Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile, 2010
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By Maire Sinha
- Highlights
- Section 1: Overview of family violence
- Section 2: Violence against intimate partners
- Section 3: Family violence against children and youth
- Section 4: Family violence against seniors
- Data sources
Each year since 1998, as part of the larger federal Family Violence Initiative,Note 1 Statistics Canada has released an annual report that examines the nature and extent of family violence in Canada. Along with other goals, the Initiative serves to promote public awareness of the risk factors associated with family violence and aims to enhance data collection, analysis, research and evaluation efforts that inform policies and programs.
The annual publication is designed to help monitor changes in family violence over time and identify emerging issues. Accordingly, each report presents trend data on the magnitude of the problem in Canada and profiles a different aspect of family violence. Previous annual reports have focused on such topics as stalking, criminal justice system responses to family violence, and shelters for abused women.
The special focus of this year's report is a comparative analysis of family violence incidents and other forms of violent crime. This analysis will help broaden the current understanding of the factors that make violence within the family a unique type of victimization.
- The Family Violence Initiative is a horizontal collaboration of 15 federal departments, agencies and Crown corporations.
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