Canadian Compulsory School Laws and Their Impact on Educational Attainment and Future Earnings - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11F0019M2005251


Compulsory school laws have existed in Canada for more than a hundred years, and policies to mandate further education continue to be discussed. This paper examines the impact of these laws on education attainment and on subsequent social economic outcomes for individuals compelled to stay in school. The findings indicate that mandating education substantially increased adult income and substantially decreased the likelihood of being below the low income cut-off, unemployed, and in a manual occupation. Considering possible costs incurred while attending school, these findings suggest compulsory schooling legislation was effective in generating large lifetime gains to would-be-dropouts.

Issue Number: 2005251
Author(s): Oreopoulos, Phil
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMay 19, 2005