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Homicide in Canada, 2011 [Highlights]
by Samuel Perreault
Release date: December 4, 2012
This Juristat article presents 2011 homicide data. Detailed information is presented on the characteristics of homicide incidents, victims and accused within the context of both short and long-term trends.
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[Daily release]
Youth correctional statistics in Canada, 2010/2011 [Highlights]
by Christopher Munch
Release date: October 11, 2012
This Juristat article provides a statistical overview of youth admitted to and released from custody and community services in Canada. Analysis is presented at the national as well as the provincial and territorial levels. Average counts, admissions, and the characteristics of youth in the correctional system (such as age, sex and Aboriginal identity) are discussed.
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[Daily release]
Adult correctional statistics in Canada, 2010/2011
by Mia Dauvergne
Release date: October 11, 2012
This Juristat article presents information on adults in custody and under community supervision in Canada. Short- and long-term trends are explored at both the national and provincial/territorial levels. As well, the characteristics of adults in the correctional system (such as their age, sex and Aboriginal identity) are discussed.
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Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2011 [Highlights]
by Shannon Brennan
Release date: July 24, 2012
This article presents findings from the 2011 Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. It examines overall trends in the volume and severity of crime for both violent and non-violent offences at the national, provincial/territorial, and census metropolitan area levels.
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[Daily release]
Police-reported clearance rates in Canada, 2010 [Highlights]
by Tina Hotton Mahony and John Turner
Release date: June 7, 2012
This Juristat examines the options available to police for clearing an incident, clearance rates by type of offence, trends over time, as well as variation in clearance rates across the provinces and territories and police services.
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[Daily release]
Adult criminal court statistics in Canada, 2010/2011 [Highlights]
by Mia Dauvergne
Release date: May 28, 2012
Using data from the adult component of the 2010/2011 Integrated Criminal Court Survey, this Juristat article presents information on the characteristics of criminal court cases involving adults.
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Youth court statistics in Canada, 2010/2011 [Highlights]
by Shannon Brennan
Release date: May 28, 2012
Using data from the youth component of the 2010/2011 Integrated Criminal Court Survey, this Juristat article examines trends in youth court cases.
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Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile, 2010 [Highlights]
by Maire Sinha
Release date: May 22, 2012
This Juristat article presents information on the prevalence and nature of family violence in Canada. It includes analysis of family violence overall, intimate partner violence, family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors.
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Police-reported hate crime in Canada, 2010 [Highlights]
by Cara Dowden and Shannon Brennan
Release date: April 12, 2012
This Juristat article presents data from the 2010 UCR2 Survey, the most up-to-date information available on the extent and nature of police-reported hate crime in Canada.
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Divorce cases in civil court, 2010/2011 [Highlights]
by Mary Bess Kelly
Release date: March 28, 2012
Using data from the Civil Court Survey, this Juristat article examines divorce cases within the civil court system in seven reporting provinces and territories.
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Interjurisdictional cases of spousal and child support, 2010/2011 [Highlights]
by Chantal Steeves
Release date: March 28, 2012
This Juristat article examines some key characteristics of the cases registered with a maintenance enforcement program. It focuses on a particularly challenging aspect of maintenance enforcement, which is the enforcement of interjurisdictional support order cases.
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Victimization of older Canadians, 2009 [Highlights]
by Shannon Brennan
Release date: March 8, 2012
Using data from the 2009 General Social Survey (GSS) on Victimization, this Juristat article examines trends in the victimization of older Canadians, namely those aged 55 and older.
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Victim services in Canada, 2009/2010 [Highlights]
by Christopher Munch
Release date: February 23, 2012
Drawing on results from the fourth cycle of the Victim Services Survey, this article presents a profile of victim services, including the types of victim service providers and the services offered.
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Criminal victimization in the territories, 2009 [Highlights]
by Samuel Perreault and Tina Hotton Mahony
Release date: January 26, 2012
Drawing on the 2009 GSS data, this Juristat article presents information on self-reported incidents of criminal victimization, including spousal violence, in the three territories.
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