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All (401)

All (401) (50 to 60 of 401 results)

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M2021016

    Using various sources of expenditure data, Statistics Canada, in partnership with the Bank of Canada, has estimated monthly adjusted consumer expenditure weights that reflect shifts in consumption patterns as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. The Adjusted price index has been updated to incorporate the 2020 basket weights and is now based on a Similarity-linked Fisher price index formula. The expenditure data cover all goods and services in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and provide snapshot estimates of expenditure weights for June, July, August and September 2021. These estimates can provide insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the headline CPI.

    Release date: 2021-11-10

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2021008

    A robust Internet typology is essential for monitoring how individuals are responding to the digital transformation and for assessing the divide between digital ‘haves’ and ‘have nots.’ Individuals’ capacities to use the Internet and digital technologies are an important aspect of this digital divide. Using data from the 2018 Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS), this study presents an Internet-use typology that is based on the range and complexity of online activities and digital skills that Canadians report they perform. Five Internet-user groups are identified.

    Release date: 2021-11-09

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2021005

    Using data from Statistics Canada's Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform, this study examines populations designated as visible minorities in the skilled trades. The labour market outcomes one year after certification of journeypersons designated as visible minorities, who received certificates in the skilled trades between 2008 and 2017, were compared with the outcomes of journeypersons who are not visible minorities.

    Release date: 2021-11-08

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2021006

    The COVID-19 pandemic had large impacts on those in the skilled trades, as these jobs often require hands-on and close-proximity interactions. Using data from the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform, this study examines the pandemic's impacts by investigating the proportion of journeypersons who received the CERB among those who certified between 2008 and 2019. By examining the proportions across trades, geography and population groups, this study can provide further insight into how the pandemic affected those in the skilled trades and how the impacts were different across trades and groups.

    Release date: 2021-11-08

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100010

    As part of processing for the 2021 Canadian Census, the write-in responses to 31 census questions must be coded. Up until, and including, 2016, this was a three stage process, including an “interactive (human) coding” step as the second stage. This human coding step is both lengthy and expensive, spanning many months and requiring the hiring and training of a large number of temporary employees. With this in mind, for 2021, this stage was either augmented with or replaced entirely by machine learning models using the "fastText" algorithm. This presentation will discuss the implementation of this algorithm and the challenges and decisions taken along the way.

    Key Words: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, fastText, Coding

    Release date: 2021-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100011
    Description: The ways in which AI may affect the world of official statistics are manifold and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is actively exploring how it can use AI within its societal role. The paper describes a number of AI-related areas where CBS is currently active: use of AI for its own statistics production and statistical R&D, the development of a national AI monitor, the support of other government bodies with expertise on fair data and fair algorithms, data sharing under safe and secure conditions, and engaging in AI-related collaborations.

    Key Words: Artificial Intelligence; Official Statistics; Data Sharing; Fair Algorithms; AI monitoring; Collaboration.

    Release date: 2021-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100012
    Description: The modernization of price statistics by National Statistical Offices (NSO) such as Statistics Canada focuses on the adoption of alternative data sources that include the near-universe of all products sold in the country, a scale that requires machine learning classification of the data. The process of evaluating classifiers to select appropriate ones for production, as well as monitoring classifiers once in production, needs to be based on robust metrics to measure misclassification. As commonly utilized metrics, such as the Fß-score may not take into account key aspects applicable to prices statistics in all cases, such as unequal importance of categories, a careful consideration of the metric space is necessary to select appropriate methods to evaluate classifiers. This working paper provides insight on the metric space applicable to price statistics and proposes an operational framework to evaluate and monitor classifiers, focusing specifically on the needs of the Canadian Consumer Prices Index and demonstrating discussed metrics using a publicly available dataset.

    Key Words: Consumer price index; supervised classification; evaluation metrics; taxonomy

    Release date: 2021-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100013
    Description: Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey (LFS) plays a fundamental role in the mandate of Statistics Canada. The labour market information provided by the LFS is among the most timely and important measures of the Canadian economy’s overall performance. An integral part of the LFS monthly data processing is the coding of respondent’s industry according to the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), occupation according to the National Occupational Classification System (NOC) and the Primary Class of Workers (PCOW). Each month, up to 20,000 records are coded manually. In 2020, Statistics Canada worked on developing Machine Learning models using fastText to code responses to the LFS questionnaire according to the three classifications mentioned previously. This article will provide an overview on the methodology developed and results obtained from a potential application of the use of fastText into the LFS coding process. 

    Key Words: Machine Learning; Labour Force Survey; Text classification; fastText.

    Release date: 2021-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100029

    In line with the path taken by the European Statistical System, Istat is investing on innovative methods to harness Big Data sources and to use them for the production of new and enriched Official Statistics products. Big Data sources are not, in general, directly tractable with traditional statistical techniques, just think of specific data types such as images and texts that are examples of the Variety dimension of Big Data. This motivates and justifies the growing interest of National Statistical Institutes in data science techniques. Istat is currently using data science techniques, including machine learning techniques, in innovation projects and for the publication of experimental statistics. This paper will provide an overview of the main current projects by Istat and will focus on two specific Big Data-based production pipelines, related to the processing of respectively text sources and imagery sources. The paper will highlight the main challenges these two pipelines and the solutions put in place to solve them.

    Key Words: Machine Learning; Text Processing; Image Processing; Big Data

    Release date: 2021-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 81-582-X2021003
    Description: The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) draws from a wide variety of data sources to provide information on the school-age population, elementary, secondary and postsecondary education, transitions, and labour market outcomes. PCEIP products include tables, fact sheets, reports and a methodological handbook. They present indicators for all of Canada, the provinces, the territories, as well as selected international comparisons and comparisons over time. The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) is an ongoing initiative of the Canadian Education Statistics Council, a partnership between Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada that provides a set of statistical measures on education systems in Canada.
    Release date: 2021-11-01
Stats in brief (145)

Stats in brief (145) (140 to 150 of 145 results)

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021003

    This infographic describes the main differences by gender in early career job mobility for young workers in Canada.

    Release date: 2021-01-27

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021002
    Description: This is an infographic about snowmobiling deaths. The results shown are based on data from the Canadian Coroner and Medical Examiner Database and the Canadian Vital Statistics: Death Database.
    Release date: 2021-01-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021006

    This infographic highlights some of the results of the 2019 Survey of Household Spending. It shows how Canadian households allocated their spending to various categories of goods and services. It also presents average spending on principal accommodation in selected Canadian cities. Finally, it shows how Internet access, and cell phone and landline use have changed over time.

    Release date: 2021-01-22

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202100100001

    This article examines the changes in the number of companies that filed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Corporations' Creditors Arrangement Act from 2006 to the third quarter of 2020. The analysis highlights the number of firms filing for creditor protection, as well as the financial position of these firms before the onset of the pandemic.

    Release date: 2021-01-18

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021001

    Crop Condition Assessment Program is essential to provide timely and reliable information for management decisions on agricultural land conditions across Canada on a weekly basic. This infographic summarizes the 2020 crop growing season by showing the crop conditions when the vegetation growing indice is at his summit across Canada. It also emphasizes the availability of the data on multiple open platforms.

    Release date: 2021-01-12
Articles and reports (254)

Articles and reports (254) (50 to 60 of 254 results)

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202101000003

    This study uses data from the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability to examine differences in educational experiences between women and men aged 15 to 34 with a disability. These experiences capture the difficulties that persons with disabilities reported encountering in school, such as limitations on learning, social exclusion, and a lack of accommodations.

    Release date: 2021-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202101000004

    This study used data from the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability to examine differences in work experiences between women and men aged 20 to 54 with a disability. These experiences capture the barriers that persons with disabilities reported encountering in their jobs, workplaces, and the labour market.

    Release date: 2021-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 82-625-X202100100004

    This document provides descriptive results of the muscle and bone density of the tibia. Descriptive results for lower limb muscle power and force are also presented.

    Release date: 2021-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 89-654-X2021002

    This factsheet provides accessibility-related findings from the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) that align with four of the seven priorities from the Accessible Canada Act (ACA). These priorities include transportation, built environment, information and communication technology (ICT) and employment. The results show some key differences in accessibility experiences by age group, sex, type of disability and severity of disability among persons with disabilities.

    Release date: 2021-10-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100005
    Description: The Permanent Census of Population and Housing is the new census strategy adopted in Italy in 2018: it is based on statistical registers combined with data collected through surveys specifically designed to improve registers quality and assure Census outputs. The register at the core of the Permanent Census is the Population Base Register (PBR), whose main administrative sources are the Local Population Registers. The population counts are determined correcting the PBR data with coefficients based on the coverage errors estimated with surveys data, but the need for additional administrative sources clearly emerged while processing the data collected with the first round of Permanent Census. The suspension of surveys due to global-pandemic emergency, together with a serious reduction in census budget for next years, makes more urgent a change in estimation process so to use administrative data as the main source. A thematic register has been set up to exploit all the additional administrative sources: knowledge discovery from this database is essential to extract relevant patterns and to build new dimensions called signs of life, useful for population estimation. The availability of the collected data of the two first waves of Census offers a unique and valuable set for statistical learning: association between surveys results and ‘signs of life’ could be used to build classification model to predict coverage errors in PBR. This paper present the results of the process to produce ‘signs of life’ that proved to be significant in population estimation.

    Key Words: Administrative data; Population Census; Statistical Registers; Knowledge discovery from databases.

    Release date: 2021-10-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100006

    In the context of its "admin-first" paradigm, Statistics Canada is prioritizing the use of non-survey sources to produce official statistics. This paradigm critically relies on non-survey sources that may have a nearly perfect coverage of some target populations, including administrative files or big data sources. Yet, this coverage must be measured, e.g., by applying the capture-recapture method, where they are compared to other sources with good coverage of the same populations, including a census. However, this is a challenging exercise in the presence of linkage errors, which arise inevitably when the linkage is based on quasi-identifiers, as is typically the case. To address the issue, a new methodology is described where the capture-recapture method is enhanced with a new error model that is based on the number of links adjacent to a given record. It is applied in an experiment with public census data.

    Key Words: dual system estimation, data matching, record linkage, quality, data integration, big data.

    Release date: 2021-10-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100007
    Description: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) annually administers the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) to assess practice characteristics and ambulatory care provided by office-based physicians in the United States, including interviews with sampled physicians. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, NCHS adapted NAMCS methodology to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on office-based physicians, including: shortages of personal protective equipment; COVID-19 testing in physician offices; providers testing positive for COVID-19; and telemedicine use during the pandemic. This paper describes challenges and opportunities in administering the 2020 NAMCS and presents key findings regarding physician experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Key Words: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS); Office-based physicians; Telemedicine; Personal protective equipment.

    Release date: 2021-10-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100015
    Description: National statistical agencies such as Statistics Canada have a responsibility to convey the quality of statistical information to users. The methods traditionally used to do this are based on measures of sampling error. As a result, they are not adapted to the estimates produced using administrative data, for which the main sources of error are not due to sampling. A more suitable approach to reporting the quality of estimates presented in a multidimensional table is described in this paper. Quality indicators were derived for various post-acquisition processing steps, such as linkage, geocoding and imputation, by estimation domain. A clustering algorithm was then used to combine domains with similar quality levels for a given estimate. Ratings to inform users of the relative quality of estimates across domains were assigned to the groups created. This indicator, called the composite quality indicator (CQI), was developed and experimented with in the Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP), which aims to produce official statistics on the residential housing sector in Canada using multiple administrative data sources.

    Keywords: Unsupervised machine learning, quality assurance, administrative data, data integration, clustering.

    Release date: 2021-10-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100016
    Description: To build data capacity and address the U.S. opioid public health emergency, the National Center for Health Statistics received funding for two projects. The projects involve development of algorithms that use all available structured and unstructured data submitted for the 2016 National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) to enhance identification of opioid-involvement and the presence of co-occurring disorders (coexistence of a substance use disorder and a mental health issue). A description of the algorithm development process is provided, and lessons learned from integrating data science methods like natural language processing to produce official statistics are presented. Efforts to make the algorithms and analytic datafiles accessible to researchers are also discussed.

    Key Words: Opioids; Co-Occurring Disorders; Data Science; Natural Language Processing; Hospital Care

    Release date: 2021-10-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X202100100017
    Description: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic required the Government of Canada to provide relevant and timely information to support decision-making around a host of issues, including personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement and deployment. Our team built a compartmental epidemiological model from an existing code base to project PPE demand under a range of epidemiological scenarios. This model was further enhanced using data science techniques, which allowed for the rapid development and dissemination of model results to inform policy decisions.

    Key Words: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Epidemiological model; Data science; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); SEIR

    Release date: 2021-10-22
Journals and periodicals (2)

Journals and periodicals (2) ((2 results))

  • Journals and periodicals: 82-625-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Health fact sheets will include short, focused, single-theme analysis documents. Over the course of the series, analysis will include topics on: Health conditions, lifestyle, well-being, disability, prevention and detection of disease, deaths, pregnancy and birth, health care services and environmental factors.
    Release date: 2021-10-27

  • Journals and periodicals: 91-209-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada analyses recent demographic patterns at the national, provincial and subprovincial levels. Trends in population growth and the evolution of the various components of Canada's population growth - fertility, mortality and migration (interprovincial and international) - as well as marital status, are examined. The Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada has been published annually or biennially since 1985. Beginning in 2011, the Report is available as a dynamic, internet-only publication in order to provide the most recent data and analyses on Canadian demographics as soon as they are available.

    Release date: 2021-07-14
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