, 2020

(Released: 2020-10-02)

Number of young Canadians NEET doubled this spring

(Released: 2020-09-24)

Automation of job tasks may affect women more than men

(Released: 2020-09-24)

How are self-employed Canadians faring economically during the pandemic?

(Released: 2020-09-18)

Experiences of discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-09-17)

Less than one-fifth of start-ups are majority owned by women

(Released: 2020-09-10)

Canada up close: What we can learn from disaggregated data

(Released: 2020-09-10)

Sexual minority people almost three times more likely to experience violent victimization than heterosexual people

(Released: 2020-09-09)

South Asians report lower levels of mental health than other visible minorities during the pandemic

(Released: 2020-09-02)

Police-reported crime incidents down during the early months of the pandemic, while domestic disturbance calls increase

(Released: 2020-09-01)

Nurses' overtime during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-09-01)

Impacts of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities

(Released: 2020-08-27)

Study: Gender-based violence: Unwanted sexual behaviours in Canada's territories


(Released: 2020-08-26)

Older Canadians and university graduates likeliest to get tested for COVID-19 and vaccinated

(Released: 2020-08-25)

Study: Transitions into and out of employment by immigrants during the COVID-19 lockdown and recovery

(Released: 2020-08-20)

Study: Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian businesses across firm size classes

(Released: 2020-08-19)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 4: Information sources consulted during the pandemic

July 2020

(Released: 2020-08-17)

Pulse Survey on COVID-19 and its Impacts on Public Service Employees: Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

(Released: 2020-08-17)

Study: COVID-19 impact analysis and 2020 outlook: For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index

(Released: 2020-08-17)

Study: Perceptions of safety of Indigenous people during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-08-14)

Consumer demand and average retail prices for personal protective equipment

January 2017 to June 2020

(Released: 2020-08-14)

More commuters now walk or bike to work than take public transit

(Released: 2020-08-10)

Open Database of Healthcare Facilities

(Released: 2020-08-07)

Study: Willingness of Canadians to use a contact tracing application

(Released: 2020-07-31)

Impacts of COVID-19 on victim services

(Released: 2020-07-30)

Study: Child care use during and after the pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-29)

Study: Potential earnings losses among high school and postsecondary graduates due to the COVID-19 economic downturn

(Released: 2020-07-28)

Recent developments in the Canadian economy

2020: COVID-19, third edition

(Released: 2020-07-28)

Study: Concerns over resuming activities in Canada

(Released: 2020-07-27)

Study: Retail e-commerce and COVID-19: How online shopping opened doors while many were closing

(Released: 2020-07-24)

Study: Expected changes in spending habits during the recovery period

(Released: 2020-07-22)

Study: Price trends and outlook in key Canadian housing markets

(Released: 2020-07-21)

Study: Fear of COVID-19 related stigmatization

(Released: 2020-07-15)

Health Reports: Exercise and screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-15)

Study: Experimental economic activity indexes for Canadian provinces and territories

January 2002 to March 2020

(Released: 2020-07-14)

Study: Economic impact of COVID-19 among Indigenous people

(Released: 2020-07-14)

Study: Mental health status of Canadian immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-14)

Study: Consumer expenditures during COVID-19: An exploratory analysis of the effects of changing consumption patterns on consumer price indexes

(Released: 2020-07-13)

Study: Transport turning points during COVID-19

(Released: 2020-07-13)

Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families and children

(Released: 2020-07-09)

Study: Gender differences in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-09)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 3: Resuming economic and social activities during COVID-19

(Released: 2020-07-08)

Study: Perceptions of personal safety among population groups designated as visible minorities in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-08)

Study: The decline in production and investment in Canada's oil and gas sector and its impact on the economy

(Released: 2020-07-08)

Study: Canadians' willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine

(Released: 2020-07-07)

The vulnerability of Canadians with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-06)

Study: Concerns and precautions taken in the Canadian North during the pandemic

(Released: 2020-07-06)

Study: Economic impact of COVID-19 among visible minority groups

(Released: 2020-07-06)

The prevalence of underlying health conditions that increase the risk of severe health outcomes related to COVID-19

(Released: 2020-07-03)

Health Reports: Health-related concerns and precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison of Canadians with and without underlying health conditions

(Released: 2020-07-02)

Study: Automation and job transformation in Canada: Who is at risk?

(Released: 2020-06-29)

Canadian consumers prepare for COVID-19

December 29, 2019, to June 6, 2020

(Released: 2020-06-29)

Crowdsourcing participants' trust in governments, public health authorities, businesses and others during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-06-26)

Study: Volunteering in Canada: Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-06-26)

Health Reports: Understanding the self-perceived mental health of Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-06-24)

Food insecurity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

2017/2018 and May 2020

(Released: 2020-06-24)

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postsecondary students: Public use microdata file

(Released: 2020-06-24)

Study: Indigenous people and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-06-23)

Study: The contribution of immigrants and population groups designated as visible minorities to nurse aide, orderly and patient service associate occupations

(Released: 2020-06-22)

Pulse survey: Statistics Canada

(Released: 2020-06-22)

Study: COVID-19 impact analysis and 2020 outlook: Wholesale Services Price Index

(Released: 2020-06-18)

Study: Labour market experience, gender diversity and the success of women-owned enterprises

(Released: 2020-06-16)

Study: International student enrolment in postsecondary education programs prior to COVID-19

(Released: 2020-06-15)

Study: COVID-19 and job displacement: Thinking about the longer term

(Released: 2020-06-10)

Canadians' perceptions of personal safety since COVID-19

(Released: 2020-06-09)

Study: Inequality in the feasibility of working from home during and after COVID-19

(Released: 2020-06-08)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 2: Monitoring the effects of COVID-19

May 2020

(Released: 2020-06-04)

Study: The distribution of temporary foreign workers across industries in Canada

(Released: 2020-06-03)

Study: Impact of economic consequences of COVID-19 on Canadians' social concerns

(Released: 2020-05-28)

How many jobs can be done from home?

(Released: 2020-05-28)

Canadians' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-27)

General Social Survey on family: Public use microdata file


(Released: 2020-05-27)

Study: Indigenous people in urban areas: Vulnerabilities to the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19

(Released: 2020-05-26)

Study: Work-integrated learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-25)

The impact of COVID-19 on the gig economy: Short- and long-term concerns

(Released: 2020-05-20)

Safe cities: Key indicators by census metropolitan area

(Released: 2020-05-15)

Impact of COVID-19 on youth

(Released: 2020-05-15)

Study: Differences in the concerns of Canadians with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-13)

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postsecondary students

(Released: 2020-05-12)

Mental health and health-related behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-12)

Study: Canadian consumers adapt to COVID-19: A look at Canadian grocery sales up to April 11

(Released: 2020-05-11)

Study: Gold and silver prices amid the COVID-19 pandemic

March 2020

(Released: 2020-05-07)

Self-perceived mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and cannabis, alcohol and tobacco use

(Released: 2020-05-07)

Financial vulnerability and work interruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-06)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19 Public Use Microdata File

March and April 2020

(Released: 2020-05-06)

Housing characteristics and physical distancing

(Released: 2020-05-04)

Study: The social and economic concerns of immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-05-01)

COVID-19 and social support for seniors

(Released: 2020-04-30)

Market turbulences and COVID-19 outbreak: The impact on Canada's international investment position: Preliminary estimates

first quarter 2020

(Released: 2020-04-27)

Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: First results from crowdsourcing

(Released: 2020-04-23)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19 on job security and personal finances


(Released: 2020-04-20)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 1: COVID-19 and working from home


(Released: 2020-04-17)

First Nations people, Métis and Inuit and COVID-19: Health and social characteristics

(Released: 2020-04-17)

Building permits: Flash estimates

March 2020

(Released: 2020-04-08)

Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19

(Released: 2020-04-08)

Just the Facts: Travel-related exposure to COVID-19

(Released: 2020-04-08)

Health and social challenges associated with the COVID-19 situation in Canada

(Released: 2020-04-06)

COVID-19: A Data Perspective

(Released: 2020-04-06)

Our commitment to serve Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic

(Released: 2020-03-30)

Interactive tool: Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19

(Released: 2020-03-26)

Impact of COVID-19 on Statistics Canada publishing activities

(Released: 2020-03-18)

Life After Service Survey


(Released: 2020-01-16)

Perceptions related to gender-based violence, gender equality, and gender expression


(Released: 2019-12-09)

Gender-based violence and unwanted sexual behaviour in Canada, 2018: Initial findings from the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces

(Released: 2019-12-05)

Sustainable Development Goals Data Hub

(Released: 2019-09-03)

Police-reported violent crimes against young women and girls in Canada's Provincial North and Territories


(Released: 2019-07-04)

Canada, eh! Happy Birthday!

(Released: 2019-06-28)

Study: The role of social capital and ethnocultural characteristics in the employment income of immigrants over time

(Released: 2019-06-19)

Sports for fun and fitness

(Released: 2019-05-21)

Family matters: New relationships after separation or divorce

(Released: 2019-05-15)

Canadians with a Hearing Disability

(Released: 2019-05-08)

The population living in shelters: Who are they?

(Released: 2019-04-15)

StatCan Blog: Women-owned businesses in Canada

(Released: 2019-04-03)

Study: How Do Women in Male-dominated Apprenticeships Fare in the Labour Market?

(Released: 2019-03-13)

Family Matters: Long-lasting relationships

(Released: 2019-03-13)

General Social Survey: An overview


(Released: 2019-02-20)

Family Matters: Couples living apart

(Released: 2019-02-20)

Family Matters: Grandparents in Canada

(Released: 2019-02-07)

Female offenders in Canada


(Released: 2019-01-10)

Study: The association between job flexibility and job satisfaction

(Released: 2018-12-04)

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The History of Statistics Canada

1970 to 2008

(Released: 2018-12-03)

Shaping a modern and responsive statistical agency for the next century

(Released: 2018-12-03)

Presenting data in new, modern ways

(Released: 2018-12-03)

Fifty years of data tables at Statistics Canada

(Released: 2018-12-03)

A national agency with international reach

(Released: 2018-12-03)

Ivan Fellegi: A statistician who made his mark

(Released: 2018-12-03)

A 100 years and more of statistics acts

(Released: 2018-12-03)

Drug overdose crisis: Socioeconomic characteristics of those dying of illicit drug overdoses in British Columbia

2011 to 2016

(Released: 2018-11-13)

Study: Preparing the social statistics system for the legalization of cannabis

(Released: 2018-10-12)

Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics

(Released: 2018-09-26)

Study: Life satisfaction among Canadian seniors


(Released: 2018-08-02)

Time use: Total work burden, unpaid work, and leisure

(Released: 2018-07-30)

StatCan Blog: Tracking Sustainable Development Goals

(Released: 2018-07-27)

Study: Fertility rates and labour force participation among women in Quebec and Ontario

1996 to 2016

(Released: 2018-07-18)

General Social Survey, Cycle 30: Canadians at Work and Home: Public Use Microdata Files


(Released: 2018-06-13)

Study: Women and men who experienced cyberstalking in Canada


(Released: 2018-06-05)

Study: The Economic Well-being of Women in Canada


(Released: 2018-05-16)

Study: A day in the life: How do older Canadians spend their time?

(Released: 2018-03-21)

One Hundred Years and Counting

(Released: 2018-03-16)

Canadian Megatrends: The evolution of language populations in Canada, by mother tongue

(Released: 2018-02-21)

StatCan Blog: Happy birthday, StatCan!

(Released: 2018-02-09)

General Social Survey: New data


(Released: 2017-12-22)

General Social Survey, Cycle 29: Time Use, 2015: Public Use Microdata Files

(Released: 2017-10-02)

Study: Childhood physical abuse: Differences by birth cohort

(Released: 2017-09-20)

Changes in parents' participation in domestic tasks and care for children from 1986 to 2015

(Released: 2017-06-01)

Study: Women in Canada: Women with Disabilities

(Released: 2017-05-29)

Study: Centre and peripheries: Settlement patterns and social integration of the population with an immigrant background in the Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver metropolitan areas

(Released: 2017-05-08)

Study: Women in Canada: The girl child

(Released: 2017-02-22)

StatCan Blog: Telling Canada's story in numbers

(Released: 2017-01-27)

Study: Hidden homelessness in Canada


(Released: 2016-11-15)

Emergency preparedness and resilience: Community-based fact sheets


(Released: 2016-10-13)

Study: Understanding the increase in voting rates between the 2011 and 2015 federal elections

(Released: 2016-10-12)

Study: The Canada–US gap in women's labour market participation

1997 to 2015

(Released: 2016-08-17)

General Social Survey on Canadians' safety (victimization): Public use microdata file


(Released: 2016-07-27)

Canadian Megatrends: 150 years of immigration

(Released: 2016-06-29)

Employer support of volunteering: Underlying characteristics of participation and presence of support measures


(Released: 2016-06-27)

Study: Women in scientific occupations in Canada

1991 to 2011

(Released: 2016-06-24)

Study: Diversity of young adults living with their parents

1981 to 2011

(Released: 2016-06-15)

Perceptions of police performance in the territories


(Released: 2016-06-13)

Satisfaction with work-life balance: Fact sheet


(Released: 2016-04-14)

Canadians' experiences with emergencies and disasters


(Released: 2016-04-13)

Study: Women in Canada: Senior women

(Released: 2016-03-30)

Study: New facts about financial literacy in Canada


(Released: 2016-03-23)

Canadian Megatrends

March 2016

(Released: 2016-03-21)

Women in Canada: Women and health

(Released: 2016-03-08)

Study: Women in Canada: Visible minority women

(Released: 2016-03-03)

Study: Canadians' perceptions of neighbourhood disorder


(Released: 2016-03-02)

Study: Women in Canada: First Nations, Métis and Inuit women

(Released: 2016-02-23)

General Social Survey on Canadians' safety (victimization), territories file


(Released: 2016-01-27)

Study: Charitable giving in Canada


(Released: 2015-12-16)

Study: Public confidence in Canadian institutions

2013 and 2014

(Released: 2015-12-07)

Developmental disabilities among Canadians aged 15 years and older


(Released: 2015-12-03)

Canadian Survey on Disability: Data tables


(Released: 2015-12-03)

General Social Survey: Giving, volunteering and participating: Public use microdata file


(Released: 2015-11-12)

Survey of Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Canada


(Released: 2015-10-28)

Study: Women in Canada: Immigrant women

(Released: 2015-10-21)

Study: Political participation and civic engagement of youth


(Released: 2015-10-07)

Canadian identity


(Released: 2015-10-01)

Civic engagement and political participation


(Released: 2015-09-14)

Shelters for abused women


(Released: 2015-07-06)

Sense of belonging to Canada, province and local community


(Released: 2015-06-29)

Study: Employment patterns of families with children

1976 to 2014

(Released: 2015-06-24)

Infographic: Proud to be Canadian


(Released: 2015-06-23)

Study: Volunteering in Canada

2004 to 2013

(Released: 2015-06-18)

Study: Trends in social capital in Canada

2003, 2008 and 2013

(Released: 2015-05-20)

Study: Changes in debt and assets of Canadian families

1999 to 2012

(Released: 2015-04-29)

Study: Grandparents living with their grandchildren


(Released: 2015-04-14)

Canadians and nature: Interacting with nature


(Released: 2015-04-14)

Infographic: The faces of volunteers in Canada


(Released: 2015-04-08)

Study: Senior care: Differences by type of housing


(Released: 2015-02-25)

General Social Survey: Giving, volunteering and participating


(Released: 2015-01-30)

General Social Survey: Social identity


(Released: 2014-12-23)

Study: Persons with disabilities and employment

(Released: 2014-12-03)

Canadian society and economy

(Released: 2014-10-29)

General Social Survey on caregiving and care receiving: Public use microdata file


(Released: 2014-08-27)

Study: Occupational profile and overqualification of young workers in Canada

1991 to 2011

(Released: 2014-04-02)

General Social Survey: Caregiving


(Released: 2014-03-31)

Study: Gender differences in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science programs at university

(Released: 2013-12-18)

Study: Caregivers in Canada


(Released: 2013-09-10)

2011 National Household Survey: Immigration, place of birth, citizenship, ethnic origin, visible minorities, language and religion

(Released: 2013-05-08)

General Social Survey on Families


(Released: 2013-04-19)

Study: Social participation of full-time workers


(Released: 2013-04-02)

Violence against women


(Released: 2013-02-25)

Study: Leave practices of parents after the birth or adoption of young children

July 2012

(Released: 2012-07-30)

Canadian Social Trends

(Released: 2012-06-19)

Police service clearance rates

2010 (correction)

(Released: 2012-06-07)

Study: Employer support of volunteering


(Released: 2012-05-17)

Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating


(Released: 2012-05-04)

Study: Volunteering in Canada (previous release)


(Released: 2012-04-16)

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