Languages used at work

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Selected geographical area: Canada

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Selected geographical area: Prince Edward Island

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Selected geographical area: Nova Scotia

Selected geographical area: New Brunswick

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Selected geographical area: New Brunswick

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Selected geographical area: Quebec

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Selected geographical area: Ontario

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Selected geographical area: Manitoba

Selected geographical area: Saskatchewan

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Selected geographical area: Saskatchewan

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Selected geographical area: Alberta

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Selected geographical area: British Columbia

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All (206)

All (206) (0 to 10 of 206 results)

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2024004
    Description: This report explores the statistical and analytical potential of information on the language-related characteristics of occupations provided by the Occupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS). OaSIS is an information system developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) which provides detailed information on occupations. The report identifies and explores a series of descriptors of occupations related to skills, work activities and work contexts that have a language- or communication-related aspect. These descriptors of occupations are used to enrich data from the 2021 Census.
    Release date: 2024-08-07

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202422037988
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-08-07

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202400100002
    Description: Using 2021 Census data, this article examines the link between working from home and the languages used at work. It focuses on three Census metropolitan areas (CMAs) of Moncton, Montréal and Ottawa–Gatineau—three regions where both English and French are used widely at work.
    Release date: 2024-01-31

  • Table: 98-10-0363-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census division
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Other language(s) used regularly at work (10), Language spoken most often at home (9), Place of work census division (296), Language used most often at work (9)
    Description: Data on language used most often at work by other language(s) used regularly at work, language spoken most often at home and place of work census division for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households of Canada, provinces and territories and census divisions.
    Release date: 2023-10-04

  • Table: 98-10-0523-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census division
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Other language(s) used regularly at work (10), First official language spoken (5), Place of work census division (296), Statistics (3), Language used most often at work (9)
    Description: Data on language used most often at work by other language(s) used regularly at work, first official language spoken and place of work census division for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households of Canada, provinces and territories and census divisions.
    Release date: 2023-10-04

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023015
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in New Brunswick in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023016
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the English language in Quebec in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in English, whose first official language spoken is English, whose mother tongue is English, and who speak English at home or use English at work. In addition, it contains information on English-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on English spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is English. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023017
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Ontario in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023011
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Manitoba in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023012
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Saskatchewan in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19
Data (156)

Data (156) (10 to 20 of 156 results)

  • Table: 42-10-0048-12
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Proportion of centre-based, licensed home-based and unlicensed home-based child care businesses by languages spoken by centre employees and home-based providers with children and parents in Manitoba.
    Release date: 2023-03-30

  • Table: 42-10-0049-12
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Proportion of centre-based, licensed home-based and unlicensed home-based child care businesses by languages spoken by centre employees and home-based providers with children and parents in Saskatchewan.
    Release date: 2023-03-30

  • Table: 42-10-0050-12
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Proportion of centre-based, licensed home-based and unlicensed home-based child care businesses by languages spoken by centre employees and home-based providers with children and parents in Alberta.
    Release date: 2023-03-30

  • Table: 42-10-0051-12
    Geography: Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Proportion of centre-based, licensed home-based and unlicensed home-based child care businesses by languages spoken by centre employees and home-based providers with children and parents in British Columbia.
    Release date: 2023-03-30

  • Table: 42-10-0052-12
    Geography: Geographical region of Canada
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Proportion of centre-based, licensed home-based and unlicensed home-based child care businesses by languages spoken by centre employees and home-based providers with children and parents in the Territories.
    Release date: 2023-03-30

  • Table: 98-10-0530-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration part
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Employment income statistics (7), Knowledge of official languages (5), Other language(s) used regularly at work (10), Highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), Immigrant status (4), Labour force status (2), Statistics (3), Language used most often at work (9)
    Description: Data on language used most often at work by employment income statistics, knowledge of official languages, other language(s) used regularly at work, highest certificate, diploma or degree, immigrant status and labour force status for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households of Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Table: 98-10-0531-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration part
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Other language(s) used regularly at work (10), Industry - Groups - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017 (427), Knowledge of official languages (5), Labour force status (2), Statistics (3), Language used most often at work (9)
    Description: Data on language used most often at work by other language(s) used regularly at work, industry groups - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017, knowledge of official languages and labour force status for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households of Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Table: 98-10-0532-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Other language(s) used regularly at work (10), Occupation - Unit group - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 (820), Knowledge of official languages (5), Labour force status (2), Statistics (3), Language used most often at work (9)
    Description: Data on language used most often at work by other language(s) used regularly at work, occupation - unit group - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021, knowledge of official languages and labour force status for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households of Canada, provinces and territories and census metropolitan areas with parts.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Table: 98-10-0575-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census subdivision, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Long-form data quality indicators – Language of work (4)
    Description: Data on long-form data quality indicators for 2021 Census language of work content, Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and census subdivisions.
    Release date: 2023-02-08

  • Table: 98-10-0576-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory, Census division, Census subdivision
    Frequency: Occasional
    Universe: Population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2020, in private households, 2021 Census — 25% Sample data
    Variable list: Long-form data quality indicators – Language of work (4)
    Description: Data on long-form data quality indicators for 2021 Census language of work content, Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions.
    Release date: 2023-02-08
Analysis (44)

Analysis (44) (0 to 10 of 44 results)

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2024004
    Description: This report explores the statistical and analytical potential of information on the language-related characteristics of occupations provided by the Occupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS). OaSIS is an information system developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) which provides detailed information on occupations. The report identifies and explores a series of descriptors of occupations related to skills, work activities and work contexts that have a language- or communication-related aspect. These descriptors of occupations are used to enrich data from the 2021 Census.
    Release date: 2024-08-07

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202422037988
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2024-08-07

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X202400100002
    Description: Using 2021 Census data, this article examines the link between working from home and the languages used at work. It focuses on three Census metropolitan areas (CMAs) of Moncton, Montréal and Ottawa–Gatineau—three regions where both English and French are used widely at work.
    Release date: 2024-01-31

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023015
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in New Brunswick in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023016
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the English language in Quebec in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in English, whose first official language spoken is English, whose mother tongue is English, and who speak English at home or use English at work. In addition, it contains information on English-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on English spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is English. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023017
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Ontario in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023011
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Manitoba in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023012
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Saskatchewan in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023013
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in Alberta in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2023014
    Description: This fact sheet offers an overview of the situation of the French language in British Columbia in 2021, along with certain trends observed since 1991. It provides information on the changes in the number and proportion of people in the population who can conduct a conversation in French, whose first official language spoken is French, whose mother tongue is French, and who speak French at home or use French at work. In addition, it contains information on French-language instruction in elementary and secondary schools, on French spoken among recent and established immigrants, as well as on the mobility and place of birth of individuals whose first official language spoken is French. This fact sheet is based on data from the 1991 to 2021 censuses of population, together with the 2011 National Household Survey.
    Release date: 2023-07-19
Reference (4)

Reference (4) ((4 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021027
    Description: This video provides basic information on the census questions on languages used at work and the main concepts and variables derived from them. It explains the concepts of languages used at work, language used most often at work and other languages used regularly at work. It also helps you understand the changes to the questions since the last census and the impact on historical comparability of this data.
    Release date: 2022-11-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-501-X2016010

    The Language of work Release and concepts overview provides an overview of the concepts, definitions and key measures used in the 2016 Census of Population Language of work release, as well as the products which will be available on release day and later.

    Release date: 2017-10-04

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5055
    Description: The purpose of this survey is to determine the official language preference of the clients of various government departments. The data will allow the department to decide if they need to provide services to clients in the minority language according to the rules of the Official Languages Act.

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 5134
    Description: The survey is sponsored by the Office of the Official Language Commissioner (OCOL). As part of its mandate, the OCOL reviews the use of both official languages in federal institutions. The evaluation is done for employees in a minority situation (i.e., English in Quebec and French in New Brunswick and in bilingual areas of Ontario).
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